2000.0 ZNM (m) Level of no-motion to use. 1 TIME Which time level to modify. 1 DEN_EXT Flag to extend dynamic height under topo. [0] no [1] yes 0 RESTTOPO Flag for resetting topography. [0] no [1] yes 0 CSTADJST Flag for adjusting streamfunction to coasts [0] no [1] yes 0 TOPBNDY Flag for adjusting streamfunction BCs. 0 SAVE_PLOT Flag to create/save diagnostic plots. [0] no [1] yes oa_gdem_aug.nc oa_gdem_aug_2000m.nc /home/projects2/AOSN2/Grids/Big9km2/grids_AOSN2_big_nois.nc *** Last three (3) lines: OAGFILE Name of input OA(G)/FM netCDF file. OAGTRG Name for output OA(G)/FM netCDF file. GRIDSFILE Name of input GRIDS netCDF file. *** RESTTOPO: Flag for resetting topography. If chosen, the topography at tracer points is averaged to velocity points and then averaged back to tracer points. [0] don't reset topography [1] reset topography *** TOPBNDY: Flag for adjusting streamfunction boundary conditions to topography. [0] don't adjust BCs to topography [1] adjust BCs to topography