Control years vs 1990 |
The first control year shallow profiles are generally greater than 5oC. There are
some lower values, however, including a couple between 0oC and 5oC and one
almost -5oC. In the final control year the shallow profile temperatures are
generally below 0oC at depths greater than 50m. The profiles are fairly tightly
bunched, more so than in the first control year, with only a couple of outliers.
The 1990 profiles are very similar to those of the last control year, with some
minor warming and spreading.
Deep profiles follow a similar pattern to the shallow profiles for the control
years. Between the first and last control years there is substantial cooling.
However, between the last control year and 1990 there appears to be continuing
cooling in the deep waters.
The results are not as clear-cut for salinity. The first control year is both fresher
(for some shallow profiles) and saltier (for deep profiles). The last control run
becomes more salty in shallow water and fresher in deep water and the spread of
the values is reduced. The 1990 values are very similar to the last control run in
shallow water but are even less salty in deep water.
Temperature | Salinity |
August 2000 PCM ocean vs August ocean climatologies |
These comparisons further reinforce the observation that the climate model is too cold
and too fresh in the Gulf of Maine. The two climatologies are essentially identical.
The PCM Gulf of Maine profiles stand out as being different. Deep water
climate model profiles are in reasonable agreement with the ocean climatologies.
Temperature | Salinity |
August 2000 PCM ocean vs 2000 ocean observations |
These comparisons additionally reinforce the observation that the climate model is too cold
and too fresh in the Gulf of Maine.
The in situ observations are for the Spring and late Summer, while the PCM output
is for August. The observations indicate the seasonal cycle of warming but the coldest Spring
observations are significantly warmer than the PCM profiles. The two sets of observations show
consistent salinity, which is much fresher than the PCM. No conclusions can be drawn about the
deep profiles as there is only a very small number of deep-water observations.
Temperature | Salinity |