subroutine bracket_z(i,j,z,keytv,levup,levdn,dzup,dzdn,zup,zdn) c c======================================================================= c === c This routine determines the model levels and corresponding depths === c which bracket the given depth. === c === c On Input: === c === c I, J horizontal position at which to search column. (integer)=== c KEYTV flag to indicate whether considering velocity or === c tracer grid. (integer) === c Z depth to be bracketted (cm; real) === c === c On Output: === c === c DZUP linear interpolation weight for data at LEVUP (real) === c DZDN linear interpolation weight for data at LEVDN (real) === c LEVUP number of the level immediately above Z (integer) === c LEVDN number of the level immediately below Z (integer) === c ZUP depth of level immediately above Z (cm; real) === c ZDN depth of level immediately below Z (cm; real) === c === c Calls: DEPTHSLAB === c === c======================================================================= c #include #include #include c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define local data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c integer levup,levdn,i,j,keytv FLOAT * dzdn,dzup,z,zdn,zup FLOAT * zslab(imt,km) c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Begin executable code. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Get a slab of depths at the desired location. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c call depthslab (j,keytv,zslab) c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Find the levels bracketting the given depth. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c levdn=2 do 10 while ((,levdn)).and.( levdn=levdn+1 10 continue levup=levdn-1 c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Get the depths at the bracketting levels. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c zup=zslab(i,levup) zdn=zslab(i,levdn) c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Get the weights for linear interpolation. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c if((,1)).and.(z.le.zslab(i,km))) then c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c An interior value, interpolate. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c dzup=(zdn-z)/(zdn-zup) dzdn=c1-dzup elseif(,1)) then c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Too shallow, use nearest value. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c dzup=c1 dzdn=c0 else c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Too deep, use nearest value. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c dzup=c0 dzdn=c1 endif return end