subroutine bioparm c c======================================================================= c === c This routine reads in the control parameters for the biological === c module. This particular version reads the parameters for the === c Anderson model (CPP option "bioAnder") === c === c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define global data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c #include #include #include #include #include c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define local data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c integer i,icard,ios,lenstr integer lnblk c c======================================================================= c Begin executable code. c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Open input file for Anderson biological Model. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c lenstr = lnblk (bparnam,len(bparnam)) open (bioinp, file=bparnam(1:lenstr), form='formatted', * status='old', iostat=ios) if ( then write (stdout,900) bparnam(1:lenstr) call exitus ('BIOPARM') end if c write(stdout,1060) c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Read in input parameters for Anderson biological Model. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c read (bioinp,*,iostat=ios) icard c do 20 while ((ios.eq.0) .and. ( .and. ( c if (icard.eq.1) then read (bioinp,*,iostat=ios) attphy,parfrac if (ios.eq.0) then write (stdout,1070) attphy,parfrac attphy=attphy*cm2m end if c elseif (icard.eq.2) then read(bioinp,*,iostat=ios) photorm,photor0,photoinh if (ios.eq.0) then write(stdout,1080) photorm,photor0,photoinh photorm=photorm*sec2day end if c elseif (icard.eq.3) then read (bioinp,*,iostat=ios) hsno3,hsnh4,no3inh if (ios.eq.0) write (stdout,1090) hsno3,hsnh4,no3inh c elseif (icard.eq.4) then read (bioinp,*,iostat=ios) phylr1,phylr2 if (ios.eq.0) then write(stdout,1100) phylr1,phylr2 phylr1=phylr1*sec2day phylr2=phylr2*sec2day end if c elseif (icard.eq.5) then read (bioinp,*,iostat=ios) grazrm,civlev,zooexcn,zooexcd if (ios.eq.0) then write(stdout,1110) grazrm,civlev,zooexcn,zooexcd grazrm=grazrm*sec2day end if c elseif (icard.eq.6) then read (bioinp,*,iostat=ios) zoolr1,zoolr2,zoolf1,zoolf2 if (ios.eq.0) then write (stdout,1120) zoolr1,zoolr2,zoolf1,zoolf2 zoolr1=zoolr1*sec2day zoolr2=zoolr2*sec2day end if c elseif (icard.eq.7) then read (bioinp,*,iostat=ios) wsnkphy,wsnkdet,fracrmn if (ios.eq.0) then write (stdout,1130) wsnkphy,wsnkdet,fracrmn wsnkphy=wsnkphy*sec2day*m2cm wsnkdet=wsnkdet*sec2day*m2cm end if c elseif (icard.eq.8) then read (bioinp,*,iostat=ios) remnnh4,remndet if (ios.eq.0) then write (stdout,1140) remnnh4,remndet remnnh4=remnnh4*sec2day remndet=remndet*sec2day end if c elseif (icard.eq.9) then read (bioinp,*,iostat=ios) biopos if (ios.eq.0) write (stdout,1150) biopos #if !defined codunlim & !defined codlim c elseif (icard.eq.10) then read (bioinp,*,iostat=ios) (ibiout(i),i=1,8) end if # else c elseif (icard.eq.10) then read (bioinp,*,iostat=ios) cdzmin,cdzmax,cdkz,cdkp,cdtmin, & cdtmax,cdkt,cdspd,cdwmax if (ios.eq.0) then # ifdef codunlim write (stdout,1160) cdzmin,cdzmax,cdkz,cdkp,cdtmin, * cdtmax,cdkt,cdwmax # else write (stdout,1160) cdzmin,cdzmax,cdkz,cdkp,cdtmin, * cdtmax,cdkt,cdspd,cdwmax # endif cdzmin = cdzmin*m2cm cdzmax = cdzmax*m2cm end if c elseif (icard.eq.11) then read (bioinp,*,iostat=ios) (ibiout(i),i=1,9) end if #endif c if (ios.eq.0) read (bioinp,*,iostat=ios) icard 20 continue c if ( then write (stdout,910) icard call exitus ('BIOPARM') endif c return c 900 format (/' BIOPARM - could not find input file: ',a) 910 format (/' BIOPARM - read error at or near biological input card:' & ,1x,i4) 1060 format(/' Biological model input parameters:'/) 1070 format( * f10.4,' ATTPHY phytoplankton light attenuation scale ', * '(liter umoles-1 m-1)'/ * f10.4,' PARFRAC fraction of shortwave radiation that is ', * 'PAR (nondim)') 1080 format( * f10.4,' PHOTORM maximum photosynthetic rate (1/day)'/ * f10.4,' PHOTOR0 initial slope of photosynthesic light ', * 'response (cm^2/cal)'/ * f10.4,' PHOTOINH photoinhibition response (cm^2/cal)') 1090 format( * f10.4,' HSNO3 half saturation constant for nitrate uptake ', * '(umoles/l)'/ * f10.4,' HSNH4 half saturation constant for ammonium uptake ' * ,'(umoles/l)'/ * f10.4,' NO3INH strength of NH4 inhibition of NO3 ', * 'uptake (l/umoles)') 1100 format( * f10.4,' PHYLR1 linear phytoplankton mortality rate (1/day)'/ * f10.4,' PHYLR2 quadratic phytoplankton mortality rate ', * '(1/day l/umoles)') 1110 format( * f10.4,' GRAZRM maximum zooplankton grazing rate ', * '(1/day)'/0p, * f10.4,' CIVLEV Ivlev phytoplankton grazing constant ', * '(l/umoles)'/ * f10.4,' ZOOEXCN heterotroph ammonium excretion fraction ', * '(nondimensional)'/ * f10.4,' ZOOEXCD heterotroph detritus excretion fraction ', * '(nondimensional)') 1120 format( * f10.4,' ZOOLR1 linear heterotrophic loss rate (1/s)'/ * f10.4,' ZOOLR2 quadratic heterotrophic loss rate ', * '(1/day l/umoles)'/0p, * f10.4,' ZOOLF1 fraction of linear heterotroph loss ', * 'to detritus (nondim)'/ * f10.4,' ZOOLF2 fraction of quadratic heterotroph loss ', * 'to detritus (nondim)') 1130 format( * f10.4,' WSNKPHY phytoplankton sinking rate (positive down; ', * 'm/day)'/ * f10.4,' WSNKDET detritus sinking rate (positive down; ', * 'm/day)'/ * f10.4,' FRACRMN fraction of flux sinking out the bottom ', * 'that remineralizes (nondim)') 1140 format( * f10.4,' REMNNH4 NH4 remineralization (nitrification) ', * 'timescale (1/day)'/ * f10.4,' REMNDET detritus remineralization ', * 'timescale (1/day)') 1150 format( * 4x,i6,' BIOPOS switch to enforce non-negative biological ', * 'tracers') #if defined codunlim 1160 format( *1pe10.3,' CDZMIN Cod minimum preferred depth (m)'/ *1pe10.3,' CDZMAX Cod maximum preferred depth (m)'/ *1pe10.3,' CDKZ Cod response to depth coefficient (cm/s)'/ *1pe10.3,' CDKP Cod response to prey coefficient ', * '(cm^2 l)/(s umole N)'/ *1pe10.3,' CDTMIN Cod minimum preferred temperature (deg C)'/ *1pe10.3,' CDTMAX Cod maximum preferred temperature (deg C)'/ *1pe10.3,' CDKT Cod response to temperature coefficient ', * 'cm^2/[s (deg C)^2]'/ *1pe10.3,' CDWMAX Cod maximum vertical swimming speed (cm/s)') # elif defined codlim 1160 format( *1pe10.3,' CDZMIN Cod minimum preferred depth (m)'/ *1pe10.3,' CDZMAX Cod maximum preferred depth (m)'/ *1pe10.3,' CDKZ Cod response to depth coefficient (nondim)'/ *1pe10.3,' CDKP Cod response to prey coefficient ', * '(cm l)/(umole N)'/ *1pe10.3,' CDTMIN Cod minimum preferred temperature (deg C)'/ *1pe10.3,' CDTMAX Cod maximum preferred temperature (deg C)'/ *1pe10.3,' CDKT Cod response to temperature coefficient ', * 'cm/(deg C)^2'/ *1pe10.3,' CDSPD Cod maximum swimming speed (cm/s)'/ *1pe10.3,' CDWMAX Cod maximum vertical swimming speed (cm/s)') #endif c end