subroutine vavgv (ipt,jpt,z,hd,u,ub,v,vb,uz,uzb,vz,vzb) c c======================================================================= c === c This routine performs Vertical Averaging of horizontal Velocity. === c This particular routine averages the velocity based upon the === c fraction of a submerged sphere in a given level. === c === c ------ === c Input: === c ------ === c === c IPT X-index of desired point. (integer) === c JPT Y-index of desired point. (integer) === c Z Desired depth of interpolation. (real) === c HD Diameter (height) of the drifter. (real) === c U Internal zonal velocities, current. (real array)=== c UB Internal zonal velocities, previous. (real array)=== c V Internal meridional velocities, current. (real array)=== c VB Internal meridional velocities, previous. (real array)=== c === c Common Blocks: === c === c /VERTICAL/ === c === c HVZ depth at the bottom of the velocity boxes. (real array)=== c === c ------- === c Output: === c ------- === c === c UZ Interpolated zonal velocity, current. (real) === c UZB Interpolated zonal velocity, previous. (real) === c VZ Interpolated meridional velocity, current. (real) === c VZB Interpolated meridional velocity, previous. (real) === c === c Calls: BRACKET_Z === c === c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define global data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c #include #include #include #include c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define local data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c integer ipt,jpt,k,knd,kst,levdn,levup FLOAT * arg1,arg2,dzd,dzu,hd,totarea,uz,uzb,vz,vzb,wt,z,zdn,zup,znd, * zst FLOAT * u(imt,km),ub(imt,km),v(imt,km),vb(imt,km) FLOAT * wtfn c wtfn(arg1) = arg1*sqrt(c1-arg1*arg1) + asin(arg1) c c======================================================================= c Begin executable code. c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Determine averaging range. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c Find starting level. c zst = max( (z-p5*hd) , c0 ) c call bracket_z (ipt,jpt,zst,vgrid,levup,levdn,dzu,dzd,zup,zdn) c if (hvz(ipt,levup,jpt).gt.zst) then kst = levup else kst = levdn end if c c Find ending level. c znd = min( (z+p5*hd) , hvz(ipt,km,jpt) ) c call bracket_z (ipt,jpt,znd,vgrid,levup,levdn,dzu,dzd,zup,zdn) c if (hvz(ipt,levup,jpt).lt.znd) then knd = levdn else knd = levup end if c c Find total cross-sectional area of drifter within water. c arg1 = (znd-z)*c2/hd arg2 = (zst-z)*c2/hd totarea = wtfn(arg1) - wtfn(arg2) c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Average internal mode horizontal velocities. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c if (,kst,jpt)) then c c --- Drifter extends over several levels. c arg1 = (hvz(ipt,kst,jpt)-z)*c2/hd arg2 = (zst-z)*c2/hd wt = (wtfn(arg1)-wtfn(arg2))/totarea uz = u (ipt,kst)*wt uzb = ub(ipt,kst)*wt vz = v (ipt,kst)*wt vzb = vb(ipt,kst)*wt c do 10 k = kst+1, knd-1 arg1 = (hvz(ipt,k ,jpt)-z)*c2/hd arg2 = (hvz(ipt,k-1,jpt)-z)*c2/hd wt = (wtfn(arg1)-wtfn(arg2))/totarea uz = uz + u (ipt,k)*wt uzb = uzb + ub(ipt,k)*wt vz = vz + v (ipt,k)*wt vzb = vzb + vb(ipt,k)*wt 10 continue c arg1 = (znd-z)*c2/hd arg2 = (hvz(ipt,knd-1,jpt)-z)*c2/hd wt = (wtfn(arg1)-wtfn(arg2))/totarea uz = uz + u (ipt,knd)*wt uzb = uzb + ub(ipt,knd)*wt vz = vz + v (ipt,knd)*wt vzb = vzb + vb(ipt,knd)*wt c else c c --- Drifter is contained within one level. c uz = u (ipt,kst) uzb = ub(ipt,kst) vz = v (ipt,kst) vzb = vb(ipt,kst) c end if c return end