subroutine spars_solve (nnn,nnz,ia,ja,sam,srhs,sp) c c======================================================================= c This subroutine is a front end to the SPARSKIT package. === c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define global data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c #include #include #include #include c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Define local data. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c integer i,ierr,lfil,nnn,nnz,nrow,nwk,nzmin #ifdef fixprecond & ,fxpcnd,ncall #endif integer ia(nnz),ipar(16),iw(nmax*2),ja(nnz),jau(nzmax),ju(nmax) logical bad FLOAT & sam(nnz),srhs(nnn),sp(nnn) #ifdef iforttime real dum real dtime #endif double precision tol double precision am(nzmax),au(nzmax),fpar(16),p(nmax),rhs(nmax), & sol(nmax),wk(nmax*40),xran(nmax) c external cg, runrc, ilut c #ifdef fixprecond save fxpcnd,ncall,au,jau,ju c data fxpcnd,ncall /5,0/ c #endif c======================================================================= c Begin executable code. c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Check storage space. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c bad = .false. nzmin = nnz if ( nzmin=max( nzmin, (nmax*2*(fillin+1)) ) c if ( then write (stdout,*) 'Stopping in spars_solve : set NMAX to at ', & 'least ',nnn,' in param.h' bad = .true. if ( nzmin=max( nzmin, (nnn*2*(fillin+1)) ) endif if ( then write (stdout,*) 'Stopping in spars_solve : set NZMAX to at ', & 'least ',nzmin,' in param.h' bad = .true. endif c if (bad) call exitus ('SPARS_SOLVE') c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c pass single to double precision c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c do 10 i=1,nnz am(i)=dble(sam(i)) 10 continue do 20 i=1,nnn rhs(i)=dble(srhs(i)) p(i)=dble(sp(i)) 20 continue c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c set the parameters for the iterative solvers c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c ipar(2) = cgstat ipar(3) = 1 ipar(4) = lwk ipar(5) = 16 ipar(6) = maxits fpar(1) = tolrel fpar(2) = tolabs c nrow = nnn c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c set-up the preconditioner ILUT(15, 1E-4) ! new definition of lfil c----------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef timesolver c # ifndef iforttime call dtime(dttpcg) # else dum = dtime(dttpcg) # endif #endif c #ifndef fixprecond if(ipar(2).ne.0) then #else if ((ipar(2).ne.0).and.( then ncall = ncall + 1 #endif lfil = fillin tol = tolpcg nwk = nzmax call ilut (nrow,am,ja,ia,lfil,tol,au,jau,ju,nwk, * wk,iw,ierr) if( then write (stdout,900) ierr if ( then write (stdout,910) ierr elseif (ierr.eq.-1) then write (stdout,920) nrow elseif (ierr.eq.-2) then write (stdout,930) elseif (ierr.eq.-3) then write (stdout,940) elseif (ierr.eq.-4) then write (stdout,950) lfil elseif (ierr.eq.-5) then write (stdout,960) else write (stdout,970) endif call exitus('SPARS_SOLVE') endif endif c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c set initial guess c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c do 30 i = 1, nrow xran(i) = p(i) sol(i)=0.d0 30 continue c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Solve sparse matrix. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c call runrc(nrow,rhs,sol,ipar,fpar,wk,xran,am,ja,ia,au,jau,ju, + mican,cg,ierr,stdout) c #ifdef timesolver # ifndef iforttime call dtime(dttpcg) # else dum = dtime(dttpcg) # endif c #endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Pass to single precision and check for errors. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c do 40 i = 1, nrow sp(i) = real(sol(i)) 40 continue c resini=real(fpar(3)) restarget=real(fpar(4)) residu=real(fpar(5)) if( then call exitus('SPARS_SOLVE') endif c return c 900 format (/'***Error: SPARS_SOLVE - error flag returned from ILUT;' & ' IERR = ',i10/11x,'Probable meaning:') 910 format (11x,'zero pivot encountered at step number ',i10) 920 format (11x,'Input matrix may be wrong. (The elimination process' & ' has generated a'/11x,'row in L or U whose length is > ', & 'N=',i10,'.)') 930 format (11x,'The matrix L overflows the array AL.') 940 format (11x,'The matrix U overflows the array ALU.') 950 format (11x,'Illegal value for LFIL =',i10) 960 format (11x,'zero row encountered.') 970 format (11x,'unknown error.') c end