subroutine reset_t_thickness c c======================================================================= c === c This routine returns the depth at each grid point along a slab === c of constant J in the hybrid coordinate system. === c === c On Input: === c === c In common blocks listed below. === c === c On Output: === c === c In common blocks: === c === c Calls: none === c === c Common Blocks: (only relevant variables listed) === c === c /VERTICAL/ === c === c HVZ the depths at uv 3D grid points === c (output; real array) === c HTZ the depths at tracer 3D grid points === c (output; real array) === c === c === c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define global data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c #include #include #include #include #include #include c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define local data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c integer i,j,k FLOAT * sumt c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Begin executable code. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c do 40 j=1,jmt do 30 i=1,imt sumt=c0 do 10 k=1,km sumt=sumt+htz(i,k,j) 10 continue tstretch(i,j)=(sumt+srftd(i,j))/sumt 30 continue 40 continue do 60 j=1,jmt do 50 i=1,imt ustretch(i,j)=c1 50 continue 60 continue do 80 j=1,jmt-1 do 70 i=1,imt-1 ustretch(i,j)=p25*(tstretch(i,j)+tstretch(i+1,j)+ $ tstretch(i,j+1)+tstretch(i+1,j+1)) 70 continue 80 continue return end