BioNoise Main Research Page
Historical In Situ Data
- World Ocean Database (WOD): Biological Profiles
- February 2019 and January-February-March 2019: Chl-a Profiles
- Historical February Data: O2, Chl-a, Alkalinity, NO2, pH, PO4, and SiO3 Profiles
Synoptic Data
- ADEON Lander Species Calls (4 Landers, Hourly Data by Species)
- Data of Opportunity:
- Argo T/S Profiles: Daily Locations and Data for February 2019
- NDBC Buoys: Locations and Data for February 2019
- Spray Gliders: Locations and Data for February 1 to March 15, 2019
- Oleander XBT Profiles: Late January 2019 Cruise Sections
- Multi-satellite Composite SST: MetOffice/CMEMS OSTIA SST Analysis (Daily 0.05°): February 2019
- Multi-satellite SSH: AVISO (DUACS-processed Reprocessed; Source: CMEMS):
- Along-Track ADT (a.k.a. Total SSH; Filtered)
All track data has no tides and is 7km apart
- Gridded ADT (0.25° resolution)
OI-mapped product included for reference.
- Multi-sensor Satellite SSC (Chl-a concentration): DINEOF global 9km gap-filled Chlorophyll-a, daily for February 2019
- CODAR HF Radar (from HFRnet) 6km gridded velocity: Hourly snapshots for February 2019
MSEAS-PE Forcing (NCEP CFS 0.2° hourly resolution, February 2019)
- Daily average wind stress, E-P, heat flux, and SW Radiation (from 0Z forecast each day)
- Flux snapshot plots (one forecast issued daily)
- Forecast snapshot plots
HYCOM Model Fields
- HYCOM surface velocity fields (daily for February 2019)
- Remaining HYCOM fields processed for MSEAS-PE initialization