subroutine headln (unit) c c======================================================================= c === c This routine writes a date stamp header to an echo file. === c === c On Input: === c === c UNIT Unit number of the echo file. (integer) === c === c Common Blocks: === c === c /VERSION/ === c === c MODEL The name of the model or code. (character) === c VNUM Version number. (character) === c === c Calls: GET_DATE, LNBLK === c === c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define global data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c #include c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define local data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c integer lenstr,lnstr2,unit integer lnblk character*8 fmt character*44 date_str c c======================================================================= c Begin executable code. c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Write date stamp in echo file, if one can be created. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c call get_date(date_str) lenstr=lnblk(date_str,len(date_str)) if( then write (fmt,10) (80-lenstr)/2 write (unit,fmt) date_str(1:lenstr) endif c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Write model name and version number. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c lenstr=lnblk(model,len(model)) lnstr2=lnblk(vnum,len(vnum)) write (unit,20) model(1:lenstr),vnum(1:lnstr2) c return c 10 format ('(/',i2,'x,a)') 20 format (/a,', Version ',a) c end