subroutine chkparm c c======================================================================= c === c This routine checks the consistency of the C-Preprocessing === c options and the input parameters. === c === c Common Blocks: === c === c /IIOUNITS/ === c === c STDOUT standard output logical unit. === c === c /OPTIONS/ === c === c IFLAG initialization flags: === c IFLAG(9) hybrid coordinates transformation: === c [0] single, [1] double === c IFLAG(10) coastal setup switch: === c [0] no, [1] coast(s) only, === c [2] coast(s) and island(s) === c === c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define global data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c #include #include #include c #if defined bioMcGillic | defined bioFasham | defined bioAnder | defined bioDuse c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define local data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c integer biomodel c #endif c======================================================================= c Begin executable code. c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Check consistency of C-preprocessing options. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c #ifdef dblsigma if(iflag(9).ne.1) then write(stdout,10) iflag(9) 10 format(/,' CHKPARM: inconsistent initialization, IFLAG(9) = ',i4 * /,' IFLAG(9) should be one in double sigma') call exitus('CHKPARM') endif # else if(iflag(9).ne.0) then write(stdout,10) iflag(9) 10 format(/,' CHKPARM: inconsistent initialization, IFLAG(9) = ',i4 * /,' IFLAG(9) should be zero in single sigma') call exitus('CHKPARM') endif #endif c #ifdef coast if(iflag(10).eq.0) then write(stdout,20) iflag(10) 20 format(/' CHKPARM: inconsistent initialization, IFLAG(10) = ',i4 * /' IFLAG(10) should be one in coastal setup') call exitus('CHKPARM') endif # else if(iflag(10).ne.0) then write(stdout,20) iflag(10) 20 format(/' CHKPARM: inconsistent initialization, IFLAG(10) = ',i4 * /' IFLAG(10) should be zero in noncoastal setup') call exitus('CHKPARM') endif #endif c #if defined bioMcGillic | defined bioFasham | defined bioAnder | defined bioDuse biomodel=0 # ifdef bioMcGillic biomodel=biomodel+1 # endif # ifdef bioFasham biomodel=biomodel+1 # endif # ifdef bioAnder biomodel=biomodel+1 # endif # ifdef bioDuse biomodel=biomodel+1 # endif if( then write(stdout,30) 30 format(/' CHKPARM: Only one biologicial model formulation is', * ' allowed.',10x,'Choose one and recompile.') call exitus('CHKPARM') endif c #endif #ifdef barotropic if( then write(stdout,40) km 40 format(/' CHKPARM: illegal number of levels, KM = ',i4/ * 10x,'barotropic model should only have 1 level.') call exitus('CHKPARM') endif c #endif return end