c c======================================================================= c Include file "scalar.h" c======================================================================= c #ifndef rmdocinc c ACOR coefficient for implicit tratment of Coriolis term: c ACOR=0.0 fully explicit. c ACOR=0.5 centers the weight equally at time TAU. c ACOR=1.0 fully implicit. c AH coefficient for horizontal mixing of tracers (cm^2/s). c AM coefficient for horizontal mixing of momentum (cm^2/s). c CRIT criterion for convergence of relaxation. c C2DTSF twice the length of timestep on transport stream function, c except during mixing timesteps (sec). c C2DTTS twice the length of timestep on tracers, except during c mixing timesteps (sec). c C2DTUV twice the length of timestep on internal mode velocities, c except during mixing timesteps (sec). c DTSF length of timestep on transport stream function (sec). c DTTS length of timestep on tracer (sec). c DTUV length of timestep on internal mode velocities (sec). c GRAV acceleration due to gravity (cm/s^2). c OMEGA rate of rotation of the (Earth) coordinate system (1/sec). c PRMS current transport stream function RMS used for convergence. c RADIAN number of radians in a degree. c RADIUS average radius of the Earth. c SOR coefficient for over-relaxation. c c======================================================================= c #endif common /scalar/ dtts,dtuv,dtsf,c2dtts,c2dtuv,c2dtsf,ah,am,acor, * crit,sor,omega,radius,grav,radian,prms FLOAT * dtts,dtuv,dtsf,c2dtts,c2dtuv,c2dtsf,ah,am,acor,crit,sor, * omega,radius,grav,radian,prms