subroutine set_brlx c c======================================================================= c === c This routine sets the coefficients for the boundary relaxation === c terms. === c === c Calls: none === c === c ------ === c Input: === c ------ === c === c Common Blocks: === c === c /BNDYRLX/ === c === #ifdef bndy_rlx c DVBRLX V-grid Spatial e-folding scale for bndy relaxation. === c TVBRLX V-grid Temporal e-folding scale for bndy relaxation. === c DTBRLX T-grid Spatial e-folding scale for bndy relaxation. === c TTBRLX T-grid Temporal e-folding scale for bndy relaxation. === #endif #ifdef cstfrc c DCSFRC Spatial e-folding scale for coastal friction. === c TCSFRC Temporal e-folding scale for coastal friction. === #endif #ifdef botfrc c DBTFRC Spatial e-folding scale for bottom friction. === c TBTFRC Temporal e-folding scale for bottom friction. === #endif c === #ifdef coast c /FULLWD/ === c === c LANDT land/sea mask at the tracer points === c LANDV land/sea mask at the velocity points === c === #endif c ------- === c Output: === c ------- === c === c Common Blocks: === c === c /BNDYRLX/ === c === #ifdef bndy_rlx c TFACBRLX Boundary relaxation cofficient at tracer points. === c VFACBRLX Boundary relaxation cofficient at velocity points. === #endif #ifdef cstfrc c FACCSFRC Coastal friction cofficients. === #endif #ifdef botfrc c FACBTFRC Bottom friction cofficients. === #endif c === c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define global data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c #include #include #include #include #ifdef coast # include #endif c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define local data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c integer i #if defined bndy_rlx | defined cstfrc * ,j #endif #if defined coast & (defined bndy_rlx | defined cstfrc) * ,ii,jj FLOAT * dist # ifdef cstfrc * ,spdist # endif #endif c c======================================================================= c Begin executable code. c======================================================================= c #ifdef bndy_rlx c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define boundary relaxation coefficients at velocity points. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c do 30 j = 1, jmt do 30 i = 1, imt c if (( then c c -- Find distance to nearest boundary/coastline. c vfacbrlx(i,j) = FLoaT( min( i-2, imtm2-i, j-2, jmtm2-j ) ) vfacbrlx(i,j) = max( vfacbrlx(i,j), c0 ) # ifdef coast jj = 1 do 20 while ((jj.le.jmt).and.(vfacbrlx(i,j).gt.c0)) ii = 1 do 10 while ((ii.le.imt).and.(vfacbrlx(i,j).gt.c0)) if (landv(ii,jj).eq.0) then dist = sqrt( (FLoaT(ii-i))**2 + (FLoaT(jj-j))**2 ) if (,j)) vfacbrlx(i,j) = dist end if ii = ii + 1 10 continue jj = jj + 1 20 continue # endif c c -- Compute boundary relaxation coefficient from minimum distance. c vfacbrlx(i,j) = exp( cm1*(vfacbrlx(i,j)/dvbrlx)**2 ) / tvbrlx c else c c -- No boundary relaxation on velocity grid. c vfacbrlx(i,j) = c0 c end if c 30 continue c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define boundary relaxation coefficients at tracer points. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c do 60 j = 1, jmt do 60 i = 1, imt c if (( then c c -- Find distance to nearest boundary/coastline. c tfacbrlx(i,j) = FLoaT( min( i-2, imtm2-i, j-2, jmtm2-j ) ) tfacbrlx(i,j) = max( tfacbrlx(i,j), c0 ) # ifdef coast jj = 1 do 50 while ((jj.le.jmt).and.(tfacbrlx(i,j).gt.c0)) ii = 1 do 40 while ((ii.le.imt).and.(tfacbrlx(i,j).gt.c0)) if (landt(ii,jj).eq.0) then dist = sqrt( (FLoaT(ii-i))**2 + (FLoaT(jj-j))**2 ) if (,j)) tfacbrlx(i,j) = dist end if ii = ii + 1 40 continue jj = jj + 1 50 continue # endif c c -- Compute boundary relaxation coefficient from minimum distance. c tfacbrlx(i,j) = exp( cm1*(tfacbrlx(i,j)/dtbrlx)**2 ) /ttbrlx c else c c -- No boundary relaxation on tracer grid. c tfacbrlx(i,j) = c0 c end if c 60 continue c #endif #ifdef cstfrc c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define coastal friction coefficients. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c # ifdef coast spdist = c2*sqrt( FLoaT(imt*imt) + FLoaT(jmt*jmt) ) c # endif do 90 j = 1, jmt do 90 i = 1, imt c # ifdef coast if (( then c c -- Find distance to nearest coastline. c faccsfrc(i,j) = spdist jj = 1 do 80 while ((jj.le.jmt).and.(faccsfrc(i,j).gt.c0)) ii = 1 do 70 while ((ii.le.imt).and.(faccsfrc(i,j).gt.c0)) if (landv(ii,jj).eq.0) then dist = sqrt( (FLoaT(ii-i))**2 + (FLoaT(jj-j))**2 ) if (,j)) faccsfrc(i,j) = dist end if ii = ii + 1 70 continue jj = jj + 1 80 continue c c -- Compute coastal friction coefficient from minimum distance. c if (faccsfrc(i,j).lt.spdist) then faccsfrc(i,j) = exp(cm1*(faccsfrc(i,j)/dcsfrc)**2)/tcsfrc else faccsfrc(i,j) = c0 end if c else # endif c c -- No coastal friction. c faccsfrc(i,j) = c0 # ifdef coast c end if # endif c 90 continue c #endif #ifdef botfrc c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define bottom friction coefficients. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c do 100 i = 1, km c if (( then facbtfrc(i) = exp(cm1*(FLoaT(i-km)/dbtfrc)**2)/tbtfrc else facbtfrc(i) = c0 end if c 100 continue c #endif return end