Prestige OilSpill: (23/11-30/11/2002) ,(CLIMA+SEFOS) November 6 IHFRMT : input hydrography file format (see below) 2 ICLIMA : option to compute mean fields (see below) 6 ICFRMT : input climatology file format (see below) 0 COORD : grid: [0] Cartesian, [1] spherical, [2] rotated spherical 147 IM : number of points in the zonal direction 134 JM : number of points in the meridional direction 5.0 DX : zonal grid spacing (km or degrees) 5.0 DY : meridional grid spacing (km or degrees) -10.5 CLNG : domain centroid longitude (degrees) 43.0 CLAT : domain centroid latitude (degrees) 0.0 DELX : X-offset from transformation point to grid center. (km or deg) 0.0 DELY : Y-offset from transformation point to grid center. (km or deg) 0.0 THETAD : domain rotation (degrees, positive counterclockwise from EAST) 2000 ROUT : outlier radius (km), observations. outside ROUT are rejected 0 METHOD : [0] direct: LU decomposition, [1] minimization: CG 1 ICORR : type of analytical correlation (see below) 100.0 XZERO : correlation, zonal zero crossing (km) 100.0 YZERO : correlation, meridional zero crossing (km) 50.0 XDCAY : zonal decorrelation (decay) scale (km) 50.0 YDCAY : meridional decorrelation (decay) scale (km) 1000.0 TDCAY : temporal decorrelation (decay) scale (days) 0 UPHSE : correlation, zonal phase speed (km/day) 0 VPHSE : correlation, meridional phase speed (km/day) 0 CORANG : correlation, rotation angle (deg) counterclockwise from EAST 200.0 XZEROM : MEAN - correlation, zonal zero crossing (km) 200.0 YZEROM : MEAN - correlation, meridional zero crossing (km) 100.0 XDCAYM : MEAN - zonal decorrelation (decay) scale (km) 100.0 YDCAYM : MEAN - meridional decorrelation (decay) scale (km) 1000.0 TDCAYM : MEAN - temporal decorrelation (decay) scale (days) 0 UPHSEM : MEAN - correlation, zonal phase speed (km/day) 0 VPHSEM : MEAN - correlation, meridional phase speed (km/day) 0 CORANGM: MEAN - correlation, rotation angle (deg) from EAST 0.10 OBSERR : observation error (value to add to correlation matrix diagonal) 0.20 CLMERR : climatology error (value to add to correlation matrix diagonal) 2 NORD : order to of Shapiro filter to apply to each OA field 0 NFRQ : number of times to Shapiro filter the field (0 no filtering) 3 NFLD : number of fields to OA 2,3,4 IDFLD : field(s) type to OA, IDFLD(1),...,IDFLD(NFLD), (see ID below) 3 IDHOPT : dynamic height option: [0] no, [1,2,3,4] yes (see below) 2000.0 ZREF : level of no motion (in meters) for dynamic height computation 1 NDAY : number of days to OA. Line below, OADAY(1),...,OADAY(NDAY) 12604.0 49 NLEV : number of depth levels to OA. Line below, depth(s) in meters: 0.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 120.0 140.0 160.0 180.0 200.0 220.0 240.0 260.0 280.0 300.0 330.0 360.0 390.0 430.0 470.0 510.0 550.0 600.0 650.0 700.0 750.0 800.0 900.0 1000.0 1200.0 1400.0 1600.0 1800.0 2000.0 2400.0 2800.0 3200.0 3700.0 4200.0 5000.0 5500.0 1 IGRIDS : flag to read in GRIDS NetCDF file: [0] no, [1] yes 0 IWRT : flag to write out verbose output: [0] no, [1] yes oag_ini_oil.echo /home/projects2/OilSpill2002/Data/Synoptic/Joao/ctd001-199_wgl.mods /home/projects2/OilSpill2002/Data/Climo/GDEM/gdem_nov_ltd.mods /home/projects2/OilSpill2002/Grids/Oil05km/ *** Above FILENAMES: 1st line: output (NetCDF) objectively analyzed field(s) 2nd line: output (ascii) objective analysis information 3nd line: input hydrographic data 4th line: input climatological data 5th line: input GRIDS NetCDF file *** IHFRMT, ICFRMT: input file types: [0] unformatted: depth, temperature, salinity, dynamic height [1] unformatted: depth, temperature and salinity (CTD,XCTD) [2] unformatted: depth and temperature (XBT,AXBT) [3] unformatted: depth and dynamic height [4] unformatted: depth and any oceanic field [5] unformatted: any field (a single value; NHPTS=NHVAR=1) [6] formatted: HOPS hydrography ASCII format NOTE: the read statement for options 0 to 5 is as follows: read (iunit) castid, hlat, hlng, jday, itime read (iunit) nhpts, ((fields(i,j),i=nhvar),j=1,nhpts) If IHFRMT=5, the following parameters are reset internally: NFLD=1, IDFLD(1)=0, NDAY=1, OADAY(1)=0, NLEV=1, Z(1)=-9. *** ICLIMA: mean field computation option [0] OAed mean field from hydrographic observations only [1] OAed mean field from climatologic observations only [2] OAed mean field using both hydrographic and climatologic observations [3] Use global observation mean (a single value) NOTE: user must provide climatology file when using ICLIMA=1,2,3. For very sparse hydrographic data, it is recommended to use both hydrographic data and climatological data (e.g. Levitus, Bauer and Robinson, etc.) when computing mean fields. Climatology data is a more oceanographically correct field than any extrapolation of data to places of no observations. In dynamically active regions, the melding of hydrographic and climatological data to compute mean fields is like assuming non-stationary statistics for the mean. *** IDFLD: field types to objectively analyze: [0] generic oceanic field [1] pressure (depth) [2] temperature [3] salinity [4] dynamic height [5] density [6] sigma-t [7] sound speed *** ICORR: analytical correlation option: [1] Rotated or non-rotated, time displaced or not, Cartesian or spherical, isotropic (symmetric: circular) or anisotropic (asymmetric: elliptical) Gaussian correlation C(Xj,Yj,Tj,Xi,Yi,Ti) = ( 1 - a2 ) * EXP ( b2 + c2 ) where a2 = Rx^2 / xzero^2 + Ry^2 / yzero^2 b2 = - 0.5 * ( Rx^2 / xdcay^2 + Ry^2 / ydcay^2 ) c2 = - 0.5 * delt^2 / tdcay^2 Rx = xp * cos(phi) + yp * sin(phi) + delt * uphse Ry = yp * cos(phi) - xp * sin(phi) + delt * vphse phi = corang - thetad delt = Tj - Ti if Cartesian xp = Xj - Xi yp = Yj - Yi if spherical r = gcircle (Xj,Yj,Xi,Yi,dist,bearing) xp = dist*cos(bearing) yp = dist*sin(bearing) *** Correlation displacement speeds UPHSE and VPHSE are aligned with the correlation axes rotated by CORANG. *** XZEROM, YZEROM, XDCAYM, YDCAYM and TDCAYM correlation scales are only used to compute the mean fields. It is recommended to use values larger than the ones (XZERO,YZERO,XDCAY,YDCAY,TDCAY) used in the objective analysis interpolation. *** IDHOPT: Dynamic height computation option. This computation is only possible when pressure (or depth), temperature, and salinity are available at input (IHFRMT=0,1) and when requested with IDFLD=4. [0] DO NOT compute [1] integrate specific volume anomaly from ZREF to the surface [2] integrate specific volume anomaly from ZREF to the bottom [3] integrate in both [1] and [2] directions [4] integrate specific volume anomaly from the surface to the local bottom of the hydrographic profile. If dynamic height is provided at input (IHFRMT=3) and its interpolation is requested (IDFLD=4), set IDHOPT=0. *** NDAY can be used for statistical forecasting. If only one objective analysis is desired set NDAY=1 and if, in addition, it is desired to be centered at the mean observations time, set OADAY=0 (line below NDAY). *** The OADAY should be consisted with input data. For instance, Julian day or year day. *** The IWRT flag, when turned on, writes into the echo file a message every time that there are insufficient influential observations or every time that the interpolation is unsuccessful because a poor conditioned local covariance matrix. The mean field value is assigned at that particular interpolation point, if either of these two problems occur.