(1) Discuss research projects (2) Fix Free Surface nesting Try Idealized test (3) Finish AOSN-II paper (4) Look into group organization software (5) office supplies (6) PJH: Send Eric a copy of my CV (7) PJH: Redo straits grids for Philippines, not Indonesia (8) PJH: Go to Stennis meeting (9) PJH: if not conflicting with Stennis meeting, go to Washington Meeting (10) PJH: Set up a trial group page. Simplt front page include a projects page like Sharan's (11) PJH: Inventory how many data jacks were activated. (12) Follow up with Boyer on installing power. Get contract number from Sharon. (13) Oleg's office currently has a Sun workstation in it. Find out from Marcia or Shelia whose workstation it is and if we can use it. (14) Follow up with Brandon (15) Check with Marcia or Shelia if Oleg's office has been cleaned. (16) AOSN-II paper and idealized test. (17) Check for projector & screen for lunch (18) Send ASAP fields to Du Toit. (19) Send PLUSNet fields to Nafcoms (20) Send AWACS fields to Heaney (21) Set up, or choose a time and day for seminar (22) EVH: Read Cushman-Roisin and Gelb (23) Look through proposals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For each group meeting, everyone should be ready to discuss what they did last week what they plan to do this week what they need from other members of the group ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Meeting Minutes Feb 5th, 2007 (12:00PM-1:30PM) I. Students A. Ballard, WHOI student, arrived in 5-430 (Eric's office) B. Contact Sharon C. Speak with WHOI students regarding interest in seminars, obtain email address III. Group Web Page A. Create a collage of pictures (.gif) B. Use MechE html template IV. Oleg A. Will start on Thursday Feb 15th B. Organize seminars V. Eric A. Read 2 more chapters from Cushman-Roisin B. Sit in on 12.822 and 2.193 C. Web page photo layout? D. Read some project proposals VI. Seminars A. List possible speakers B. Schedule once every 2 weeks or every month C. Possibly on Monday 12:00PM to 1:30PM during meeting time VII. Computers A. Sun computer for Oleg in Larry's old office B. Contact Marcia and possibly Fred Baker C. CPU stands should arrive by the end of the week VIII. Data/Ethernet (Pat) A. Pat is in charge of the data jacks B. Keep Pat informed of work done in respective offices C. 2 DATA and 2 GS jacks have been added to Eric's office, and the one that was already present now has Ethernet enabled – 5-430-133; 5-435A-162; 5-435A-163 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi Eric, Thanks, this is good. Two minor updates in I and VII: - B. Pierre to Contact Sharon and - B. Oleg to ask Marcia (cc Pat/Pierre) if we can use the computer in 5-213. If it is a sun workstation, Oleg to set-up a meeting with Fred Baker to check it, again cc Pat and Pierre. Thanks, Pierre ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary of Tues. Feb 20, 2007 - Group documents and tasks: Pat, Pierre and Oleg to compile a list of work items and group issues. Will be posted in group protected portion of new user and web-page - Group web-page: excellent progress from Yeon. Pierre needs to email her updated images Web-page is now ready to be used. The target is to have a first version should be on by MOnday morning. - Computers systems and software: was not dicussed - Meeting reports from Pat: postponed until Monday. - Group names: suggestions were made and a first name has been chosen: MODEL SEAS. The name will be tested with colleagues and friends, and updated if needed. - Seminars: Add Hernan Arango, ARR, Patrick Heimback to the list. Items from everyone. Only Eric reported: - reading Chapter 3 of Cushman-Roisin; - reading proposals - classes and problem sets - needs to look at matlab on deas - computer issues: maybe ATI video card issues? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data (simulations) for Henrik (PLUSNet) in San Diego send announcement for Post-Doc position in EOS