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MSEAS Research Appears in MIT News

Recently, an article “Surface-based sonar system could rapidly map the ocean floor at high resolution” appeared in MIT News that highlights MSEAS research as part of the Wide Area Ocean Floor Mapping project, sponsored by MIT Lincoln Lab. This research was also recognized by 2024 R&D 100 Awards, sometimes called the “Oscars of Innovation.” Congrats again to Aaron, Wael, Pat, and Chris!


Abhinav’s Research Featured in MIT News

Abhinav’s machine learning research on neural closure models has been featured in the January 21, 2022 entry of MIT News [Archived PDF here]. Congratulations Abhinav for all your contributions!


Abhinav Gupta’s machine learning framework for dynamical system models highlighted in MIT MechE article

Abhinav Gupta’s machine learning framework was highlighted by the Mechanical Engineering department in the article “Computing for Ocean Environments“. MSEAS work on using dynamical system models to make predictions for the ocean environment was illustrated in the article, explaining the new machine learning framework that helps make up for the lack of resolution or accuracy in ocean models.


MSEAS in Underwater Contractor International (UCi): Research on Optimal Path-Planning and Adaptive Sampling Highlighted a Popular Magazine for Underwater Professionals

MSEAS research on the development of methodologies to predict the most informative sampling sites in the ocean for a given mission and optimal paths to reach them was highlighted in Underwater Contractor International (UCi), a popular magazine for underwater professionals, in their Jan/Feb 2019 issue. This research was funded, in part, by the Office of Naval Research, the MIT Lincoln Laboratory, the MIT Tata Center, and the National Science Foundation. The full article in the magazine can be found here.

The entire Jan/Feb 2019 issue can be found here.

The full article in PDF format can be accessed here.


MSEAS in MIT News: Research on Optimal Path-Planning and Adaptive Sampling Highlighted

MSEAS research on the development of methodologies to predict the most informative sampling sites in the ocean for a given mission and optimal paths to reach them was highlighted in MIT News on Wednesday, 9 May, 2018. This research was funded, in part, by the Office of Naval Research, the MIT Lincoln Laboratory, the MIT Tata Center, and the National Science Foundation. The full article can be found here.

MSEAS research featured on MIT front page

Recent results from the MSEAS group on the multiscale interactions of internal tides in the Middle Atlantic Bight and Shelfbreak front regions were featured on MIT front page on Sept 28, 2016. The article is entitled “Researchers find explanation for interacting giant, hidden ocean waves” and can be accessed here. The relevant papers “Internal-tide Interactions with the Gulf Stream and Middle Atlantic Bight Shelfbreak Front” published in JGR Oceans can be accessed here and the paper “A Coupled-mode Shallow Water model for tidal analysis: Internal-tide reflection and refraction by the Gulf Stream” published in JPO can be accessed here.

MGHPCC Interview – Tapping into an ocean of data

Pierre Lermusiaux is interviewed for the MGHPCC pilot project that initiated the development of a multiscale computational fluid dynamical modeling infrastructure required to make best use of the observations to be collected in the Middle Atlantic Bight and New England Shelfbreak region. This pilot project is seeding an ocean modeling collaboration that exploits opportunities provided by the Pioneer Array for longer term research and educational activities in the MIT, UMass and WHOI communities and around the region. The article and interview video can be found here.

Pierre Lermusiaux featured on MIT front page

The leader of the MSEAS group, Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux, was featured on the front page of the MIT web site on Wednesday June 12, 2012. The article is entitled “Making waves: Pierre Lermusiaux quantifies uncertainty to develop better ocean simulations”. Prof. Lermusiaux’s family is described, his road to MIT outlined and the research carried on by the MSEAS group is detailed. The full story can be found here.

MSEAS research regarding the Pioneer Array described in oceans.mit.edu news item

The development of a mathematical procedure by the MSEAS group to coordinate the movements of AUVs in the extremely dynamic coastal environment in which the Pioneer Array will be situated is detailed in a news item on the new MIT oceans.mit.edu web site. The news article describes the coordination between the MSEAS group and the LAMSS group headed by Prof. Henrik Schmidt in the building of the cyberinfrastructure necessary to support the communications between sensors and models.

MSEAS path-planning research highlighted on MIT web site front page

MSEAS research on the development of methodologies to determine and optimize path planning for automated underwater vehicles (AUVs) was highlighted on the front page of the MIT web site on Thursday 8 March 2012. The system can provide paths optimized either for the shortest travel time or for the minimum use of energy, or to maximize the collection of data that is considered most important. The development team included mechanical engineering graduate students Tapovan Lolla and Mattheus Ueckermann SM ’09, Konuralp Yigit SM ’11, and research scientists Patrick Haley and Wayne Leslie. The work was funded by the Office of Naval Research and by the MIT Sea Grant College Program. The full article can be found here.

MSEAS UROP student Jacob Wamala featured on MIT web site front page

MSEAS UROP student, MIT senior Jacob Wamala, was featured on the front page of the MIT web site on Wednesday March 7, 2012. Jacob was described in this fashion: “Senior puts engineering skills, desire to serve toward improving the lives of disadvantaged and marginalized populations”. The full story describes his two years of work with MIT’s AgeLab, provides information on his outside interests and his work on his senior thesis with the MSEAS group. The full story can be found here.

MIT Spotlight: Predicting ocean motions and underwater sounds

Predicting ocean motions and underwater sounds, has been showcased on the MIT home page Spotlight on 1 December, 2010

IMUM2010 workshop announced on MIT CCE Bulletin Board

The IMUM2010 workshop was announced on the MIT Center for Computational Engineering Bulletin Board

Optimal Samping Techniques described – Center for Ocean Engineering Spotlights, September, 2009

Team applies integrated Ocean and Acoustic Modeling with Optimal Sampling Techniques in Kauai, HI, Center for Ocean Engineering Spotlights, September, 2009

Prof. Lermusiaux wins Doherty Professorship – MIT MechE News, Feb. 19, 2009

Lermusiaux chosen for Doherty Professorship, MechE News, February 19, 2009

QPE – MIT MechE News, September 19, 2008

Quantifying, Predicting and Exploiting Uncertainty – MIT conducts realtime experiments in the East China Sea / Taiwan / Kuroshio region, MIT MechE News, September 19, 2008.

MSEAS Utilizes Crimson Grid

Crimson Grid Aids Campus Computing and Collaboration, ASAP and PLUSNet in the Monterey Bay region, Science Grid, August 16, 2006.

Science Daily – August 1, 2006

Underwater Robots Work Together Without Human Input, Science Daily, August 1, 2006.