1======================================================================= 2 The format of this PE profiles input file is as follows: 3 On line 10, a title. 4 Then for each instruments (CTD, XBT, CM, ..), one after the other, 5 1. inst. name (no quotes) and total nb. of prf. for that inst. 6 2. the positions vector (i,j,itt) of those profiles, 7 with i varying first, j second and itt last. For a chosen itt 8 the time of the output is the origin of the time step itt. 9======================================================================= MassBay97 OSSE with AUV: 0.8 km resolution ctd 31 8 52 1537 9 51 1539 9 51 1542 10 50 1544 10 50 1546 11 49 1549 11 49 1551 12 48 1553 13 47 1555 13 47 1558 14 48 1560 14 48 1562 13 49 1565 13 49 1567 12 50 1569 12 50 1572 11 51 1574 10 52 1576 10 52 1579 9 53 1581 9 53 1583 10 54 1586 10 54 1588 11 53 1590 12 52 1592 12 52 1595 13 51 1597 13 51 1599 14 50 1602 14 50 1604 15 49 1606