c c======================================================================= c Include file "fullwd.h". c======================================================================= c #ifndef rmdocinc c D0START Starting time. (modified Julian day) c Only active if CPP option "resetjulian" is active. c DIAGTS logical activated (.TRUE.) during a diagnostic timestep. c EB logical activated (.TRUE.) in a Euler backward timestep c and (.FALSE.) in a forward timestep for time mixing. c EOTS logical implying end of a timestep. Always true except c for the first pass of an Euler backward timestep. c ITT timestep counter; total number ot timesteps completed. c IEQ ending ocean x-index coordinate at velocity points. c IEZ ending ocean x-index coordinate at tracer points. c ISQ starting ocean x-index coordinate at velocity points. c ISZ starting ocean x-index coordinate at tracer points. c KAR KAR(K)=K used to enable vectorization. c KFLDS disk unit number (12) fo 2-D horizontal fields and start c and end indices. c KMT number of vertical level of ocean at tracer points at c row J. c KMTP number of vertical level of ocean at tracer points at c row J+1. c KMU number of vertical level of ocean at velocity points at c row J. c KMUP number of vertical level of ocean at velocity points at c row J+1. c KONTRL disk unit number (11) for timestep counter. c LABS disk unit number (13-15) for slabs. c MIX mixing timestep indicator: c MIX=0 no mixing timestep. c MIX=1 mixing timestep. c MIXTS logical activated (.TRUE.) during a mixing timestep. c MSCAN current number of relaxation scans performed. c MXP Euler backward timestep switch: c MXP=1 second pass of Euler backward timeste. c MXP=0 otherwise. c MXPAS2 logical activated (.TRUE.) for a second pass during c a mixing timestep. c MXSCAN maximum number of relaxation scans permitted. c NA utility integer used to enable re-start file. c NB utility integer available for use. c NC utility integer available for use. c NCON number of passes through convection loop. c NDISK disk unit for current data (timestep TAU). c NDISKA disk unit for future data (timestep TAU+1). c NDISKB disk unit for previuos data (timeste TAU-1). c NFIRST initialization switch: c NFIRST=1 start from scatch. c NFIRST=0 start using re-start file. c NISLE number of island in the ocean basin. c NLAST abs(NLAST) is the number of timesteps to compute. If c negative, write re-start file at this timestep. c NMIX number of timesteps between mixing timestep. c NNERGY number of timesteps between energy diagnostics output. #ifdef AsselinFilt c _NU Asselin filter parameter #endif c NTDG number of initial timesteps with frozen tracers; used c during diagnostic initialization. c NTSI number of timesteps between print of single line of c information. c NTSOUT number of timesteps between output of data. c NWRITE number used to save re-start data every NWRITE timesteps c PRNTSI logical activated (.TRUE.) during printing information c timestep. c WNETCDF switch that activates writting of output NetCDF files. c WRTTS logical activated (.TRUE.) during an output timestep. # ifdef coast c ICOAST coastal segment x-index coordinate. c JCOAST coastal segment y-index coordinate. c JEQ ending ocean y-index coordinate at velocity points. c JEZ ending ocean y-index coordinate at tracer points. c JSQ starting ocean y-index coordinate at velocity points. c JSZ starting ocean y-index coordinate at tracer points. # ifdef nest2smaller c LANDP transport streamfunction land/sea mask. # endif c LANDT land/sea mask at tracer points. c LANDV lans/sea mask at velocity points. c LENCOAST number of points in each coastal segment. c NCSEG number of coastal segments. # ifdef islands c IEIS ending x-index coordinate of island box. c ISIS starting x-index coordinate of island box. c JEIS ending y-index coordinate of island box. c JSIS starting y-index coordinate of island box. # endif # endif c c======================================================================= c #endif common /ifullwd/ itt,nfirst,nlast,nmix,nnergy,nwrite,na,nb,nc, * mxscan,ndiskb,ndisk,ndiska,kontrl,kflds,labs,mix,mxp,mscan, * ntsi,kar,kmt,kmtp,kmu,kmup,eb,diagts,eots,mixts,mxpas2, * prntsi,wnetcdf,wrtts,ntsout,isz,iez,isq,ieq, #ifdef coast # ifdef islands * isis,ieis,jsis,jeis,nisle, # endif * jsz,jez,jsq,jeq,landt,landv,ncseg,lencoast,icoast,jcoast, # ifdef nest2smaller * landp, # endif # ifdef pindex * isp,iep,jsp,jep, # endif #endif * ncon,ntdgn logical diagts,eb,eots,mixts,mxpas2,prntsi,wnetcdf,wrtts integer itt,kflds,kontrl,mix,mscan,mxp,mxscan,na,nb,nc,ncon,ndisk, * ndiska,ndiskb,nfirst,nlast,nmix,nnergy,ntdgn,ntsi,ntsout, * nwrite integer ieq(jmt,lseg),iez(jmt,lseg),isq(jmt,lseg),isz(jmt,lseg), * kar(km),kmt(imt),kmtp(imt),kmu(imt),kmup(imt),labs(3) #ifdef coast # ifdef islands integer ieis(misle),isis(misle),jeis(misle),jsis(misle),nisle # endif integer icoast(mclen,mcseg),jcoast(mclen,mcseg),jez(imt,lseg), * jsz(imt,lseg),landt(imt,jmt),landv(imt,jmt),ncseg, * lencoast(mcseg),jsq(imt,lseg),jeq(imt,lseg) # ifdef nest2smaller * ,landp(imt,jmt) # endif # ifdef pindex * ,isp(jmt,lseg),iep(jmt,lseg),jsp(imt,lseg),jep(imt,lseg) # endif #endif c common /ffullwd/ dstart,d0start,ttsec,ttbdy,area,volume,akntrl, * pad,plicin,plicex #ifdef AsselinFilt * ,_nu FLOAT * _nu #endif FLOAT * dstart,d0start,ttsec,ttbdy,area,volume,akntrl(6),pad(10), * plicin,plicex