AOSN-II Validation

Twin experiment between rigid-lid HOPS PE and free surface HOPS PE using data from the AOSN-II experiment.

20 day simulation spanning Aug 6-26, 2003. Assimilate CTDs, gliders & aircraft SST from Aug 7-20, 2003. Compare synthetic profile from both simulations to Pt Sur CTDs from Aug 21-25, 2003.

Below are links to the comparisons. The top row are aggregate comparisons. Each plot contains all the actual CTD profiles and all the synthetic profiles. The inset plots are the bias and RMS errors of each synthetic dataset. The next rows show individual plots of each CTD and each corresponding synthetic profile.

Overall, the plots demonstrate comparable skill between the 2 PE versions. In fact, the free surface version shows noticeable improvement in the main thermocline.

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