c c======================================================================= c Include file "bndata.h" c======================================================================= c #ifndef rmdocinc c IMX number of points in each domain boundary. c PO transport and time rate change of vorticity boundary c conditions at time TTBDYO. c P1 transport and time rate change of vorticity boundary c conditions at time TTBDY1. c TO tracer boundary conditions at time TTBDYO. c T1 tracer boundary conditions at time TTBDYO. c TTBDYO earlier boundary condition time. c TTBDY1 later boundary condition time. c UO internal mode U-velocity boundary conditions at time TTBDYO. c U1 internal mode U-velocity boundary conditions at time TTBDY1. c VO internal mode V-velocity boundary conditions at time TTBDYO. c V1 internal mode V-velocity boundary conditions at time TTBDY1. c ZUNZ time rate of vertically averaged zonal forcing boundary c conditions for the row to the north. c ZUSZ time rate of vertically averaged zonal forcing boundary c conditions for the row to the south. c ZVNZ time rate of vertically averaged meridional forcing boundary c conditions for the row to the north. c ZVSZ time rate of vertically averaged meridional forcing boundary c conditions for the row to the south. c c======================================================================= c #endif common /ibndata/ imx integer imx(4) c common /fbndata/ ttbdyo,uo,vo,to,po,ttbdy1,u1,v1,t1,p1, * zusz,zvsz,zunz,zvnz FLOAT * ttbdyo,uo(ijmx,km,4),vo(ijmx,km,4),to(ijmx,km,4,nt), * po(ijmx,2,4),ttbdy1,u1(ijmx,km,4),v1(ijmx,km,4), * t1(ijmx,km,4,nt),p1(ijmx,2,4),zunz(ijmx,2,4),zusz(ijmx,2,4), * zvnz(ijmx,2,4),zvsz(ijmx,2,4) c integer east,north,south,west parameter (west=1,south=2,east=3,north=4)