subroutine press_bias (dpdx,dpdy,j) c c======================================================================= c === c PRESS_BIAS removes part of the systematic error obtained === c in the pressure gradient. === c === c J = the row number === c === c Calls: EXITUS === c netCDF Calls: NCOPN, NCVGT, NCVID === c === c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define global data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined shapiro & defined shapmean # include #endif c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define local data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c integer i,j,k #if defined shapiro & defined shapmean & ,n,rcode0,sbgn,send,slen,varid0 #endif integer count(5),start(5) logical first #if defined shapiro & defined shapmean & ,new #endif FLOAT & dp0dx(imt,jmt,km),dp0dy(imt,jmt,km),dpdx(imt,km),dpdy(imt,km) c save count,dp0dx,dp0dy,first,start c data first /.true./ data start /5*1/ data count /2*1,imt,jmt,1/ c c======================================================================= c Begin executable code. c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c On first pass, read bias data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c if (first) then c first=.false. c c -- Open bias netCDF data file. c ncpbid = ncopn (pbisnam,ncnowrit,rcode) if(rcode.eq.0) then ncpbst = 2 else write(stdout,900) pbisnam call exitus('PRESS_BIAS') endif c c -- Read pressure gradient bias. c varid = ncvid (ncpbid,'press_bias',rcode) if ( then write (stdout,910) 'press_bias' call exitus ('PRESS_BIAS') endif c do 10 k = 1, km c start(1) = 1 start(2) = k c call ncvgt (ncpbid,varid,start,count,dp0dx(1,1,k),rcode) if ( then write (stdout,920) 'press_bias: dp0/dx' call exitus ('PRESS_BIAS') endif c start(1) = 2 c call ncvgt (ncpbid,varid,start,count,dp0dy(1,1,k),rcode) if ( then write (stdout,920) 'press_bias: dp0/dy' call exitus ('PRESS_BIAS') endif c 10 continue #if defined shapiro & defined shapmean c c -- Read mean tracer fields. c varid0 = ncvid (ncpbid,'tracer_mean',rcode0) c do 30 n = 1, nt c call length (tname(1,n),slen,sbgn,send) call ncpopt (0) varid = ncvid (ncinpid,tname(1,n)(sbgn:send)//'mean',rcode) call ncpopt (ncverbos) new = rcode .eq. 0 if (( then varid = varid0 elseif (( then write (stdout,910) tname(1,n)(sbgn:send)// & 'mean or tracer_mean' call exitus ('PRESS_BIAS') endif c start(1) = n c do 20 k = 1, km c start(2) = k c if (new) then call ncvgt (ncinpid,varid,start(2),count(2),xt0(1,1,k,n), & rcode) else call ncvgt (ncpbid,varid,start,count,xt0(1,1,k,n),rcode) endif if ( then write (stdout,920) tname(1,n)(sbgn:send)// & 'mean or tracer_mean' call exitus ('PRESS_BIAS') endif c 20 continue 30 continue #endif c endif c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Remove bias in pressure gradient. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c do 40 k=1,km do 40 i=1,imt dpdx(i,k)=dpdx(i,k)-dp0dx(i,j,k) dpdy(i,k)=dpdy(i,k)-dp0dy(i,j,k) 40 continue c return c 900 format (/'***Error: PRESS_BIAS - unable to open file ',1h", & a,1h",'.') 910 format (/'***Error: PRESS_BIAS - unable to find variable ',1h", & a,1h",'.') 920 format (/'***Error: PRESS_BIAS - unable to read variable ',1h", & a,1h",'.') c end