AOSN-II Rossby radii

Methodology Results

This page describes a preliminary quick comparison of the Rossby radii of deformation in a few vertical layers produced by a data-driven primitive equation simulation of the AOSN-II experiment.


A simple formula for the Rossby radius of deformation is chosen1, namely LD = f-1 Ñ D, where:

Taking advantage of the fact that the Rossby radius will be evaluated over a vertical range [zbot  ztop], the vertical length scale is chosen as D = ztop - zbot. Two cases are examined for the choice of the representative Brunt-Väisälä frequency:
  1. Ñ is the vertical mean of the Brunt-Väisälä frequency, N.
    Taking Ñ to be the vertical mean (in the integrated sense) of the Brunt-Väisälä over the range [zbot  ztop], the product ÑD is simply the integral of the Brunt-Väisälä over that same range. The Rossby radius can then be written as:

    LD = f-1 N dz
    where the integral is numerically evaluated using a midpoint quadrature.

  2. Ñ is the vertical root-mean-square of the Brunt-Väisälä frequency, N.
    In this case the integrand is N2, which lends itself to analytic methods. Specifically, use the formula N2 = - (g/ρθ) dρθ/dz where:
    • g is the acceleration due to gravity
    • ρθ is the potential density
    Assuming g is independent of z, an exact integral can be computed, resulting in a Rossby radius of:
    LD = f-1  sqrt{ g D  ln[ρθ(zbot)/ρθ(ztop) ]}

When implementing these methods:

  1. At each horizontal point the Rossby radius is only computed where data is available over the entire range [zbot  ztop]
  2. In unstable regions, N2 < 0, we arbitrarily reset N2 to zero2.
  3. To get the expected units for the Rossby radius, ztop, zbot & dz must be expressed in kilometers and, in the root-mean-square case, g must be expressed in km/s2.


Rossby Radii
Animations may be slow to load
Layers Ñ=Nmean Ñ=Nrms
0-5 m Mixed Layer [0-1.6] (km) Animation [0-1.6] (km) Animation
5-60 m Thermocline [4.6-13.0] (km) Animation [4.9-13.4] (km) Animation
60-300 m Under Current [12.2-21.9] (km) Animation [12.5-23.7] (km) Animation
Results computed on terrain-following grid
0-5 m Mixed Layer [0-1.5] (km) Animation [0-1.6] (km) Animation
5-60 m Thermocline [3.4-14.0] (km) Animation [4.2-13.8] (km) Animation
60-300 m Under Current [5.1-23.8] (km) Animation [7.7-26.1] (km) Animation

To the right is a table indicating exactly which layers were selected, the observed ranges of Rossby radii (outliers removed) and links to the corresponding animations of the Rossby radii. One quick observation, the mixed layer Rossby radii are dominated by the diurnal heating. The radii increase in the local afternoon3 as the heating sets up a surface temperature gradient. This sensitivity coupled with the small surface radii suggest that the mixed-layer Rossby radii may not be well defined. In fact, an on-going issue is the examination of the choice of depth ranges as well as the decision to use constant depth ranges rather than ranges that depend on the local hydrography.

1This formula was obtained from:

Pedlosky, J. (1987) "Geophysical Fluid Dynamics". Springer-Verlag. New York. 710pp
An alternative methodology, based on finding the first eigenvalue of a Sturm-Liouville problem, is described here.

2It might be instructive to simply not calculate the Rossby radius in regions with instabilities.

3Interpreting the term "local afternoon" requires the additional datum that the simulation starts at 0000Z. This corresponds to 1600 PST.