Calypso Modeling Projects
CALYPSO is an ONR Departmental Research Initiative that addresses the challenge of observing, understanding and predicting the three-dimensional pathways by which water from the surface ocean makes its way into the deeper ocean. Here, we describe the CALYPSO research projects that have a dominant modeling research component.
MSEAS Research Group - MITPierre Lermusiaux, Manan Doshi, Patrick Haley, Chris Mirabito
SOCIB - IMEDEA (UIB-CSIC), SpainBaptiste Mourre, Maximo Garcia-Jove, Jaime Hernandez-Lasheras, Alex Santana, Eugenio Cutolo, Nikolaos Zarakanellos, John Allen, Joaquín Tintoré
UC San DiegoSutanu Sarkar
UCLA, UCARJames McWilliams and Peter Sullivan
University of DelawareHelga Huntley and Denny Kirwan
Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionLarry Pratt and Irina Rypina
Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionRuth Musgrave
MITThomas Peacock
Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionAmala Mahadevan, Mara Freilich, Mathieu Dever
Northeastern UniversityMichael Allshouse