subroutine trackrefresh c c======================================================================= c === c This loads the final slab into the volume density array. === c === c Common Blocks: (only relevant variables documented. === c === c /FULLWD/ === c === c LABS rolling disk unit numbers for the virtual disk === c data (integer array; input) === c NDISK index for the unit number for current data === c (integer; input) === c === c /TRKFLD/ === c === c SIG_VOL the density at the current time (real array; output)=== c === c /VERTSLAB/ === c === c JRN pointer to north slab (integer; input) === c TDEPTH depths at tracer points in needed slabs (real === c array; input) === c === c Note: The arrays T & RHON in the common block /WORKSP/ are === c used as work space. === c === c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define global data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c #include #include #include #include #include #include c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define local data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c integer i,imtkm2,k parameter (imtkm2=imtkm*2) c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Begin executable code. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c call opick(labs(ndisk),nslab,jmtm1*nslab+1,1,imtkm2,t) call state(t(1,1,1),t(1,1,2),tdepth(1,1,jrn),rhon) do 10 k=1,km do 10 i=1,imt sig_vol(i,jmt,k)=rhon(i,k) 10 continue return end