subroutine splint(x,y,y2,n,xx,yy,dydx) c c======================================================================= c === c Given arrays X and Y of length N, which tabulate a function, === c Y=f(X), with the X in ascending order, and given the array === c Y2 which contains the second derivative of the interpolating === c function at the tabulated points X as computed by routine === c SPLINE, and given a value XX, this routine returns a cubic- === c spline interpolated value YY. For a value of XX outside the === c range of X, constant extrapolation based on the nearest Y === c value is used. === c === c Reference : === c === c Press, W.H, B.P. Flannery, S.A. Teukolsky, and W.T. Vetterling, === c 1986: Numerical Recipes, the art of scientific computing. === c Cambridge University Press. === c === c Modified by H.G. Arango (1989) to output the first derivative === c DYDX at a given value XX. === c === c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define global data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c #include #include c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define local data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c integer k,khi,klo,n FLOAT * a,b,c,d,dydx,e,f,h,xx,yy FLOAT * x(n),y(n),y2(n) c c======================================================================= c Begin executable code. c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Solve simple extrapolation cases first. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c if (xx.le.x(1)) then yy = y(1) dydx = c0 return end if c if ( then yy = y(n) dydx = c0 return end if c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Find the right place of XX in the table by means of bisection. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c klo=1 khi=n 10 if((khi-klo).gt.1) then k=(khi+klo)/2 if(x(k).gt.xx) then khi=k else klo=k endif goto 10 endif c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c KLO and KHI now bracket the input value XX. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c h=x(khi)-x(klo) if(h.eq.c0) then print *, ' SPLINT: bad X input, they must be distinct.' call exitus('SPLINT') endif c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Evaluate cubic spline polynomial. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c a=(x(khi)-xx)/h b=(xx-x(klo))/h c=(a*a*a-a)*(h*h)*r6 d=(b*b*b-b)*(h*h)*r6 e=(c3*(a*a)-c1)*h*r6 f=(c3*(b*b)-c1)*h*r6 yy=a*y(klo)+b*y(khi)+c*y2(klo)+d*y2(khi) dydx=(y(khi)-y(klo))/h-e*y2(klo)+f*y2(khi) c return end