Run parameter comparison.

 HOPS ICONAction Item
Horizontal Diffusivity
Shapiro filter:
8,1,1 Tracers
4,1,1 Velocity
2,2,1 Vorticity
Smagorinsky formula with coefficient=0.1 in both momentum and tracer equationsNeed to determine the comparision between Shapiro & Smagorinsky
Vertical Diffusivity Pacanowski & Philander scheme in the background, with modified values in mixed layer & unstable regions
 UTRi Factor
Mellor-Ymada 2.5 closure schemeNeed to determine the comparision between these schemes
Surface Fluxes
Wind Stress
Net Heat
Wind Stress
Net Heat
Shortwave Radiation
ICON details in "the Continental Shelf Research paper (2002)". Examine this paper
Bottom Stress:0.0025
Bottom Friction:T=14400s,
D=6 levels
"At the bottom, I used standard law of wall condition with roughness parameter = 0.01 and min value of bottom friction = 0.0025. You can find this condition in Blumberg and Mellor, 1987 paper." Examine this paper
Time step 300 seconds
Baroclinic:225 seconds
Barotropic:4.5 seconds
Vertical grid Double sigma, 20 levels Single sigma, 30 levels. Igor has provided the level distribution. Igor's levels appear to include the ocean surface and bottom. Confirm this.