subroutine inparm c c======================================================================= c ==== c This routine reads in input run parameters from standard input, ==== c STDINP. It also writes out run information to standard output, ==== c STDOUT. ==== c ==== c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define global data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined bioMcGillic | defined bioFasham | defined bioAnder | defined bioDuse # include #endif #ifdef advtide0 # include #endif c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define local data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c integer i,icard,ios #ifdef nest2smaller & ,lenstr,sbgn,send #endif logical ok #if (defined forcing | defined peprf | defined ext_tide ) & defined resetjulian integer iday,month,iyear,iyday character*8 tchar character*11 dchar #endif character*55 text c data ok /.true./ c c======================================================================= c Begin executable code. c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Read in and report out input parameters c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c write(stdout,900) read(stdinp,*,iostat=ios) icard c do 10 while (( c if (icard.eq.1) then read(stdinp,*,iostat=ios) nfirst,nlast,d0start,nnergy,ntsout, * ntsi,nmix,ncon,ntdgn #ifdef AsselinFilt _nu=Float(nmix)/c1000 nmix=nlast+1 #endif if (ios.eq.0) write(stdout,910) nfirst,nlast,nnergy,ntsout, #ifdef AsselinFilt * ntsi,nmix,_nu,ncon,ntdgn #else * ntsi,nmix,ncon,ntdgn #endif c elseif (icard.eq.2) then read(stdinp,*,iostat=ios) dtts,dtuv,dtsf if (ios.eq.0) write(stdout,920) dtts,dtuv,dtsf c elseif (icard.eq.3) then read(stdinp,*,iostat=ios) mixvel,mixtrc,mixztd if (ios.eq.0) write(stdout,930) mixvel,mixtrc,mixztd c elseif (icard.eq.4) then read(stdinp,*,iostat=ios) nordv,ntimv,nfrqv,nordt,ntimt,nfrqt, * nordz,ntimz,nfrqz,nordp,ntimp,nfrqp #ifdef shapiro if (ios.eq.0) write(stdout,940) nordv,ntimv,nfrqv,nordt,ntimt, * nfrqt,nordz,ntimz,nfrqz,nordp, * ntimp,nfrqp #endif c elseif (icard.eq.5) then read(stdinp,*,iostat=ios) am,ah if (ios.eq.0) write(stdout,950) am,ah c elseif (icard.eq.6) then read(stdinp,*,iostat=ios) aidif,fkpm,vvclim,wvmix,fricmx,fkph, * vdclim,wdmix #ifdef ppvmix if (ios.eq.0) write(stdout,960) aidif,fkpm,vvclim,wvmix,fricmx * ,fkph,vdclim,wdmix #else if (ios.eq.0) write(stdout,960) aidif,fkpm,vvclim,wvmix,fkph, * vdclim,wdmix #endif c elseif (icard.eq.7) then read(stdinp,*,iostat=ios) mldopt,mldval,mldmin,mldmax,ekfac, * mcoef,ncoef,wsdfac if (ios.eq.0) then write(stdout,970) mldopt,mldval,mldmin,mldmax,ekfac, #ifndef nkfix * mcoef,ncoef,wsdfac # else * mcoef,ncoef #endif if(( then write(stdout,980) 'MLDOPT' call exitus('INPARM') endif endif c elseif (icard.eq.8) then read(stdinp,*,iostat=ios) mxscan,sor,crit,acor if (ios.eq.0) then write(stdout,990) mxscan,sor,crit,acor crit=abs(crit) if(( then write(stdout,980) 'CRIT' call exitus('INPARM') endif endif c elseif (icard.eq.9) then read(stdinp,*,iostat=ios) cdbot if (ios.eq.0) write(stdout,1000) cdbot c elseif (icard.eq.10) then #if defined ext_tide & defined advtide & defined advtide0 read(stdinp,*,iostat=ios) cdtid,mtddpth,tdmxfrc,tdmxfac,sadv #else read(stdinp,*,iostat=ios) cdtid,mtddpth,tdmxfrc,tdmxfac #endif #if defined ext_tide & defined mixtide if (ios.eq.0) write(stdout,1003) cdtid,mtddpth,tdmxfrc mtddpth=mtddpth*m2cm # elif defined posmxtid if (ios.eq.0) write(stdout,1008) tdmxfac #endif #if defined ext_tide & defined advtide & defined advtide0 if (ios.eq.0) write(stdout,1009) sadv #endif c elseif (icard.eq.11) then read(stdinp,*,iostat=ios) dvbrlx,tvbrlx,dtbrlx,ttbrlx,dcsfrc, & tcsfrc,dbtfrc,tbtfrc #ifdef bndy_rlx if (ios.eq.0) write(stdout,1010) dvbrlx,tvbrlx,dtbrlx,ttbrlx #endif #ifdef cstfrc if (ios.eq.0) write(stdout,1020) dcsfrc,tcsfrc #endif #ifdef botfrc if (ios.eq.0) write(stdout,1030) dbtfrc,tbtfrc #endif c elseif (icard.eq.12) then read(stdinp,*,iostat=ios) (iopt(i),i=1,10) #ifdef nest2larger iopt(8) = min(iopt(8),nt) #endif #ifdef nest2smaller iopt(9) = min(iopt(9),nt) #endif c elseif (icard.eq.13) then read(stdinp,*,iostat=ios) (iout(i),i=1,11) c elseif (icard.eq.14) then read(stdinp,*,iostat=ios) (iout(i),i=12,21) c elseif (icard.eq.15) then read(stdinp,*,iostat=ios) nlev,(lev(i),i=1,nlev) c elseif (icard.eq.16) then read(stdinp,'(20a4)',iostat=ios) (titlrun(i),i=1,20) c elseif (icard.eq.17) then read(stdinp,'(a)',iostat=ios) outname c elseif (icard.eq.18) then read(stdinp,'(a)',iostat=ios) nrgname c elseif (icard.eq.19) then read(stdinp,'(a)',iostat=ios) trkname c elseif (icard.eq.20) then read(stdinp,'(a)',iostat=ios) inpname c elseif (icard.eq.21) then read(stdinp,'(a)',iostat=ios) frcname c elseif (icard.eq.22) then read(stdinp,'(a)',iostat=ios) assname c elseif (icard.eq.23) then read(stdinp,'(a)',iostat=ios) aparnam c elseif (icard.eq.24) then read(stdinp,'(a)',iostat=ios) dposnam c elseif (icard.eq.25) then read(stdinp,'(a)',iostat=ios) xparnam c elseif (icard.eq.26) then read(stdinp,'(a)',iostat=ios) smltnm c elseif (icard.eq.27) then read(stdinp,'(a)',iostat=ios) smlhnm c elseif (icard.eq.28) then read(stdinp,'(a)',iostat=ios) smlinm c elseif (icard.eq.29) then read(stdinp,'(a)',iostat=ios) smlonm c elseif (icard.eq.30) then read(stdinp,'(a)',iostat=ios) pbisnam c elseif (icard.eq.31) then read(stdinp,'(a)',iostat=ios) bparnam c elseif (icard.eq.32) then read(stdinp,'(a)',iostat=ios) tsrcnam c elseif (icard.eq.33) then read(stdinp,'(a)',iostat=ios) grdname c elseif (icard.eq.34) then read(stdinp,'(a)',iostat=ios) usrname c elseif (icard.eq.35) then read(stdinp,'(a)',iostat=ios) sampin c elseif (icard.eq.36) then read(stdinp,'(a)',iostat=ios) sampout c elseif (icard.eq.37) then read(stdinp,'(a)',iostat=ios) tidedat c elseif (icard.eq.38) then read(stdinp,'(a)',iostat=ios) tdphdat c elseif (icard.eq.39) then read(stdinp,'(a)',iostat=ios) tidebox endif c if (ios.eq.0) read(stdinp,*,iostat=ios) icard c 10 continue c if ( then write(stdout,20) icard 20 format(/' INPARM - read error at or near input card: ',i4) call exitus('INPARM') endif c c Write out other input parameters to STDOUT file. c write(stdout,1040) rho0,smean #ifdef leqstate write(stdout,1050) rbar,sbar,scoef,tbar,tcoef #endif write(stdout,'(20a4)') (titlrun(i),i=1,20) c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Report output/input files and check availability of input files. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c write(stdout,80) 80 format(//' Output/Input Files:'/) call file_chk (outname,'Output PE Fields File', & 'OutputNoClobber',ok) call file_chk (nrgname,'Energy and Diagnostics File', & 'OutputNoClobber',ok) #if defined shapmean & defined pressbias & !defined pressinbias call file_chk (pbisnam,'Pressure bias and Mean TS File', & 'Input',ok) #elif defined shapmean & defined pressbias & defined pressinbias call file_chk (pbisnam,'Pressure bias and Mean TS File', & 'OutputNoClobber',ok) #elif defined pressbias & !defined pressinbias call file_chk (pbisnam,'Pressure bias File', & 'Input',ok) #elif defined pressbias & defined pressinbias call file_chk (pbisnam,'Pressure bias File', & 'OutputNoClobber',ok) #endif #ifdef ldrifters call file_chk (trkname,'Langrangian Trajectories File', & 'Output',ok) #endif #ifndef analytical call file_chk (inpname,'Initial/Boundary File', & 'Input',ok) # ifdef grids call file_chk (grdname,'GRIDS NetCDF File', & 'Input',ok) # endif #endif #ifdef forcing call file_chk (frcname,'Forcing File', & 'Input',ok) #endif #ifdef oias call file_chk (assname,'Assimilation Fields File', & 'Input',ok) call file_chk (aparnam,'Assimilation Parameters File', & 'Input',ok) #endif #ifdef ldrifters call file_chk (dposnam,'Initial Drifters Positions File', & 'Input',ok) #endif #ifdef extraction call file_chk (xparnam,'Extraction Parameters File', & 'Input',ok) #endif #if defined bioMcGillic | defined bioFasham | defined bioAnder | defined bioDuse call file_chk (bparnam,'Biological Parameters File', & 'Input',ok) #endif #ifdef pttrcsrc call file_chk (tsrcnam,'Tracers Point Source File', & 'Input',ok) #endif #ifdef peprf call file_chk (sampin,'Sampling Parameter Input File', & 'Input',ok) call file_chk (sampout,'Sampling Profile Output File', & 'OutputNoClobber',ok) #endif #ifdef ext_tide call file_chk (tidedat,'Tidal Fields Input File', & 'Input',ok) call file_chk (tdphdat,'Tidal Phase Input File', & 'Input',ok) #endif #if defined posmxtid & (!defined mixtide | !defined ext_tide) call file_chk (tidebox,'Tidal Region Input File', & 'Input',ok) #endif #ifdef nest2smaller call length (smltnm,lenstr,sbgn,send) write(stdout,90) ' Executable for smaller domain: ', * smltnm(sbgn:send) 90 format(2x,a,a) call length (smlhnm,lenstr,sbgn,send) if ( * write(stdout,90) ' Host on which to run smaller: ', * smlhnm(sbgn:send) call file_chk (smlinm,'Input File for Smaller Domain', & 'Input',ok) call file_chk (smlonm,'Output File for Smaller Domain', & 'Output',ok) #endif if (.not.ok) call exitus ('INPARM') c #if defined bioMcGillic | defined bioFasham | defined bioAnder | defined bioDuse c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Read in input parameters for biological Model. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c call bioparm c #endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Report activated C-preprocessing options. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c write(stdout,200) 200 format(/' Activated CPP Options: ') write (stdout,210) '(default)','output fields in NetCDF format' 210 format(t6,a:,t22,a) #ifdef analytical write (stdout,210) 'analytical', & 'Analytical initial and boundary fields' # ifdef grids write (stdout,210) 'grids', & 'Domain configuration from GRIDS NetCDF file' # endif #endif #ifdef bioMcGillic write (stdout,210) 'bioMcGillic', & 'McGillicuddy et al. (1995) biological model' #endif #ifdef bioAnder write (stdout,210) 'bioAnder', & 'Anderson expansion of McGillicuddy biological model' #endif #ifdef bioDuse write (stdout,210) 'bioDuse', & 'Dusenberry biological model' # ifdef dusDroop write (stdout,210) 'dusDroop', & 'Droop nutrient limitation equations' # endif #endif #ifdef bioFasham write (stdout,210) 'bioFasham', & 'Fasham et al. (1990) biological model' #endif #if defined codunlim write (stdout,210) 'codunlim', & 'Cod; unlimited behavioral response' # elif defined codlim write (stdout,210) 'codlim', & 'Cod; limited behavioral response' #endif #if (defined codunlim | defined codlim) & defined codvadvect write (stdout,210) 'codvadvect', & 'Allow cod to be vertically advected' #endif #if (defined codunlim | defined codlim) & defined codvmix write (stdout,210) 'codvmix', & 'Allow cod to be vertically mixed' #endif #if (defined codunlim | defined codlim) & defined cod_ing write (stdout,210) 'cod_ing', & 'Revised cod model' # ifdef zoo_ing write (stdout,210) 'zoo_ing', & 'Revised cod model w/ zooplankton response' # endif # ifdef cod_square write (stdout,210) 'cod_square', & 'speed-response is the square functional' # endif # if defined AsselinFilt & defined AsselinFilt_cod write (stdout,210) 'AsselinFilt_cod', & 'only apply Asselin filter to cod' # endif #endif #if defined bioMcGillic | defined bioFasham | defined bioAnder | defined bioDuse # ifdef bio_12_A write (stdout,210) 'bio_12_A', & 'Additional productivity terms' # endif #endif #ifdef coast write (stdout,210) 'coast','Coastal boundary conditions' #endif #if defined islands & defined coast write (stdout,210) 'islands','Island BCs in transport eq.' #endif #if defined coastedge & defined coast write (stdout,210) 'coastedge', & 'Next to mask, average unmasked values (control noise)' #endif #ifdef cyclic write (stdout,210) 'cyclic', & 'Cyclic (west/east) boundary conditions' #endif #ifdef dblsigma write (stdout,210) 'dblsigma', & 'Double sigma transformation in the vertical' #endif #ifdef gridold write (stdout,210) 'gridold', & 'Use old algorithm to set vertical coordinates' #endif #ifdef dblprec write (stdout,210) 'dblprec', & 'Double precision floating-point operations and output' #endif #ifdef extraction write (stdout,210) 'extraction', & 'extraction of initial and boundary data' #endif #ifdef forcing write (stdout,210) 'forcing','space/time variable forcing.' #endif #if (defined forcing | defined peprf | defined ext_tide ) & defined resetjulian write (stdout,210) 'resetjulian', & 'Start surface forcing clock from supplied value' #endif #ifdef ldrifters write (stdout,210) 'ldrifters','Lagrangian drifters' #endif #ifdef cubspl write (stdout,210) 'cubspl', & 'Vertical spline interpolation in GRAD(P)' #else write (stdout,210) '(default)', & 'Vertical linear interpolation in GRAD(P)' #endif #ifdef hpg4 write (stdout,210) 'hpg4', & 'fourth order GRAD(P)' #else write (stdout,210) '(default)', & 'second order GRAD(P)' #endif #ifdef noxtrp write (stdout,210) 'noxtrp', & 'no extrapolation in GRAD(P)' #else write (stdout,210) '(default)', & 'extrapolation in GRAD(P)' #endif #ifdef vbart write (stdout,210) 'vbart', & 'vertical Simpson integration in GRAD(P)' #else write (stdout,210) '(default)', & 'vertical trapezoidal integration in GRAD(P)' #endif #ifdef rmdenbar write (stdout,210) 'rmdenbar', & 'mean density removed when computing GRAD(P)' #endif #if defined pressbias & !defined pressinbias write (stdout,210) 'pressbias','Remove bias in GRAD(P)' #elif defined pressbias & defined pressinbias write (stdout,210) 'pressbias', & 'Prepare for: Remove bias in GRAD(P)' write (stdout,210) 'pressinbias','Create GRAD(P) bias datafile' #endif #ifdef nest2larger write (stdout,210) 'nest2larger', & 'Two-way nesting to larger grid via PVM' # if defined nest_ext2lrgr write (stdout,210) 'nest_ext2lrgr', & 'Replace transport streamfunction coarse estimate' # endif #endif #ifdef nest2smaller write (stdout,210) 'nest2smaller', & 'Two-way nesting to smaller grid via PVM' # if defined nest_ext2smlr write (stdout,210) 'nest_ext2smlr', & 'Send transport streamfunction to smaller grid' # endif #endif #if defined nest2larger | defined nest2smaller # if defined nestnultest write (stdout,210) 'nestnultest', & 'Create nested code without active nesting' # endif #endif #ifdef sor5pt write (stdout,210) 'sor5pt','Successive Over-relaxation solution' #else write (stdout,210) '(default)','Conjugate Gradient solution' #endif #ifdef vel_conv write (stdout,210) 'vel_conv', & 'Require baro. vel. convergence in solution PBAR' #endif #if defined notadvm & !defined linear_physics write (stdout,210) 'notadvm','no advection of momentum' #endif #if defined notadvt & !defined linear_physics write (stdout,210) 'notadvt','no advection of tracers' #endif #ifdef linear_physics write (stdout,210) 'linear_physics', & 'Linear physics: no adv mom, only vert. adv mean tracers' #endif #ifdef oias write (stdout,210) 'oias','intermittent OI assimilation' # ifdef fcsterr write (stdout,210) 'fcsterr', & 'Estimate & write out the forecast errors' # ifdef simpramp write (stdout,210) 'simpramp', & 'Use simpler ramping scheme' # endif # elif defined wgterr write (stdout,210) 'wgterr', & 'Simple weighted observation error' # endif #endif #if defined leqstate write (stdout,210) 'leqstate','linear equation of state' #elif defined unesco write (stdout,210) 'unesco', & 'UNESCO (1980) nonlinear equation of state' #else write (stdout,210) '(default)', & 'simplified nonlinear equation of state' #endif #ifdef pttrcsrc write (stdout,210) 'pttrcsrc', & 'specification of point tracer sources' # ifdef rivsrc write (stdout,210) 'rivsrc', & 'Specification of river tracer souces' # endif #endif #ifdef barotropic write (stdout,210) 'barotropic', & 'barotropic (one level) model configuration' #endif #ifdef frozentrc write (stdout,210) 'frozentrc','initially frozen tracer fields' #endif #if defined bioMcGillic | defined bioFasham | defined bioAnder | defined bioDuse # ifdef bioadjloc write (stdout,210) 'bioadjloc', & 'Local biological adjustment' # endif # ifdef bioadjvert write (stdout,210) 'bioadjvert','vertical biological adjustment' # endif #endif #ifdef shapiro write (stdout,210) 'shapiro', & 'Shapiro filtering software activated' # ifdef secondmean write (stdout,210) 'secondmean', & 'enforce zero mean internal vel. after Shapiro filter' # endif # if defined shapmean & defined pressbias write (stdout,210) 'shapmean', & 'Remove mean tracer field before shapiro filtering' # endif # ifdef pindex write (stdout,210) 'pindex', & 'Revised streamfunction filter indices' # endif # if defined pindex & defined shapnocoastflux write (stdout,210) 'shapnocoastflux', & 'Revised filter BCs' # endif #else # ifdef cubspl write (stdout,210) 'cubspl', & 'spline interpolation in Laplacian friction' # else write (stdout,210) '(default)', & 'linear interpolation in Laplacian friction' # endif #endif #ifdef AsselinFilt write (stdout,210) 'AsselinFilt', & 'Asselin filter' #endif #ifdef explicitvmix write (stdout,210) 'explicitvmix', & 'explicit treatment of vertical mixing' #else write (stdout,210) '(default)', & 'implicit treatment of vertical mixing' #endif #ifdef peprf write (stdout,210) 'peprf','Extract hydrographic PE profiles' #endif #ifdef ppvmix write (stdout,210) 'ppvmix', & 'Pacanowski and Philander vertical mixing scheme' #endif #ifdef bottom write (stdout,210) 'bottom', & 'Second-order in time bottom stress calculation' #endif #ifdef bndy_rlx write (stdout,210) 'bndy_rlx','boundary relaxation' # ifdef imp_bnd_rlx write (stdout,210) 'imp_bnd_rlx', & 'use implicit scheme for boundary relaxation' # endif #endif #ifdef cstfrc write (stdout,210) 'cstfrc','coastal friction' #endif #ifdef botfrc write (stdout,210) 'botfrc','bottom friction' #endif #ifdef sunflush write (stdout,210) 'sunflush', & 'regularly flush output buffers in SUN systems' #endif #ifdef sunfpe write (stdout,210) 'sunfpe','SUN floating point exception trap' #endif #if defined sundate write (stdout,210) 'sundate','SUN time (FDATE) managing routine' #elif defined decdate write (stdout,210) 'decdate', & 'DEC time (IDATE,TIME) managing routines' #elif defined craydate write (stdout,210) 'craydate', & 'CRAY time (DATE,CLOCK) managing routines' #elif defined aixdate write (stdout,210) 'aixdate', & 'AIX (IBM RS6000) time (DATE,CLOCK) managing routines' #else write (stdout,210) '(default)','no time managing routines' #endif #ifdef close_tracers write (stdout,210) 'close_tracers', & 'Impose closed BCs on tracer N & S boundaries' #endif #ifdef nocfl write (stdout,210) 'nocfl','inhibit CFL checking' #else # ifdef nowcfl write (stdout,210) 'nowcfl','Disable CFL checking in vertical' # endif #endif #ifdef usrdiagnostic write (stdout,210) 'usrdiagnostic', & 'Report user defined diagnostics' # ifdef nesttime write (stdout,210) 'nesttime', & 'Report some timing data. (SUN)' # endif #endif #ifdef nkfix write (stdout,210) 'nkfix','Revised Niiler-Kraus protections' #endif #ifdef ext_tide write (stdout,210) 'ext_tide', & 'Use external tide' # ifdef advtide write (stdout,210) 'advtide', & 'Add external tidal effects to tracer advection' # ifdef gridold write (stdout,210) '+++Warning: advtide should be not used '// & 'with gridold' # endif # ifdef advtide0 write (stdout,210) 'advtide0', & 'Decrease strength of tidal advection' # endif # endif # ifdef mixtide write (stdout,210) 'mixtide', & 'Add external tidal effects to vertical mixing' # endif # ifdef tide_zero write (stdout,210) 'tide_zero', & 'Include residual tidal stress in momentum' # ifdef tide_zero_clip write (stdout,210) 'tide_zero_clip', & 'Limit magnitude of residual tidal stress' # endif # ifdef show_tide_zero write (stdout,210) 'show_tide_zero','Create ASCII', & ' dump file for residual tidal stress' # endif # endif # ifdef add_tide write (stdout,210) 'add_tide', & 'Add tidal velocity to total velocity on output' # endif #endif #if defined posmxtid & (!defined mixtide | !defined ext_tide) write (stdout,210) 'posmxtid', & 'Enhanced vertical mixing in pre-defined'// & ' tidal regions' #endif c c Set flag FLAG(1) that specifies the density equation used. c [0] linear, [1] UNESCO, [2] simplified nonlinear c #if defined leqstate iflag(1)=0 #elif defined unesco iflag(1)=1 #else iflag(1)=2 #endif c c Set restart flags c if( write(stdout,220) 220 format(/' INPARM: model initialized from INFLD file.') else nfirst=0 write(stdout,230) 230 format(/' INPARM: model initialized from re-start file.') endif if( then na=1 nlast=-nlast write(stdout,240) nlast 240 format(' INPARM: writing re-start file at timestep = ',i6) endif c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Write out other PE model options. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c write(stdout,250) 250 format(/' Other PE model options:'/) if(iopt(1).eq.0) then text='Closed.' elseif(iopt(1).eq.1) then text='Provided values.' elseif(iopt(1).eq.2) then text='Spall and Robinson.' elseif(iopt(1).eq.3) then text='Orlanski radiation (implicit).' elseif(iopt(1).eq.4) then text='Modified Orlanski radiation (implicit).' elseif(iopt(1).eq.5) then text='Extrapolated.' endif write(stdout,260) iopt(1),text 260 format(4x,i6,' IOPT(1) boundary condition on tracers:'/22x,a) if(iopt(2).eq.0) then text='Closed.' elseif(iopt(2).eq.1) then text='Provided values.' elseif(iopt(2).eq.2) then text='Spall and Robinson (CFvN like).' elseif(iopt(2).eq.3) then text='Orlanski radiation (implicit).' elseif(iopt(2).eq.4) then text='Modified Orlanski radiation (implicit).' elseif(iopt(2).eq.5) then text='Extrapolated.' endif write(stdout,270) iopt(2),text 270 format(4x,i6,' IOPT(2) boundary condition on velocity:'/22x,a) if(iopt(3).eq.0) then text='Closed.' elseif(iopt(3).eq.1) then text='Provided values.' elseif(iopt(3).eq.2) then text='Spall and Robinson (provided values).' elseif(iopt(3).eq.3) then text='Orlanski radiation (implicit).' elseif(iopt(3).eq.4) then text='Modified Orlanski radiation (implicit).' endif write(stdout,280) iopt(3),text 280 format(4x,i6,' IOPT(3) boundary condition on transport:'/22x,a) if(iopt(4).eq.1) then text='Provided values.' elseif(iopt(4).eq.2) then text='Spall and Robinson (CFvN like).' elseif(iopt(4).eq.3) then text='Orlansky Radiation (implicit).' elseif(iopt(4).eq.5) then text='Extrapolated.' elseif(iopt(4).eq.6) then text='Reduced physics.' endif write(stdout,290) iopt(4),text 290 format(4x,i6,' IOPT(4) boundary condition on vorticity:'/22x,a) if(iopt(5).eq.1) then text='Verbose output.' else text='Terse output.' endif write(stdout,300) iopt(5),text 300 format(4x,i6,' IOPT(5) ',1h",'diagnostic',1h",' printing:'/22x,a) if(iopt(7).eq.0) then text='Full curvature.' elseif(iopt(7).eq.1) then text='f-plane.' elseif(iopt(7).eq.2) then text='beta-plane.' endif write(stdout,310) iopt(7),text 310 format(4x,i6,' IOPT(7) Coriolis Term representation:'/22x,a) #ifdef nest2larger write(stdout,313) iopt(8) 313 format (4x,i6,' IOPT(8) Number of tracers exchanged w/ larger ', & 'domain') #endif #ifdef nest2smaller write(stdout,317) iopt(9) 317 format (4x,i6,' IOPT(9) Number of tracers exchanged w/ smaller ', & 'domain') #endif #if (defined forcing | defined peprf | defined ext_tide ) & defined resetjulian call caldate (d0start,dchar,tchar,iday,month,iyear,iyday) text = 'Reset to: '//dchar//', '//tchar write(stdout,320) d0start,text 320 format(f10.2,' D0START Initial Julian date:'/22x,a) #endif c 900 format(/' PE model input parameters:'/) 910 format( * 4x,i6,' NFIRST start/restart flag'/ * 4x,i6,' NLAST number of timesteps'/ * 4x,i6,' NNERGY number of timesteps between energy ', * 'diagnostics'/ * 4x,i6,' NTSOUT number of timesteps between output of data'/ * 4x,i6,' NTSI number of timesteps between print of single ', * 'line of'/20x,'information'/ * 4x,i6,' NMIX number of timesteps between mixing timestep'/ #ifdef AsselinFilt * 4x,f6.3,' _NU Asselin filter coefficient 0<=_nu<1.00 '/ #endif * 4x,i6,' NCON number of passes through convection loop'/ * 4x,i6,' NTDGN number of timesteps for diagnostic ', * 'initialization, if any.') 920 format( * f10.2,' DTTS length of timestep on tracers (s)'/ * f10.2,' DTUV length of timestep on internal mode velocity', * ' (s)'/ * f10.2,' DTSF length of timestep on streamfunction (s)') 930 format( * 4x,i6,' MIXVEL velocity: horizontal mixing scheme'/ * 10x,' [1] Shapiro filter'/ * 10x,' [2] Laplacian at constant depths'/ * 10x,' [3] Laplacian along terrain following levels'/ * 4x,i6,' MIXTRC tracers: horizontal mixing scheme'/ * 10x,' [1] Shapiro filter'/ * 10x,' [2] Laplacian at constant depths'/ * 10x,' [3] Laplacian along terrain following levels'/ * 4x,i6,' MIXZTD vorticity: horizontal mixing scheme'/ * 10x,' [1] Shapiro filter'/ * 10x,' [2] Laplacian') #ifdef shapiro 940 format( * 4x,3i2,' NORDV Shapiro filter parameters, velocity'/ * 4x,3i2,' NORDT Shapiro filter parameters, tracers'/ * 4x,3i2,' NORDZ Shapiro filter parameters, vorticity'/ * 4x,3i2,' NORDP Shapiro filter parameters, streamfunction') #endif 950 format( * 1pe10.3,' AM horizontal viscosity coefficient (cm^2/s)'/ * 1pe10.3,' AH horizontal diffusion coefficient (cm^2/s)') 960 format( * f10.4,' AIDIF flag for implicit/explicit treatment of ', * 'vertical diffusion'/ * 1pe10.3,' FKPM background vertical viscosity coefficient', * ' (cm^2/s)'/ * 1pe10.3,' VVCLIM unstable vertical viscosity coefficient', * ' (cm^2/s)'/ * 1pe10.3,' WVMIX wind-mixing vertical viscosity coefficient', * ' (cm^2/s)'/ #ifdef ppvmix * 1pe10.3,' FRICMX maximum stable vertical viscosity', * ' coefficient (cm^2/s)'/ #endif * 1pe10.3,' FKPH background vertical diffusion coefficient', * ' (cm^2/s)'/ * 1pe10.3,' VDCLIM unstable vertical diffusion coefficient', * ' (cm^2/s)'/ * 1pe10.3,' WDMIX wind-mixing vertical diffusion coefficient', * ' (cm^2/s)') 970 format( * 9x,i1,' MLDOPT mixed-layer scheme option'/ * 1pe10.3,' MLDVAL prescribed mixed-layer depth (cm)'/ * 1pe10.3,' MLDMIN mixed-layer depth estimate lower limit', * ' (cm)'/ * 1pe10.3,' MLDMAX mixed-layer depth estimate upper limit', * ' (cm)'/ * 1pe10.3,' EKFAC factor in the Ekman depth equation'/ * 1pe10.3,' MCOEF wind stress coefficient in Niiler-Kraus'/ #ifndef nkfix * 1pe10.3,' NCOEF buoyancy coefficient in Niiler-Kraus'/ * 1pe10.3,' WSDFAC wind stress denominator-term factor') # else * 1pe10.3,' NCOEF buoyancy coefficient in Niiler-Kraus') #endif 980 format(/' INPARM: illegal input parameter value for ',a/) 990 format( * 4x,i6,' MXSCAN maximum number of iterations for relaxation ', * 'solution'/ * f10.2,' SOR coefficient for over-relaxation'/ * 1pe10.3,' CRIT percentage convergence criterion for ', * 'relaxation solution'/0p, * f10.4,' ACOR Coriolis term factor') 1000 format( * 1pe10.3,' CDBOT bottom drag coefficient') #if defined ext_tide & defined mixtide 1003 format( * 1pe10.3,' CDTID tidal friction coefficient (s)'/ * 1pe10.3,' MTDDPTH maximum tidal mixing depth (m)'/ * 1pe10.3,' TDMXFRC tidal mixing limit (cm^2/s)') # elif defined posmxtid 1008 format( * 1pe10.3,' TDMXFAC constant tidal mixing coefficient (cm^2/s)') #endif #if defined ext_tide & defined advtide & defined advtide0 1009 format( * 1pe10.3,' SADV scaling factor on tidal advection') #endif #ifdef bndy_rlx 1010 format( * 1pe10.3,' DVBRLX V-boundary relaxation spatial scale'/ * 1pe10.3,' TVBRLX V-boundary relaxation temporal scale'/ * 1pe10.3,' DTBRLX T-boundary relaxation spatial scale'/ * 1pe10.3,' TTBRLX T-boundary relaxation temporal scale') #endif #ifdef cstfrc 1020 format( * 1pe10.3,' DCSFRC Coastal friction spatial scale'/ * 1pe10.3,' TCSFRC Coastal friction temporal scale') #endif #ifdef botfrc 1030 format( * 1pe10.3,' DBTFRC Bottom friction spatial scale'/ * 1pe10.3,' TBTFRC Bottom friction temporal scale') #endif 1040 format( * f10.4,' RHO0 constant mean density (kg/m^3)'/ * f10.4,' SMEAN salinity scale subtracted during computations') #ifdef leqstate 1050 format( * f10.4,' RBAR mean density in linear equation of state'/ * f10.4,' SBAR mean salinity in linear equation of state'/ *1pe10.3,' SCOEF saline contraction coefficient'/0p, * f10.4,' TBAR mean temperature in linear equation of state'/ *1pe10.3,' TCOEF thermal expansion coefficient') #endif c return end