c c======================================================================= c Include file "nest.h" c======================================================================= #ifndef rmdocinc c c Variables c c CURRTID PVM task identifier for this run. (integer) c I_LL_S Lower left corner of smaller grid in current grid. (integer) c I_UR_S Upper right corner of smaller grid in current grid. (integer) c J_LL_S Lower left corner of smaller grid in current grid. (integer) c J_UR_S Upper right corner of smaller grid in current grid. (integer) c LRGTID PVM task identifier for larger grid. (integer) c NXCS Number of x-grid points in current domain covered by c smaller domain. (integer) c NXLC Number of x-grid points in larger domain covered by c current domain. (integer) c NXS Number of x-grid points in smaller grid. (integer) c NYCS Number of y-grid points in current domain covered by c smaller domain. (integer) c NYLC Number of y-grid points in larger domain covered by c current domain. (integer) c NYS Number of y-grid points in smaller grid. (integer) c SMLTID PVM task identifier for smaller grid. (integer) c SPVL Flag value from larger grid. (real) c SPVS Flag value from smaller grid. (real) # ifdef coast c T_ACT Active value of land mask over tracer points. (integer) c V_ACT Active value of land mask over velocity points. (integer) # endif c XVOL Volume storage for passing external data. (real array) c c Message Tags c c IDOM2L Integer domain parameters: small to large c IDOM2S Integer domain parameters: large to small c IFILNM Input file name c LNIFIL Length of input file name c LNOFIL Length of output file name c NTRC2L Number of tracers to pass: small to large c NTRC2S Number of tracers to pass: large to small c OFILNM Output file name c PSIBDE Transport streamfunction: BC - E c PSIBDS Transport streamfunction: BC - S c PSIBDN Transport streamfunction: BC - N c PSIBDW Transport streamfunction: BC - W c or transport streamfunction: large to small c RDOM2L Real domain parameters: small to large c RDOM2S Real domain parameters: large to small c SPTS2L Spawn test value: small to large c SPTS2S Spawn test value: large to small c SPVL2L Special value: small to large c SPVL2S Special value: large to small c TROFST Tracer off-set c TSVL2L Test value: small to large c TSVL2S Test value: large to small c UCBDYE Uclin: BC - E c UCBDYS Uclin: BC - S c UCBDYN Uclin: BC - N c UCBDYW Uclin: BC - W c UCINTR Uclin: interior c VCBDYE Vclin: BC - E c VCBDYS Vclin: BC - S c VCBDYN Vclin: BC - N c VCBDYW Vclin: BC - W c VCINTR Vclin: interior c VORTIN Barotropic vorticity tendency: interior c VRTBDE Barotropic vorticity tendency: BC - E c VRTBDS Barotropic vorticity tendency: BC - S c VRTBDN Barotropic vorticity tendency: BC - N c VRTBDW Barotropic vorticity tendency: BC - W c c======================================================================= #endif c integer horiz_fac,itt_fac,nest_start,nstflt #if defined coast * ,mn_spprt #endif integer idom2l,idom2s,ifilnm,lnifil,lnofil,ntrc2l,ntrc2s,ofilnm, & psibde,psibdn,psibds,psibdw,rdom2l,rdom2s,spts2l,spts2s, & spvl2l,spvl2s,trofst,tsvl2l,tsvl2s,ucbdye,ucbdyn,ucbdys, & ucbdyw,ucintr,vcbdye,vcbdyn,vcbdys,vcbdyw,vcintr,vortin, & vrtbde,vrtbdn,vrtbds,vrtbdw FLOAT * nest_small,spv c parameter (horiz_fac=3, itt_fac=1, nest_small=c1em3, * nest_start=0, spv=c1e35) #ifndef dblprec parameter (nstflt=REAL4) #else parameter (nstflt=REAL8) #endif #if defined coast parameter (mn_spprt=(horiz_fac+1)*(horiz_fac+1)/4) #endif parameter (spts2s= 0, spts2l= 1, lnifil= 2, ifilnm= 3, & lnofil= 4, ofilnm= 5, idom2l= 6, rdom2l= 7, & idom2s= 8, rdom2s= 9, tsvl2l= 10, tsvl2s= 11, & spvl2l= 12, spvl2s= 13, ntrc2l= 14, ntrc2s= 15, & vortin= 16, ucintr= 17, vcintr= 18, vrtbdw= 19, & vrtbde= 20, vrtbds= 21, vrtbdn= 22, psibdw= 23, & psibde= 24, psibds= 25, psibdn= 26, ucbdyw= 27, & ucbdye= 28, ucbdys= 29, ucbdyn= 30, vcbdyw= 31, & vcbdye= 32, vcbdys= 33, vcbdyn= 34, & trofst=1000) c integer currtid,i_ll_s,i_ur_s,j_ll_s,j_ur_s,lrgtid,nxcs,nxlc,nxs, * nycs,nylc,nys,smltid #ifdef coast * ,t_act,v_act #endif common /inest/ currtid,i_ll_s,i_ur_s,j_ll_s,j_ur_s,lrgtid,nxcs, * nxlc,nxs,nycs,nylc,nys,smltid #ifdef coast * ,t_act,v_act #endif c #if !defined nest_ext2lrgr & !defined nest_ext2smlr FLOAT * spvl,spvs,xvol(xmdat) common /fnest/ spvl,spvs,xvol #else FLOAT * spvl,spvs,xvol(xmdat),xpal(xmndat) common /fnest/ spvl,spvs,xvol,xpal #endif