c c======================================================================= c Include file "pe_netcdf.h". c======================================================================= c #ifndef rmdocinc c JUL_OFF modified Julian day offset. c HISTORY global history attribute (character). c RCODE error code returned by NetCDF library (0 for no errors). c SINDX index for a scalar (0: no dimension). c SPVAL special values used as a fill or missing value. c TNAME attributes for tracer variables (character array): c TNAME(1,N): NetCDF variable name of N-tracer. c TNAME(2,N): long_name variable attribute of N-tracer. c TNAME(3,N): units variable attribute of N-tracer. c TNAME(4,N): field variable attribute of N-tracer. c VARID generic ID for arbitrary variables in NetCDF files. c XINDX index for first dimension a vector. c YINDX index for second dimension of a vector. c ZINDX index for third dimension of a vector. c c Input initialization/assimilation NetCDF IDs: c c EMAXID assimilation, maximum observation error. c EMINID assimilation, minimum observation error. c NCINPID NetCDF ID for initialization file. c NCASSID NetCDF ID for assimilation file. c PBRYID boundary, transport streamfunction. c PERRID observation error, transport streamfunction. c PINIID initialization, transport streamfunction. c POBSID assimilation, transport streamfunction. c QBRYID boundary, time rate of change of barotropic vorticity. c TASSID assimilation, time. c TASSINDX assimilation, counter for time dimension. c TASSMAX assimilation, size of time dimension. c TBRYID boundary, tracer type of variables. c TERRID observation error, tracer type of variables. c TINIID initialization, tracer type of variables. c T0INPID initialization, time. c TINPID boundary, time. c TINPINDX boundary, counter for time dimension. c TINPMAX boundary, size of time dimension. c TOBSID assimilation, tracer type of variables. c VBRYID boundary, internal mode velocity. c VERRID observation error, internal mode velocity. c VINIID initialization, internal mode velocity. c VOBSID assimilation, internal mode velocity. c c Input forcing fields NetCDF IDs: c c NCFRCID NetCDF ID for forcing file. c SHFID surface heat flux. c SMFID surface momentum flux. c SNFID surface nutrient flux. c SWFID surface water flux. c SHFTID surface heat flux time. c SMFTID surface momentum flux time. c SNFTID surface nutrient flux time. c SWFTID surface water flux time. c SWRID shortwave radiation. c SWRTID shortwave radiation time. c TSHFINDX surface heat flux, counter for time dimension. c TSMFINDX surface momentum flux, counter for time dimension. c TSNFINDX surface biology flux, counter for time dimension. c TSWFINDX surface water flux, counter for time dimension. c TSWRINDX shortwave radiation, counter for time dimension. # ifdef ext_tide c c Input/Output Tidal NetCDF IDs: c c NCTDID Identifier for netCDF tidal data file. c NCTDST Status flag for netCDF tidal data file. c STIDID Tidal surface elevation identifier. # ifdef tide_zero c TTIDID Residual tidal stress identifier. # endif c VTIDID Tidal velocity identifier. # endif c c Output Lagrangian drifters NetCDF IDs: c c TRKDENID drifter density. c TRKDIAID drifter diameter. c TRKIDID drifter identifier. c TRKPOS drifter position. c TRKTIMID drifter time. c TRKTYPID drifter type. c TRKVELID drifter velocity. c c Output energy/diagnostics NetCDF IDs: c c ASSTID average surface tracer. c ATWVID average tracer within volume. c AVWVID average velocity within volume. c BAVGID average buoyancy work. c BUOYID buoyancy work. c EKEAVGID rate of change of average external mode kinetic energy. c IKEAVGID rate of change of average internal mode kinetic energy. c KETOTID total kinetic energy. c KETRMID rate of change of average kinetic energy components. c MBTRMID rate of change of zonal momentum term balances. c NCNRGID NetCDF ID for energy/diagnostics output file. c SMFLXID surface momentum flux. c STFLXID surface tracer flux. c TBTRMID rate of change of tracer term balances. c TCONVID rate of change of tracer due to convection. c TMTID meridional mass transport. c TNRGID output time for energy. c TNRGINDX counter for time dimension. c TTNID northward transport components of tracer. c TVARID rate of change of tracer variance. c c PE output NetCDF IDs: c c BGRDID bacteria uptake rate of DON. c BGRNID bacteria uptake rate of NH4. c DENAID density anomaly. c EXPTID particle export rate in McGillicuddy biological model. c FPFLID fast-sinking particle flux in Fasham biological model. c LANDTID land/sea mask at tracer points. c LANDVID land/sea mask at velocity points. c MLDID mixed-layer depth. c NCOUTID NetCDF ID for PE output file. # ifdef pressbias c NCPBID NetCDF ID for Pressure Bias file (I/O). c NCPBST Status flag for Pressure Bias file (I/O). # endif c NCTRKID NetCDF ID for drifters tracjetory output file. c NH4PID NH4 production rate. c NO3PID NO3 production rate. c PBARID transport streamfunction. c QBARID barotropic vorticity. c TBTHID bathymetry at tracer points. c TOUTID output time. c TOUTINDX counter for output time dimension. c TRCSID tracer type of variables. c TRMTVID identifiers for tracer term balances c VCLIID internal velocity vector. c VBARID external velocity vector. c VGEOID integrated geostrophic velocity velocity vector. c VTOTID total velocity vector. c WVSTID terrain-following vertical velocity at tracer points. c WVSVID terrain-following vertical velocity at velocity points. c WVZTID vertical velocity at tracer points. c WVZVID vertical velocity at velocity points. c ZGRBID zooplankton grazing rate of bacteria. c ZGROID zooplankton grazing rate of PON. c ZGRPID zooplankton grazing rate of phytoplankton. # if defined oias & defined fcsterr c PFERID forecast error, transport streamfunction. c TFERID forecast error, tracer type of variables. c VFERID forecast error, internal mode velocity. # endif c c======================================================================= c #endif common /ipe_netcfd/ asstid,atwvid,avwvid,bavgid,bgrdid,bgrnid, * buoyid,denaid,ekeavgid,emaxid,eminid,exptid,fpflid, * ikeavgid,ketotid,ketrmid,landtid,landvid,mbtrmid,mldid, * ncassid,ncfrcid,ncinpid,ncnrgid,ncnrgst,ncoutid,ncoutst, * nctrkid,nctrkst,nh4pid,no3pid,pbarid,pbryid,perrid,piniid, * pobsid,qbarid,qbryid,rcode,tassid,tassindx,tassmax,tbryid, * tbthid,shfid,shftid,smfid,snfid,smflxid,smftid,snftid, * stflxid,swfid,swftid,swrid,swrtid,tbtrmid,tconvid,terrid, * t0inpid,tinpid,tiniid,tinpindx,tinpmax,tmtid,tnrgid, * tnrgindx,tobsid,toutid,toutindx,trcsid,trkdenid,trkdiaid, * trkidid,trkposid,trktimid,trktypid,trkvelid,trmtvid, * tsnfindx,tshfindx,tsmfindx,tswfindx,tswrindx,ttnid,tvarid, * varid,vbarid,vbryid,vcliid,verrid,vgeoid,viniid,vobsid, * vtotid,wvstid,wvsvid,wvztid,wvzvid,zgrbid,zgroid,zgrpid #ifdef pressbias * ,ncpbid,ncpbst #endif #if defined oias & defined fcsterr * ,pferid,tferid,vferid #endif #if defined ext_tide * ,stidid,vtidid,nctdid,nctdst # ifdef tide_zero * ,ttidid # endif #endif integer asstid,atwvid,avwvid,bavgid,bgrdid,bgrnid,buoyid,denaid, * ekeavgid,emaxid,eminid,exptid,fpflid,ikeavgid,ketotid, * ketrmid,landtid,landvid,mbtrmid,mldid,ncassid,ncfrcid, * ncinpid,ncnrgid,ncnrgst,ncoutid,ncoutst,nctrkid,nctrkst, * nh4pid,no3pid,pbarid,pbryid,perrid,piniid,pobsid,qbarid, * qbryid,rcode,shfid,shftid,smfid,snfid,smflxid,smftid, * snftid,stflxid,swfid,swftid,swrid,swrtid,tassid,tassindx, * tassmax,tbryid,tbthid,tbtrmid,tconvid,t0inpid,tinpid, * tinpindx,tinpmax,tmtid,tnrgid,tnrgindx,toutid,toutindx, * trkdenid,trkdiaid,trkidid,trkposid,trktimid,trktypid, * trkvelid,tsnfindx,tshfindx,tsmfindx,tswfindx,tswrindx, * ttnid,tvarid,varid,vbarid,vbryid,vcliid,verrid,vgeoid, * viniid,vobsid,vtotid,wvstid,wvsvid,wvztid,wvzvid,zgrbid, * zgroid,zgrpid #ifdef pressbias * ,ncpbid,ncpbst #endif #if defined oias & defined fcsterr * ,pferid,vferid #endif #if defined ext_tide * ,stidid,vtidid,nctdid,nctdst # ifdef tide_zero * ,ttidid # endif #endif integer terrid(nt),tiniid(nt),tobsid(nt),trcsid(nt),trmtvid(nt) #if defined oias & defined fcsterr * ,tferid(nt) #endif c common /cpe_netcdf/ tname,history character*44 tname(4,nt) character*120 history c integer sindx,xindx,yindx,zindx FLOAT * jul_off,spval parameter (jul_off=2440000.0,spval=1.0e+35,sindx=0,xindx=1, * yindx=2,zindx=3)