block data blkdat c c======================================================================= c === c Sub-program to initialize some variables and arrays in named === c common blocks when the ANALYTICAL option is activated. === c === c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define global data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef analytical # include # include # include #endif #ifdef ldrifters # include #endif #include #include #ifdef peprf # include # include #endif #if defined oias & defined fcsterr # include #endif #if defined bioMcGillic | defined bioFasham | defined bioAnder | defined bioDuse # include #endif #if defined analytical | defined peprf | (defined oias & defined fcsterr ) c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define local data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c #endif #ifdef analytical integer profpts parameter (profpts=mprof*3) #endif #ifdef peprf integer prfpts parameter (prfpts=(mnbprf+1)*4) #endif #if defined oias & defined fcsterr integer trcpts,volpts parameter (volpts=imtjmt*km, trcpts=volpts*nt) #endif c c======================================================================= c Initialize some common block data. c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Set the model name, closing date of current version & version number. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c data model /'PE MODEL '/ data vdate /'08/21/2001'/ data vnum /'9.6 '/ c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Set the type of mixing timestep. If EB=.TRUE., an Euler c backward step is done; if EB=.FALSE., a forward step is done. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c data eb /.false./ c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Initialize various quantities. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c data ifprnt,nwrite /0,1000000/ data ntsi,ncon /1,1/ data na,nb,nc /0,0,0/ data omega /earthrot/ data radius /re/ data radian /rad2deg/ data grav /980.6/ data icntv,icntt,icntz,icntp /0,0,0,0/ c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Set I/O units. Units 101 & 103 are reserved for nested runs. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c data stdinp,stdout /5,6/ data kontrl,kflds /11,12/ data labs /13,14,15/ data trkinp /34/ data ioiout,ioipar /35,81/ data bioinp /43/ #ifdef bioDuse data absinp /44/ #endif data tsrcinp /45/ data inpprf,outprf /47,48/ data usrinp /50/ data xtrinp /60/ data tdbxin /90/ #ifdef ext_tide data tdphin /97/ #endif c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Initialize netCDF output states. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c data ncnrgst,ncoutst,nctrkst /3*0/ #ifdef pressbias data ncpbst /0/ #endif c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Parameters associated with equation of state. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c Mean salinity value subtracted from salinity to improve accuracy. c data smean /35.0/ c c Mean density (kg/m^3). c data rho0 /1025.0/ c c Mean temperature (TBAR) and salinity (SBAR) used in linear equation c of state and their associate mean density (RBAR). c data tbar /10.0/ data sbar /35.0/ data rbar /1026.9524/ c c Thermal expansion and saline contraction coefficients. c data tcoef /1.67e-04/ data scoef /7.62e-04/ c #ifdef ldrifters c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Parameters associated with Lagrangian drifters. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c data nfloats /0/ c #endif #ifdef peprf c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Parameters associated with profile sampling. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c data cm_bgn,ctd_bgn,xbt_bgn /3*0/ data cm_emt,ctd_emt,xbt_emt /3*1/ data nbcm,nbctd,nbxbt /3*0/ c data icmpos /prfpts*0/ data ictdpos /prfpts*0/ data ixbtpos /prfpts*0/ c data castid,hflag,nhpts,jdayoff /0,0,kmp1,2440000/ c data axbt,cm,ctd,eof,xbt,xbts,xctd /7*.false./ c #endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Parameters associated with vertical mixing. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c Specific heat (ergs/gram/^C). It is approximately 4.0e+7, and c varies only slightly (see Gill, 1982, Appendix 3). c data cp /4.0e+7/ c c Minimum wind stress (dynes/cm^2) used in computation of mixed-layer c depth: c TAUMIN = RHOair * Cd * Wmin^2 c where (Pond and Picard, p 108) c RHOair = 1.3 kg/m^3 ; Cd = 1.4e-3 c TAUMIN = 1.64e-3 dynes/cm^2 (using Wmin = 0.3 m/s) c data taumin /1.64e-3/ c c Threshold latitude used to compute Coriolis (F0). Since Coriolis is c zero at the Equator and there is a division by F0 in the algorithm c for Ekman depth, this latitude value is used in the computation for c Ekman depth at latitudes less than LATMF0. c data latmf0 /10.0/ c c Wind stress coefficient MCOEF for estimating mixed-layer depth. It is c the "m" parameter from Eq. 10.30 in Niiler and Kraus (1977; in: c Modeling and Prediction of the Upper Layers of the Ocean, Ed by E.B. c Kraus, p 143-172). The larger MCOEF, the larger the influence of c wind stress on mixed-layer depth (relative to buoyancy). It is c generally observed that MCOEF=1.25, although it can be > 8 during c storm events (ibid.). Actually, MCOEF is not constant but increases c as the Richardson Number decreases (ibid). Presuming storm events of c MCOEF=8 to occur 1/7 or 1/30 of the time would suggest a time-mean c MCOEF of 2.21 or 1.48, respectively. Thus, generally use c 1.25 =< MCOEF =< 2.21. c data mcoef /1.25/ c c Buoyancy coefficient NCOEF for estimating mixed-layer depth. It is c the "n" parameter from Eq. 10.30 in Niiler and Kraus (1977). It is a c weight for the effects of positive buoyancy; 0 =< NCOEF =< 1: c NCOEF=0 all convectively produced energy is dissipated i.e. c a positive buoyancy flux (surface cooling) does not c influence MLD. c NCOEF=1 convectively-produced eddies are not dissipated i.e. c positive buoyancy influences mixed-layer depth in an c equal and opposite manner as negative buoyancy). c Observations suggest 0.0