Presentations (In Powerpoint and PDF [except McManus])
Bellingham Introduction and Agenda
[PDF Version]
Bellingham MARS Overview
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Chandler Skill Metrics
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Chao ROMS Modeling
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Chavez AOSN-II Observations
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Chavez IOOS
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Davis Scripps Glider Observations
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Fratantoni WHOI Glider Operations
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Gangopadhyay Feature Models
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Leonard Coordinated Control
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Majumdar Ensemble Generation
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Marsden Lagrangian Coherent Structures
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McManus Hydrography and Currents [PDF Only]
McManus CIMT
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Paduan Surface Current Mapping
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Ramp Aircraft Observations
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Robinson/Lermusiaux HOPS Modeling
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Ryan Process Studies
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Shulman ICON Modeling
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