c c======================================================================= c Include file "cvmix.h" c======================================================================= c #ifndef rmdocinc c Variables associated with vertical viscosity/diffussion: c c AIDIF coefficient for implicit time differencing for vertical c diffusion: c AIDIF=1.0 => fully implicit case c AIDIF=0.0 => fully explicit case c Note: not used if "explicitvmix" is enabled. c CDBOT bottom drag coefficient. c FKPH background vertical eddy diffusion coefficient (cm^2/s), for c tracers (salt, heat, and biological tracers). c FKPM background vertical eddy viscosity coefficient (cm^2/s), for c momentum. c VDC vertical eddy diffusion coefficient (cm^2/s). c VDCLIM vertical eddy diffusion coefficient (cm^2/s) for tracers c used when the water column is gravitationally unstable. c VVC vertical eddy viscosity coefficient (cm^2/s). c VVCLIM vertical eddy viscosity coefficient (cm^2/s) for momentum c used when the water column is gravitationally unstable. c WDMIX vertical eddy diffusion coefficient (cm^2/s) for tracers c used in the wind-mixed "surface layer" (see MLDOPT). c WVMIX vertical eddy viscosity coefficient (cm^2/s) for momentum c used in the wind-mixed "surface layer" (see MLDOPT). c c Variables for calculating bulk mixed layer depth, used in determining c vertical mixing coefficient: c c ATTH2O light extinction coefficient due to water (1/cm). c CP specific heat. c EKFAC Factor in the Ekman depth Equation (Large et al., 1994; c Equation 29): c Ekman depth = EKFAC * USTAR / F c LATMF0 minimum latitude considered to compute Coriolis parameter c across the Equator (degrees). c MCOEF Niiler and Kraus wind stress "m" coefficient for estimating c mixed-layer depth. c MLDMIN minimum allowable mixed-layer depth estimate (centimeters). c MLDMAX maximum allowable mixed-layer depth estimate (centimeters). c MLDOPT surface layer mixing option (integer): c if MLDOPT=0, WVMIX and WDMIX are applied to a precribed c "mixed-layer depth", MLD. c if MLDOPT=1, WVMIX and WDMIX are applied to an Ekman depth c as determined by the wind stress forcing. c if MLDOPT=2, WVMIX and WDMIX are applied to a mixed-layer c depth determined by the wind stress and c buoyancy forcing. c MLDU mixed-layer depth at row J on U,V grid. c MLDUM mixed-layer depth at row J-1 on U,V grid. c MLDVAL prescribed constant mixed-layer depth (centimeters). c NCOEF Niiler and Kraus wind stress "n" coefficient for estimating c mixed-layer depth. c TAUMIN minimum wind stress (dynes/cm^2). c WSDFAC parameter fix to Niiler and Kraus (1977) Equation 10.30; c wind stress denominator-term weight factor. c c Variables associated with vertical gravitational stability: c c DRHO vertical density difference on row J at tracer grid box c bottoms. c DRHOP vertical density difference on row J+1 at tracer grid box c bottoms. c c Variables associated with tidally enhanced vertical mixing model: c c CDTID tidal friction coefficient. (s) c MTDDPTH maximum water depth over which to c apply tidal enhancing to vertical mixing. (cm) c TDMXFRC tidal mixing limit. (cm^2/s) c TDMXFAC constant tidal mixing coefficient. (cm^2/s) c c======================================================================= c #endif common /icvmix/ mldopt integer mldopt c common /fcvmix/ aidif,fkpm,vvclim,wvmix,vvc,fkph,vdclim,wdmix,vdc, * cp,atth2o,taumin,latmf0,mcoef,ncoef,mldval,mldmin,mldmax, * mldu,mldum,ekfac,wsdfac,drho,drhop,cdbot,cdtid,mtddpth, * tdmxfac,tdmxfrc FLOAT * aidif,atth2o,cdbot,cdtid,cp,ekfac,fkph,fkpm,latmf0,mcoef, * mldmax,mldmin,mldval,mtddpth,ncoef,taumin,tdmxfac,tdmxfrc, * vdclim,vvclim,wdmix,wsdfac,wvmix FLOAT * drho(imt,km),drhop(imt,km),mldu(imt),mldum(imt), * vdc(imt,km),vvc(imt,km)