subroutine addtide (upe,vpe,utide,vtide,ucombo,vcombo) c c======================================================================= c === c This routine combines the velocity compute by the PE model with === c the tidal velocity. === c === c ------ === c Input: === c ------ === c === c UPE Zonal component of PE velocity. (cm/s) === c VPE Meridional component of PE velocity. (cm/s) === c UTIDE Zonal component of tidal velocity. (cm/s) === c VTIDE Meridional component of tidal velocity. (cm/s) === c === c ------- === c Output: === c ------- === c === c UCOMBO Zonal component of combined velocity. (cm/s) === c VCOMBO Meridional component of combined velocity. (cm/s) === c === c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define global data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c #include #include #include c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define local data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c integer i,k FLOAT * upe(imt,km),ucombo(imt,km),utide(imt,km), * vpe(imt,km),vcombo(imt,km),vtide(imt,km) c c======================================================================= c Begin executable code. c======================================================================= c do 10 k = 1, km do 10 i = 1, imt ucombo(i,k) = upe(i,k) + utide(i,k) vcombo(i,k) = vpe(i,k) + vtide(i,k) 10 continue c return end