subroutine press_bias0 (dpdx,dpdy,j) c c======================================================================= c === c PRESS_BIAS0 extracts the systematic error obtained === c in the pressure gradient. === c NOTE: from first time step run with horizontally averaged T,S === c === c J = the row number === c === c Calls: DEFBIAS, EXITUS, OPICK, PB0WRTCDF === c netCDF Calls: NCVID === c === c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define global data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined shapiro & defined shapmean # include # include #endif c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define local data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c #if defined shapiro & defined shapmean integer imtkmnt parameter (imtkmnt=nt*imtkm) #endif integer j,pbid #if defined shapiro & defined shapmean * ,n,shid #endif logical first FLOAT & dpdx(imt,km),dpdy(imt,km) #if defined shapiro & defined shapmean * ,tp2(imt,km,nt) #endif c save first,pbid #if defined shapiro & defined shapmean * ,shid #endif c data first /.true./ c c======================================================================= c Begin executable code. c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c On first call, define netCDF output file. Get variable identifiers. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c if(first) then c call defbias c pbid = ncvid (ncpbid,'press_bias',rcode) if ( then write (stdout,900) 'press_bias' call exitus ('PRESS_BIAS0') endif c #if defined shapiro & defined shapmean shid = ncvid (ncpbid,'tracer_mean',rcode) if ( then write (stdout,900) 'tracer_mean' call exitus ('PRESS_BIAS0') endif c #endif first=.false. c endif c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Write bias fields. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c -- Write x-component of pressure gradient bias. c call pb0wrtcdf (j,dpdx,imt,km,pbid,1,ncpbid) if (j.eq.2) call pb0wrtcdf (1,dpdx,imt,km,pbid,1,ncpbid) if (j.eq.jmtm2) then call pb0wrtcdf (jmtm1,dpdx,imt,km,pbid,1,ncpbid) call pb0wrtcdf (jmt,dpdx,imt,km,pbid,1,ncpbid) end if c c -- Write y-component of pressure gradient bias. c call pb0wrtcdf (j,dpdy,imt,km,pbid,2,ncpbid) if (j.eq.2) call pb0wrtcdf (1,dpdy,imt,km,pbid,2,ncpbid) if (j.eq.jmtm2) then call pb0wrtcdf (jmtm1,dpdy,imt,km,pbid,2,ncpbid) call pb0wrtcdf (jmt,dpdy,imt,km,pbid,2,ncpbid) end if #if defined shapiro & defined shapmean c c -- Write mean tracer fields. c if (j.eq.jmtm2) & call opick (labs(ndisk),nslab,(j+1)*nslab+1,1,imtkmnt,tp2) do 10 n=1,nt call pb0wrtcdf (j,t(1,1,n),imt,km,shid,n,ncpbid) if (j.eq.2) call pb0wrtcdf (1,tm(1,1,n),imt,km,shid,n,ncpbid) if (j.eq.jmtm2) then call pb0wrtcdf (jmtm1,tp(1,1,n),imt,km,shid,n,ncpbid) call pb0wrtcdf (jmt,tp2(1,1,n),imt,km,shid,n,ncpbid) end if 10 continue c #endif return c 900 format (/'***Error: PRESS_BIAS0 - unable to find variable ',1h", & a,1h",'.') c end