This directory contains an illustration of how we converted ALADIN winds in GRIB format into wind stress in an ASCII format readable by the HOPS PE_forcing code. The basic process proceeds in 3 stages (1) All individual GRIB files are dumped in an ASCII format using WGRIB An example of the syntax used is provided in the script wgrib_job This script uncompresses the file CLSVENT_ZONAL_00.grb.gz issues the desired WGRIB command and recompresses GRIB file. This process produces 2 output. The first is the dumped ASCII file CLSVENT_ZONAL_00.dat (gzipped in this directory) The second is some diagnostic output, useful is determining grid size and spacing. This output has been captured in wgrib_job.log This process is repeated for the meridional component of wind. (2) The next step is to select the wind fields that span the desired period with the shortest forecast durations. To do that, we had a program (MKALADWIND) to scan the available files and automatically select the desired files. That code is available in find_aladin.tar.gz It was written assuming that the ALADIN wind fields were stored in the following directory structure ... __________2005__________ ... / / \ \ ... Jul26_12 Jul27_00 Jul27_12 Jul28_00 ... which segregated the GRIB files (and the step 1 conversions) by the twice daily issuance. The program MKALADWIND would then scan the expected files, according to the instructions in to find the desired set of winds. For it's output, it wrote the input file for step 3 (3) The next step is to take each of the wind fields selected in step 2, construct wind stress and combine the results in a single data file for ingestion by PE_forcing. The program we have for this (ALADWIND) is available in aladin_wind.tar.gz It reads the output of step 2 and produces the input for PE_forcing dat.27Jul2005.wstr.gz It also produces a record of the maximum wind speed for each wind field and the maximum of all wind fields. This is used as a quick check on the conversion process. log.27Jul2005.gz One final note. We combined steps 2 and 3 in one script: ProcJob