subroutine trackinit c c======================================================================= c === c This routine initializes the Lagrangian drifters. === c === c Calls: none === c === c Common blocks: (only relevant variables documented) === c === c /MODDAT/ === c === c COORD flag for type of horizontal coordinates. (input) === c [0] cartesian [1] spherical [2] rotated spherical === c GRIDX grid spacing in the x-direction (cm or degrees; input)=== c GRIDY grid spacing in the y-direction (cm or degrees; input)=== c === c /SCALAR/ === c === c DTUV model velocity time step (sec; input; real) === c === c /TRACKTIME/ === c === c NSTEP number of tracer time steps per model time step === c (integer; output) === c DTSTEP size of tracer time step (days; real; output) === c === c /TRKSCL/ === c === c FACTT time scale (sec; real; output) === c FACTX x-horizontal space scale (cm; real; output) === c FACTY y-horizontal space scale (cm; real; output) === c === c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define global data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c #include #include #include #include #include #include #include c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Begin executable code. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Determine track scaling factors. c ***NOTE: this version assumes equally spaced grid points. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c if(coord.eq.0) then factx=gridx facty=gridy else factx=gridx*deg2rad*re facty=gridy*deg2rad*re endif factt=dtuv c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Set track time stepping factors. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c nstep=1 dtstep=dtuv/FLoaT(nstep)*sec2day return end