subroutine sigma2z(track) c c======================================================================= c === c This routine determines the correct depth for a Lagrangian === c drifter which follows isopycnal surfaces. If no such level === c is found, the depth remains unchanged. If more than one === c such level is found, the nearest is used. === c === c On Input: === c === c TRACK descriptor of Lagrangian drifter (real array; input) === c TRACK(1) -- X coord. of current drifter position === c TRACK(2) -- Y coord. of current drifter position === c TRACK(8) -- density anomaly at initial position === c === c On Output: === c === c TRACK(3) -- Z coord. of current drifter position === c === c Calls: BES1D, SIG2Z === c === c Common blocks: (only relevant variables documented) === c === c /TRKFLD/ === c === c SIG_VOL density at every grid point (real array; input) === c === c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define global data c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c #include #include #include #include c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define local data c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c logical first integer i,ibry,iwk,ix,j,jbry,jwk,jy #ifdef cyclic * ,ncyc #endif FLOAT * bes1d,sig,x,xmix,y,ymax,ymjy,z #ifndef cyclic * ,xmax #endif FLOAT * track(8),zwk1(4),zwk2(4) #ifndef cyclic save first,xmax,ymax # else save first,ymax #endif data first/.true./ c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Begin executable code. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c On first pass, determine bounds for horizontal interpolations. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c if(first) then #ifndef cyclic xmax=FLoaT(imtm1) #endif ymax=FLoaT(jmtm1) first=.false. endif c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Determine position and desired density. Compute parameters for c horizontal interpolations. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c x=track(1) y=track(2) z=max(track(3)*m2cm,c0) sig=track(8) c ix=int(x) xmix=x-FLoaT(ix) ibry=0 #ifndef cyclic if( then ibry=1 elseif( then ibry=2 endif #endif c jy=int(y) ymjy=y-FLoaT(jy) jbry=0 if( then jbry=1 elseif( then jbry=2 endif c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Determine depths over needed "footprint" and zonally interpolate. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c do 20 j=1,4 jwk=max(min(jy+j-2,jmt),1) do 10 i=1,4 #ifndef cyclic iwk=max(min(ix+i-2,imt),1) # else iwk=ix+i-2 ncyc=(iwk-1)/imtm2 if( ncyc=ncyc-1 iwk=iwk-ncyc*imtm2 #endif call sig2z(iwk,jwk,z,sig,sig_vol,zwk1(i)) 10 continue zwk2(j)=bes1d(xmix,zwk1(1),zwk1(2),zwk1(3),zwk1(4),ibry) 20 continue c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Meridionally interpolate depths. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c z=bes1d(ymjy,zwk2(1),zwk2(2),zwk2(3),zwk2(4),jbry) track(3)=max(cm2m*z,c0) return end