subroutine pb0wrtcdf (jrow,f,m,n,fldid,vindx,fileid) c c======================================================================= c === c This routine writes out the field F(m,n) at the specified slab === c JROW and at the requested levels in LEV(NLEV) in NetCDF format. === c If LEV is greater than KM then LEV is taken as depth in meters === c to interpolate. === c === c On Input: === c === c JROW current slab index (integer). === c F field to write (real array). === c M,N first and second dimension for field F (integer). === c FLDID field ID in output NetCDF file (integer). === c VINDX vector component index (integer). === c FILEID NetCDF output file ID (integer). === c === c Calls: NCVPT (NetCDF library) === c EXITUS === c === c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define global data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c #include #include c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define local data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c integer fileid,fldid,jrow,m,n,l,rcode,vindx integer count(4),start(4) FLOAT * f(m,n) c c======================================================================= c Begin Executable code. c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Write out field into netCDF file. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c start(1)=vindx count(1)=1 count(2)=1 start(3)=1 count(3)=m start(4)=jrow count(4)=1 c do 10 l=1,n c start(2)=l call ncvpt(fileid,fldid,start,count,f(1,l),rcode) if( then write(stdout,900) fldid,l call exitus('PB0WRTCDF') endif c 10 continue c 900 format(' PB0WRTCDF - error while writing variable with NetCDF ID ' * ,'= ',i4,2x,' at output level/depth = ',i6) return end