Revised DART-05 modeling domains

DART-05 modeling domains
(Click on image for full resolution figure)

To the right are the proposed Harvard modeling domains for DART-05, overlying a 1 minute topography from Paolo Oddo and the GSHHS coastlines. Included on the figure are the isobaths delimiting the operational limits of the SEPTR buoy (100m) and the Barny ADCP (300m).

Also included are some alternative domains (light blue) and the limits of the high resolution Aladin atmospheric forcing (yellow).

The Harvard domains (outlined in white) are a set of telescoping 2-way nestable grids. The basic rational for these domain are:

Adriatic (Largest)
A domain spanning the full Adriatic Sea, aligned with the major axis of the sea (positive "X" points out the mouth of the Adriatic and positive "Y" points towards the Balkan Peninsula).
Mid-Adriatic (Middle)
A domain spanning the initial sampling region of the experiment. The domain spans the full width of the Adriatic.
Gargano/Gulf of Manfredonia (Smallest)
A sample domain to resolve eddies shed off the Gargano Peninsula and to resolve the up-stream conditions.

This set of domains was derived based on the resolution of an Adriatic domain Paolo Oddo was using, slightly modified to provide an integral set of potential nests {4050m, 1350m, 450m, 150m, 50m}. The speed estimates are made by comparing the grid sizes against 2 different experiments that were run with the given time steps.

  Adriatic Mid-Adriatic Gargano
Resolution 4.05km 1.35km 0.45km
Size nx × ny × nz 187×69×21 215×174×21 431×228×21
Extent ~753×275 km ~289×234 km ~194×102 km
Domain center 43.05°N, 15.63°E 42.43°N, 16.35°E 41.90°N, 15.99°E
Domain rotation -40° -40° -40°
Domain corners 46.179°N, 13.168°E 41.824°N, 20.270°E 44.070°N, 15.909°E 42.400°N, 18.633°E 42.808°N, 15.486°E 41.690°N, 17.310°E
44.281°N, 10.990°E 39.927°N, 18.091°E 42.461°N, 14.061°E 40.791°N, 16.785°E 42.104°N, 14.678°E 40.986°N, 16.502°E
Speed dt=150s 36 minutes/(model day) 107 minutes/(model day) 4 hours 41 minutes/(model day)
dt=300s 19 minutes/(model day) 55 minutes/(model day) 144 minutes/(model day)
  Large Middle Small
Domain corners 45.83227°N, 12.13292°E 45.83227°N, 19.66672°E 44.01702°N, 15.62048°E 42.90162°N, 18.59351°E 42.71727°N, 15.31647°E 41.92421°N, 17.3152°E
40.12256°N, 12.13292°E 40.12256°N, 19.66672°E 41.99766°N, 14.06266°E 40.83752°N, 17.05295°E 41.86478°N, 14.64976°E 41.08054°N, 16.66338°E
  Middle Small Aladin
Domain corners 44.1°N, 15.3°E 42.1°N, 18.2°E 42.39°N, 16.0°E 41.5°N, 17.0°E 42.4°N, 14.8°E 42.4°N, 17.2°E
42.9°N, 13.75°E 40.8°N, 17.2°E 41.9°N, 15.3°E 41.17°N, 16.22°E 41.1°N, 14.8°E 41.1°N, 17.2°E