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The ML-SCOPE Team will soon be publishing a special issue “Machine Learning for Ocean Modelling” in the journal Ocean Modelling. Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux and the other ML-SCOPE co-PIs will serve as guest editors. Submissions are open until September 30, 2022. Additional information can be found on the journal website.
Congratulations to Ben for receiving the ASNE Tidewater Section Admiral David Donohue Scholarship for 2021! This award is given by the American Society of Naval Engineers each year since 1979, and is given “in order to promote the profession of naval engineering and to encourage college students to enter the field. Since the inception of the […]
MSEAS was selected as part of the team of Kanna Rajan for one of the 8 plenary presentations (out of 90) of the US Launch Meeting of the United Nations Ocean Decade that will take place on February 3-4, 2021, as well as for e-poster presentations as part of a few other teams. The United […]
Read more about the MIT-WHOI Joint program and the anniversary here.
Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux became the Associate Department Head for Research and Operations in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at MIT.
Deepak Subramani, a sixth year graduate student, has been awarded the SNAME Travel Award in Ocean Engineering by MIT-MechE to present his work at the 2017 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, to be held from December 11 to 15, 2017, in New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
Arkopal Dutt, a third year graduate student, has been selected to receive a AGU Fall Meeting Student Travel Award to attend the 2017 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, to be held from December 11 to 15, 2017, in New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
Jing Lin, a fifth year graduate student, has been selected to receive a travel award to attend the Workshop on Uncertainty Quantification and Data-Driven Modeling, to be held from March 23 to 24, 2017, at the University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA. Congratulations Jing!
Congratulations Professor!
The POSYDON Sea Exercise 2017 occurs in the Middle Atlantic – New York Bight Region for the first two weeks of February 2017. In collaboration with the POINT team, our objectives are to utilize the MIT MSEAS system to: (i) forecast the probability of high-resolution ocean fields using our ESSE methodology; (ii) transfer the corresponding […]
Chinmay Kulkarni, a second year graduate student, has been selected to receive a SIAM Student Travel Award to attend the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (DS17), to be held from May 21 to 25, 2017, at the Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort in Snowbird, Utah, USA.
PhD student, Deepak Subramani, will present a poster on “Optimal Path Planning in Dynamic Environments” at the Mechanical Engineering Research Exhibition 2015 (MERE ’15) to be held on Sept 18, 2015 at Walker Memorial.
Real-time exercises were completed in the Buzzards Bay to test at sea time-optimal autonomy methods and software developed by MSEAS for AUVs. The exercises were completed in collaboration with colleagues from WHOI (Glen Gawarkiewicz and Ben Allen) and Lincoln Lab (Joe Edwards and Kristen Railey). More details and real time modeling outputs are available here.
The Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC) has awarded $600,000 in seed grants to seven multi-university teams on issues ranging from the ecosystem off the New England coast to medical imaging to the speed of computing itself […]
Prof. Lermusiaux was invited to give a talk on “Ocean Modeling and Data Assimilation for the Maritime Industry” at the Gloucester (MA) New Maritime Port Economy Summit on November 15, 2011. More information […]
Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux is a Guest Editor for a special issue of Ocean Dynamics on “Multi-scale modeling of coastal, shelf and global ocean dynamics”. This issue includes […]
Members of the MSEAS group gathered prior to the departure of Konur Yigit. Photos are available […]
Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux has been invited to give a webinar on 19 January 2022, 7:30am EST about “Bayesian Learning of High-Dimensional Dynamical Models” for the AI Chair OceaniX webinar series.
Graduate student Chinmay Kulkarni and Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux presented some of the recent results from our MSEAS group on Lagrangian Coherent Structures at the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems at Snowbird, Utah between May 21 and 25, 2017.
Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux has given and been invited to give lectures at the following workshops and schools during 2013 [ … ]
Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux is presenting a talk on Monday July 8 at the 2013 SIAM annual meeting, entitled “Uncertainty Predictions, Non-Gaussian Data Assimilation and Bayesian Inference of Dynamical Model Equations”.
Prof. Lermusiaux was invited to give a talk on “Ocean Modeling and Data Assimilation for the Maritime Industry” at the Gloucester (MA) New Maritime Port Economy Summit on November 15, 2011. More information […]
Prof. Lermusiaux attended the Gordon Research Conference on Coastal Ocean Modeling […]
Prof. Lermusiaux list of recent invited lectures […]
Congratulations to Wael, Aaron, and Pierre for co-authoring a paper entitled “A Wide-Area Deep Ocean Floor Mapping System: Design and Sea Tests,” which appeared in Geomatics in 2023. The full paper is available from our publications website. Read more about this award and previous MIT Lincoln Laboratories Best Paper & Best Invention Awards.
Congratulations to Manan and Manmeet for having their paper “Hamilton–Jacobi Multi-Time Reachability” accepted to the IEEE CDC Conference! This paper will be presented at the 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, from Dec. 6-9, 2022, in Cancún, Mexico. More information about this paper, including the abstract, can be found here.
The IEEE Oceans 2021 papers submitted by Aaron, Corbin, and Tony have been published, and are available from our website and from https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/. Congratulations to Aaron, Corbin, Tony, and Jacob!
Several figures from Abhinav’s paper “Neural Closure Models for Dynamical Systems” have been featured on the cover of the August 2021 issue of the Proceedings of the Royal Society A. Congratulations to Abhinav!
Recent results from the MSEAS group on the multiscale interactions of internal tides in the Middle Atlantic Bight and Shelfbreak front regions were featured on MIT front page on Sept 28, 2016. The article is entitled “Researchers find explanation for interacting giant, hidden ocean waves” and can be accessed here. The relevant papers “Internal-tide Interactions […]
We provide a new framework for the study of fluid flows presenting complex uncertain behavior. Our approach is based on the stochastic reduction and analysis of the governing equations using the dynamically orthogonal field equations. By numerically solving these equations we evolve in a fully coupled way the mean flow and the statistical and spatial […]
Congratulations to Dr. Bastien Schnitzler on his graduation! Bastien, a visiting student at MSEAS during spring/summer 2024, successfully defended and received his PhD from the National School of Aeronautics and Space (ISAE) and University of Toulouse for his research on “Trajectory Optimization for Long-Range Light Vehicles in Unsteady Flow Fields with Obstacles, Diffuse Hazard and […]
Congratulations to Dr. Manan Doshi on his graduation! Manan successfully defended and received his PhD from Mechanical Engineering for his research on “High Dimensional Optimal Path Planning and Generalized Lagrangian Data Assimilation in Stochastic Dynamical Ocean Environments” with our MSEAS group at MIT. We wish all the best to Manan on plotting his future path!
MSEAS is well represented at Commencement 2023. Congratulations to Aaron Charous, Abhinav Gupta, Aman Jalan, Aditya Saravanakumar, and Tony Ryu!!
Congratulations to Aditya Saravanakumar on his graduation! Aditya received an SM from Computational Science and Engineering for his research on “Towards Coupled Nonhydrostatic-Hydrostatic Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin Method” with our MSEAS group at MIT.
Congratulations to Dr. Aaron Charous on his graduation! Aaron successfully defended and received his PhD from Mechanical Engineering for his research on “Dynamical Reduced-Order Models for High-Dimensional Systems” with our MSEAS group at MIT. We wish all the best to Aaron for his next steps! Below are some pictures from graduation: MSEAS was also introduced […]
Congratulations to Aman Jalan on his graduation! Aman received an SM from Computational Science and Engineering for his research on “Neural Closure Models for Chaotic Dynamical Systems” with our MSEAS group at MIT.
Congratulations to Tony Ruy on his graduation! Tony received an SM from Computational Science and Engineering for his research on “Adaptive Stochastic Reduced-Order Modeling for Autonomous Ocean Platforms” with our MSEAS group at MIT.
Congratulations to Abhinav Gupta on his graduation! Abhinav successfully defended and received his PhD from Mechanical Engineering for his research on “Scientific Machine Learning for Dynamical Systems: Theory and Applications to Fluid Flow and Ocean Ecosystem Modeling” with our MSEAS group at MIT. We wish all the best to Abhinav for his next steps!
Congratulations to Akis Gkirgkis on his graduation! Akis received an SM from Mechanical Engineering for his research on “Stochastic Ocean Forecasting with the Dynamically Orthogonal Primitive Equations” with our MSEAS group at MIT.
Congratulations to Chinmay Kulkarni on his graduation! Chinmay succesfully defended and received his PhD from Mechanical Engineering for his research on “Prediction, Analysis, and Learning of Advective Transport in Dynamic Fluid Flows” with our MSEAS group at MIT. We wish all the best to Chinmay for his next steps!
Congratulations to Jing Lin on his graduation! Jing succesfully defended and received his PhD from Mechanical Engineering for his research on “Bayesian Learning for High-Dimensional Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: Methodologies, Numerics and Applications to Fluid Flows” with our MSEAS group at MIT. We wish all the best to Jing for his next steps!
Congratulations to Michael Humara on his graduation! Mike received an SM from Mechanical Engineering for his research on “Stochastic Acoustic Ray Tracing with Dynamically Orthogonal Equations” with our MSEAS group at MIT.
Congratulations to Jing Lin on his graduation! Jing received an SM from Mechanical Engineering for his research on “Minimum-Correction Second-Moment Matching: Theory, Algorithms and Applications” with our MSEAS group at MIT.
Congratulations to Corbin Foucart on his graduation! Corbin received an SM from Mechanical Engineering for his research on “Efficient Matrix-Free Implementation and Automated Verification of Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Methods” with our MSEAS group at MIT.
Congratulations to Wael Hajj Ali on his graduation! Wael received an SM from Mechanical Engineering for his research on “Dynamically Orthogonal Equations for Stochastic Underwater Sound Propagation” with our MSEAS group at MIT.
Congratulations to David Ferris on his graduation! Dave received an SM from Mechanical Engineering for his research on “Time-Optimal Multi-Waypoint Mission Planning in Dynamic Flow Fields” with our MSEAS group at MIT.
Congratulations to Deepak Subramani on his graduation! Deepak received a PhD from Mechanical Engineering for his research on “Probabilistic Regional Ocean Predictions: Stochastic Fields and Optimal Planning” with our MSEAS group at MIT.
Congratulations to Arkopal Dutt on his graduation! Arkopal received an SM from Mechanical Engineering for his research on “High Order Stochastic Transport and Lagrangian Data Assimilation” with our MSEAS group at MIT.
Congratulations to Johnathan Hiep Vo on his graduation! Johnathan received an SM from Mechanical Engineering for his research on “Modeling Flow Encountering Abrupt Topography using Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin Projection Methods” with our MSEAS group at MIT.
Chinmay Sameer Kulkarni completed all requirements and submitted a thesis to receive Master of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering from School of Engineering at MIT. Congratulations to Chinmay and all the best for his Ph.D journey!
Congratulations to Florian Feppon on his graduation! Florian received an SM from Mechanical Engineering for his research on “Riemannian Geometry of Matrix Manifolds for Lagrangian Uncertainty Quantification of Stochastic Fluid Flows” with our MSEAS group at MIT.
Congratulations to Sydney Sroka on her recent graduation! Sydney received an SM from Mechanical Engineering for her research on “Internal Tides Near Steep Topographies” with our MSEAS group at MIT.
Congratulations to Morgan Kane for successfully completing her RSI 2016 summer research with our MSEAS group at MIT. She completed a report and presentation on “Go with the flow: The Effect of Geophysical Flows on Transports”. She is from Mt. Hope High School, Bristol, RI.
Congratulations to John Aoussou on his recent graduation! John received an SM from Mechanical Engineering and CDO program for his research on “An Iterative Pressure-Correction Method for the Unsteady Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equation” with our MSEAS group at MIT.
Congratulations to Matt Swezey on his recent graduation! Matt received Master of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering and a Master of Mechanical Engineering for his research on “Ocean Acoustic Uncertainty for Submarine Applications”.
Congratulations to Tapovan Lolla on his successful PhD defense and graduation! Tapovan received a PhD from Mechanical Engineering for his comprehensive research on “Path Planning and Adaptive Sampling in the Coastal Ocean”.
Congratulations to high-school students Ajay Jain and Chuang Tang for completing their RSI report and presentation with us! […]
Congratulations to Deepak Subramani on his recent graduation! […]
Congratulations to Jen Landry, LCDR USN, on her recent graduation! […]
Congratulations to visiting undergrad. student Abhinav Gupta for completing the S. N. Bose Scholars Program with us! […]
Congratulations to high-school student Jordan Benjamin for completing his RSI report and presentation with us! […]
Congratulations to Matt Ueckermann on his successful PhD defense and graduation! […]
Congratulations to Akash Phadnis on his recent graduation! […]
Congratulations to Konuralp Yigit and Thomas Sondergaard on their recent graduations […]
In February 2025, we had a group lunch at Area Four to celebrated Sioban’s completion of her MSEAS visit, and to mark the start of the spring semester. Sanaa showed us how to be in two places at once!
MSEAS had a party to celebrate Pierre’s birthday today (Nov 1, 2024)…
At the end of July, MSEAS had a party with lasagna to celebrate the completion of Marcoul’s visit with us and Lisa’s birthday! All the best for the future Marcoul!!
Congratulations to Dr. Manan Doshi on his graduation! Manan successfully defended and received his PhD from Mechanical Engineering for his research on “High Dimensional Optimal Path Planning and Generalized Lagrangian Data Assimilation in Stochastic Dynamical Ocean Environments” with our MSEAS group at MIT. We wish all the best to Manan on plotting his future path!
In December, we celebrated the end of the fall semester and holidays with a pizza party.Now we kick off the spring semester with…another pizza party!And this time, everybody was able to make it…and Ellen showed us how to be in two places at once!
It was good…
Today (July 28, 2023) is Lisa’s birthday, and everyone at MSEAS gathered for a special tribute!
Congratulations to Dr. Aaron Charous on his graduation! Aaron successfully defended and received his PhD from Mechanical Engineering for his research on “Dynamical Reduced-Order Models for High-Dimensional Systems” with our MSEAS group at MIT. We wish all the best to Aaron for his next steps! Below are some pictures from graduation: MSEAS was also introduced […]
As part of the MSEAS trip to Woods Hole in August 2022, a visit to Nobska Light was in order!
Pat and Marco!!
MSEAS members Tony, Yoland, Abhinav, and Pierre celebrated their birthdays in October and November, and Chris celebrated his 10-year work anniversary with MSEAS in October, and the group gathered outside the Student Center to celebrate!
MSEAS member Chinmay Kulkarni succesfully defended his PhD on September 24, 2020 and the group gathered in the Killian Court to celebrate! Congratulations Dr. Chinmay! We wish you all the best going forward!
MSEAS member Jing Lin succesfully defended his PhD on August 14, 2020 and the group gathered in the Killian Court to celebrate! Before Jing’s departure from the US, he and several other MSEAS members went to the zoo. Congratulations Dr. Jing! We wish you all the best going forward!
MSEA group celebrated the completion of the theses of Thomas Sondergaard and Konur Yigit […]
The UGOS 2024 Annual Meeting took place at Texas A&M University in College Station, TX, from September 30 to October 2, 2024. On behalf of MSEAS, Pierre presented MSEAS’ contributions on MASTR Modeling Guidance and Prediction. Afterward, he joined the full UGOS team for a picture (top), and then joined the MASTR team with the […]
MSEAS is well represented at USNCCM in Albuquerque. Congratulations to Aditya, Anantha, and Pierre!!
Graduate student Manan Doshi presented some of the recent results from our MSEAS group at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) in Cancun, Mexico, from December 6-9. His presentation was entitled “Hamilton–Jacobi Multi-Time Reachability.” Congratulations to Manan!
Graduate students Wael Hajj Ali, Aaron Charous, and Tony Ryu, as well as Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux all presented some of the recent results from our MSEAS group at the 183rd ASA meeting in Nashville, Tennessee from December 5-9, 2022. Wael and Aaron also organized the largest session of the ASA meeting this year. Aaron won the […]
A new report from the National Academies’ February workshop on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to Advance Earth System Science: Opportunities and Challenges has been completed. The proceedings summarizing the workshop discussions have also been published.
Congratulations to Clara and Manan for their MERE 2021 performance! Clara presented her research on “Time Optimal Path Planning and Ocean Monitoring in the Portugal-Azores-Madeira Ocean Region,” and won the Best First-Time Presenter prize! Meanwhile, Manan presented his research on “Autonomous Path Planning to Optimally Harvest Dynamic Fields,” and received a Runner-up prize! Congratulations again […]
Congratulations to Ben and Yoland for their MERE performance! Ben presented his research on “Optimal Harvesting With Autonomous Tow Vessels For Offshore Macroalgae Farming”, and received a runner-up prize in the graduate student category. Meanwhile, Yoland presented his research on “3DSeaVizKit: Interactive 3D Visualization Toolkit For Oceanographic Data”, and received a special “MSEAS heart” price […]
Graduate student Chinmay Kulkarni and Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux presented some of the recent results from our MSEAS group on Lagrangian Coherent Structures at the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems at Snowbird, Utah between May 21 and 25, 2017.
Jing Lin, a fifth year graduate student, has been selected to receive a travel award to attend the Workshop on Uncertainty Quantification and Data-Driven Modeling, to be held from March 23 to 24, 2017, at the University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA. Congratulations Jing!
PhD Candidates Deepak Subramani and Tapovan Lolla and Prof Pierre Lermusiaux attended an environment focussed meeting with Honorable Prakash Javadekar, the Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change in the Govt. of India at the MIT Tata Center on 4/16/15. The group’s research efforts with a focus on India specific goals and the new Tata […]
Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux was an invited lecturer at the International Workshop on “Probabilistic Approaches to Data Assimilation for Earth Systems” which took place in Banff, Canada from 17-22 February, 2013 […]
Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux is an invited international external adviser to the European project Stochastic Assimilation for the Next Generation Ocean Model Applications (SANGOMA), which will be providing new developments in data assimilation for future operational forecasting and monitoring systems. He is giving a talk on Bayesian Data Assimilation and Learning of Stochastic Dynamical Models: State, […]
Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux was one of the presenters at the Coastal Ocean Modeling Gordon Research Conference, held at Mount Holyoke College from June 26 to July 1, 2011. His presentation was titled “PDEs for Ocean Uncertainty Prediction, Nonlinear Data Assimilation and Adaptive Sampling Swarms.”
Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux is an invited Panelist and Lecturer at the “Working with Uncertainty Workshop: Representation, Quantification, Propagation, Visualization, and Communication of Uncertainty”, as part of IEEE VisWeek 2011 […]
Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux was one of the co-organizers of a workshop on Ocean Integration in Earth System Prediction Capability Data Assimilation. This took place 27-29 September 2011 at the University of Maryland […]
MSEAS members to attend IMUM2011 – the 10th International Workshop on Multiscale (Un-)structured Mesh Numerical Modelling […]
Prof. Lermusiaux represented MIT at NSF workshop […]
Prof. Lermusiaux co-chairs MREA workshop at NURC […]
MSEAS Group hosts IMUM2010 […]
Recently, an article “Surface-based sonar system could rapidly map the ocean floor at high resolution” appeared in MIT News that highlights MSEAS research as part of the Wide Area Ocean Floor Mapping project, sponsored by MIT Lincoln Lab. This research was also recognized by 2024 R&D 100 Awards, sometimes called the “Oscars of Innovation.” Congrats again […]
Abhinav’s machine learning research on neural closure models has been featured in the January 21, 2022 entry of MIT News [Archived PDF here]. Congratulations Abhinav for all your contributions!
Abhinav Gupta’s machine learning framework was highlighted by the Mechanical Engineering department in the article “Computing for Ocean Environments“. MSEAS work on using dynamical system models to make predictions for the ocean environment was illustrated in the article, explaining the new machine learning framework that helps make up for the lack of resolution or accuracy […]
MSEAS research on the development of methodologies to predict the most informative sampling sites in the ocean for a given mission and optimal paths to reach them was highlighted in Underwater Contractor International (UCi), a popular magazine for underwater professionals, in their Jan/Feb 2019 issue.
MSEAS research on the development of methodologies to predict the most informative sampling sites in the ocean for a given mission and optimal paths to reach them was highlighted in MIT News on Wednesday, 9 May, 2018. This research was funded, in part, by the Office of Naval Research, the MIT Lincoln Laboratory, the MIT Tata Center, and the National Science Foundation. The […]
Recent results from the MSEAS group on the multiscale interactions of internal tides in the Middle Atlantic Bight and Shelfbreak front regions were featured on MIT front page on Sept 28, 2016. The article is entitled “Researchers find explanation for interacting giant, hidden ocean waves” and can be accessed here. The relevant papers “Internal-tide Interactions […]
Pierre Lermusiaux is interviewed for the MGHPCC pilot project that initiated the development of a multiscale computational fluid dynamical modeling infrastructure required to make best use of the observations to be collected in the Middle Atlantic Bight and New England Shelfbreak region. This pilot project is seeding an ocean modeling collaboration that exploits opportunities provided […]
MSEAS group head Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux was featured on the front page of the MIT web site on Wednesday June 12, 2012. The article describes Prof. Lermusiaux as one “who has devoted his research, in part, to eliminating unlikely scenarios in ocean dynamics” […]
The development of a mathematical procedure by the MSEAS group to coordinate the movements of AUVs in the extremely dynamic coastal environment in which the Pioneer Array will be situated is detailed in a news item on the new MIT oceans.mit.edu web site. The news article describes the coordination between the MSEAS group and the […]
The headline reads “Sometimes the quickest path is not a straight line” and the sub-heading is “New methods and software developed at MIT can predict optimal paths for automated underwater vehicles”. This was the front page of the MIT web site 8 March 2012. […]
MSEAS UROP student, MIT senior Jacob Wamala, appeared on the front page of the MIT web site on Wednesday March 7, 2012. Jacob was described in this fashion: “Senior puts engineering skills, desire to serve toward improving the lives of disadvantaged and marginalized populations”. […]
Predicting ocean motions and underwater sounds, has been showcased on the MIT home page Spotlight on 1 December, 2010 […]
IMUM2010 workshop announced […]
Research off Kauai highlighted […]
Prof. Lermusiaux wins Doherty Professorship […]
QPE research highlighted in MIT MechE news […]
Crimson Grid aids MSEAS research […]
Monterey Bay 2006 AUVs featured in Science Daily […]
The Regeneron Science Talent Search (STS), the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science and mathematics competition for high school seniors, named Jason Youm, a high school senior who joined MSEAS during summer 2024 as an RSI scholar, among the top 300 scholars out of nearly 2,500 in the competition. Each scholar will receive $2,000, and […]
Recently, an article “Surface-based sonar system could rapidly map the ocean floor at high resolution” appeared in MIT News that highlights MSEAS research as part of the Wide Area Ocean Floor Mapping project, sponsored by MIT Lincoln Lab. This research was also recognized by 2024 R&D 100 Awards, sometimes called the “Oscars of Innovation.” Congrats again […]
We are pleased to announce that Melody Yu, a high school senior who joined MSEAS during summer 2024 as an RSI scholar, was recently admitted (early) to MIT for the Fall 2025 semester. Congrats Melody!
We are pleased to announce that Melody Yu, a student from Sage Hill School, Newport Coast, California, gave a presentation titled “Gaussian Closure Modeling for Fluid Dynamics,” which was named one of the top 5 Oral Presentations from RSI this year. Also, Amelie Chen, a student from Pacific Horizons School Pago Pago, American Samoa, was […]
Wael’s and Aaron’s research on Autonomous Sparse-Aperture Multibeam Echo Sounder, as part of the Wide Area Ocean Floor Mapping project, sponsored by MIT Lincoln Lab, has been listed in R&D World’s 2024 R&D 100 Awards. Congratulations to Wael and Aaron!
Congratulations to Anantha Narayanan Suresh Babu, a Ph.D. candidate in the MSEAS group, for being awarded a 2024-2025 MathWorks Mechanical Engineering Fellowship! The competitive MathWorks Engineering Fellowships are awarded to the top nominees from all of the academic departments in the School of Engineering, who use MATLAB and/or Simulink to advance discovery and innovation across […]
Congratulations to Ellen Mule for winning the Richard Pittenger Fellowship! The Richard Pittenger Fellowship is awarded annually to a U.S. naval officer in the MIT-Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) Joint Program. The fellowship was established to honor the WHOI’s former vice president of marine operations, who retired in 2004 after 14 years at WHOI and […]
Congratulations to Wael, Aaron, and Pierre for co-authoring a paper entitled “A Wide-Area Deep Ocean Floor Mapping System: Design and Sea Tests,” which appeared in Geomatics in 2023. The full paper is available from our publications website. Read more about this award and previous MIT Lincoln Laboratories Best Paper & Best Invention Awards.
In the spring semester of 2021, amidst the upheaval of remote education, the members of class 2.29 “Numerical Fluid Mechanics” navigated the challenges of online learning with grace and resilience. Led by their dedicated Professor Pierre Lermusiaux, supported by TA’s Aaron Charous and Corbin Foucart and administrative assistant Lisa Maxwell, the class embraced virtual tools […]
Congratulations to Anantha Narayanan Suresh Babu, a Ph.D. candidate in the MSEAS group, for being awarded a 2023-2024 MathWorks Mechanical Engineering Fellowship! The competitive MathWorks Engineering Fellowships are awarded to the top nominees from all of the academic departments in the School of Engineering, who are using MATLAB and/or Simulink to advance discovery and innovation […]
Graduate student Wael Hajj Ali has been awarded a 2023 Wunsch Foundation Silent Hoist and Crane Award for Outstanding Graduate Research and Education by the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Congratulations Wael!
Graduate student Anantha Narayanan Suresh Babu has received the M.A. Abkowitz travel award to attend the SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences in Bergen, Norway. The conference will take place from June 19-22, 2023. The Award was created to commemorate Professor Martin A. Abkowitz. The purpose of this fund, set up through donations […]
Congratulations to Aditya Saravanakumar and Anantha Narayanan Suresh Babu for successfully clearing the MIT Mechanical Engineering PhD Qualifying Exams. They now begin their journey towards outstanding PhD theses. All the best!
In January 2023, Rishab Jain, Sruthi Sentil, and Patrick Wahlig, high school seniors who joined MSEAS during summer 2022 as RSI scholars, recently entered the Regeneron Science Talent Search (STS), the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science and mathematics competition for high school seniors, and were named top 300 scholars out of 1,949 students in […]
Rishab Jain, a high school senior who joined MSEAS during summer 2022 as an RSI scholar, was recently admitted to Harvard for the Fall 2023 semester. Congrats Rishab!
Patrick Wahlig, a high school senior who joined MSEAS during summer 2022 as an RSI scholar, was recently admitted to Yale for the Fall 2023 semester. Patrick, who was advised by Pat Haley, received Top 5 Paper Recognition from RSI last summer. Congrats Patrick!
Pierre Lermusiaux has been elected Chair of the SIAM Activity Group on Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE) for the upcoming 2023-2024 term. SIAG/MPE is for mathematicians and computational scientists who care about the future of our planet. It is a multidisciplinary activity group studying Earth’s climate system and the effects of climate change; issues of […]
Graduate student Aaron Charous from the MSEAS group recently won the Young/Early Career Presenter Award in Computational Acoustics at the 183rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Aaron’s presentation was on “Learning coordinate transforms for fast and accurate acoustic modeling.” The results enable accurate computational predictions of 3D underwater sound propagation in the ocean […]
Congratulations to Aaron Charous, who has won the MIT Center for Computational Science and Engineering MathWorks Prize for Outstanding CSE Masters Research, 2022! This award was given in recognition of Aaron’s research on “Dynamical Reduced-Order Models for High-Dimensional Systems.” The MathWorks Prize is awarded annually at the discretion of the selection committee, with consideration given to […]
Congratulations to Manan Doshi, a Ph.D. candidate in the MSEAS group, for being awarded a 2022-2023 MathWorks Mechanical Engineering Fellowship! The competitive MathWorks Engineering Fellowships are awarded to the top nominees from all of the academic departments in the School of Engineering, who are using MATLAB and/or Simulink to advance discovery and innovation across disciplines. […]
Congratulations to Mike Humara on his recent promotion to Commander (CDR, O5) in the US Navy. Mike will now be the Commanding Officer of a submarine! Congratulations Mike!
Patrick Wahlig, a rising high school senior who joined MSEAS during summer 2022 as an RSI scholar, has received recognition for having a paper in the top five of those produced by all RSI students this year. His paper, “Towards a System for Modeling the Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Sea Scallops (Placopecten magellanicus) in Massachusetts […]
MSEAS PhD candidates Aaron Charous and Wael Hajj Ali have won first place in the 2022 de Florez Award Competition. Their presentation, entitled “High-Resolution Seafloor Images Using a Novel Wide-Area Ocean Floor Mapping System”, placed first in the Graduate Science category. The competition website is here. Congratulations to Aaron and Wael!
Abhinav Gupta has been awarded a 2022 Wunsch Foundation Silent Hoist and Crane Award for Outstanding Graduate Research by the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Congratulations Abhinav!
Ashwin Sivakumar, a high school senior who joined MSEAS during summer 2021 as an RSI scholar, was recently admitted to, and plans to attend, Harvard for the Fall 2022 semester. Congrats Ashwin!
Cecilia Hou, a high school senior who joined MSEAS during summer 2021 as an RSI scholar, was recently admitted to, and plans to attend, Stanford for the Fall 2022 semester. Congrats Cecilia!
Camilla Martinez, a high school senior who joined MSEAS during summer 2021 as an RSI scholar, was recently admitted to, and plans to attend, Harvard for the Fall 2022 semester. Congrats Camilla!
Florian Feppon, an MSEAS alumnus who graduated in December 2016, has begun his new position as a Hermann-Weyl postdoctoral instructor at ETH Zürich in Switzerland, under host Professor Habib Ammari. Florian will serve until August 2023. Congratulations Florian!
Aziz Hanafi, a high school senior who joined MSEAS during summer 2021 as an RSI scholar, was recently admitted to, and plans to attend, MIT for the Fall 2022 semester. Congrats Aziz!
Abhinav’s machine learning research on neural closure models has been featured in the January 21, 2022 entry of MIT News [Archived PDF here]. Congratulations Abhinav for all your contributions!
Anya Zhang, a high school senior who joined MSEAS during summer 2021 as an RSI scholar, recently entered the Regeneron Science Talent Search (STS) and was named as one of the top 300 scholars out of 1,805 students in the 2022 competition. Her research with MSEAS reported on “Interactive Ocean Visualization Using VAPOR” and was […]
Congratulations to Aaron Charous, who won first prize for the Early Career Presenter in Computational Acoustics at the 181st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Seattle. The Computational Acoustics Technical Specialty Group (CA TSG) held its second Young/Early Career Presenter competition at this meeting, with 10 entrants. Three awards are made of up […]
Congratulations to Ben for receiving the ASNE Tidewater Section Admiral David Donohue Scholarship for 2021! This award is given by the American Society of Naval Engineers each year since 1979, and is given “in order to promote the profession of naval engineering and to encourage college students to enter the field. Since the inception of the […]
Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux has been named Nam Pyo Suh Professor. Prof. Lermusiaux is a nationally and internationally recognized thought leader at the intersection of ocean modeling and observing. Congratulations Pierre!
3DSeaVizKit, a interactive visualization toolkit for ocean data developed by incoming MIT student Yoland Gao and PhD candidates Wael Hajj Ali and Corbin Foucart, has won first place in the de Florez Competition 2021. This year’s competition featured 9 entries in the Graduate Science category, a larger-than-usual number of entries since 2020 graduates missed their […]
Congratulations to Benjamin Koenig, who has been selected to receive a 2021 Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) by the National Science Foundation (NSF). His selection as an NSF Graduate Research Fellow is a highly significant national accomplishment and places him among an elite group of fellows who have gone on to distinguished careers in STEM or […]
Abhinav Gupta’s poster “Neural Closure Models for Dynamical Systems” has won the Best Poster Award at the annual CCSE Student Poster Session. The poster session was part of the 2021 MIT CCSE Symposium, which took place in a virtual format on March 15, 2021 through a combination of Zoom and Gather platforms. The website of […]
Congratulations to Aaron Charous for successfully clearing the MIT Mechanical Engineering PhD Qualifying Exams! Aaron now begins his journey towards an outstanding PhD thesis. All the best!
Congratulations to Clara Dahill on her recent promotion to LT in the US Coast Guard! Our very own USN LT Jacob Huess administered the Oath of Office. Congratulations Clara!
Dr. Lisa Burton O’Toole, who earned her MS and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will receive ASME’s Kate Gleason Award, honoring women entrepreneurs who make a significant contribution to the engineering community. She serves as executive director of HearstLab, where she evaluates and invests in women-led startups in media, data, […]
Congratulations to MSEAS hero Lisa Mayer for winning a MechE COVID-19 Hero Award! From the department’s announcement: “These awards are to recognize the extraordinary efforts of teaching, administrative, and support staff members in the department whose ongoing efforts during the COVID-19 crisis have enabled new capabilities and made the transition easier for MechE colleagues, work […]
Congratulations to Abhinav Gupta, a Ph.D candidate in the MSEAS group, for being awarded the 2020-2021 MathWorks Mechanical Engineering Fellowship! The MathWorks Engineering Fellowships are awarded to the top nominees from all of the academic departments in the School of Engineering, who are using MATLAB and/or Simulink to advance discovery and innovation across disciplines. All […]
Congratulations to Chinmay Kulkarni, a Ph.D candidate in the MSEAS group, for being awarded the 2020 MathWorks prize for outstanding doctoral research! The MathWorks prize is awarded by the MIT Center of Computational Science and Engineering. All the best to Chinmay!
Congratulations to Manan Doshi for successfully clearing the MIT Mechanical Engineering Ph.D Qualifying Exams. Manan now begins his journey towards an outstanding Ph.D thesis. All the best!
MSEAS Super-UROP Ali Daher won the Rhodes Scholarship in the Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine region. Since September 2018, Ali has been working together with our MSEAS group, especially graduate students Wael Ali and Abhinav Gupta, on developing and learning a predictive mathematical model for the evolution of Glioblastoma Multiforme, a highly aggressive brain tumor. At […]
Congratulations to Abhinav Gupta for being selected to receive a SIAM Student Travel Award to attend the 2020 SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ20), to be held March 24-27, 2020 in Garching, Germany.
Congratulations to MSEAS members Chinmay Kulkarni, for winning second-place, and Ali Daher for getting an honorary mention in the MechE Research Exhibition (MERE) 2019. You can find the MIT News Article here.
Congratulations to Wael Hajj Ali for successfully clearing the MIT Mechanical Engineering Ph.D Qualifying Exams. Wael now begins his journey towards an outstanding Ph.D thesis. All the best!
Chinmay Kulkarni, a Ph.D candidate in the MSEAS group has won the first place in the de Florez Competition 2019. This year’s competition saw 44 entries, among which Chinmay was placed first (in a four-way tie) under the Graduate Science category, with his presentation titled “Persistent Rigid Sets in Ocean Flows Help Predict the Environmental […]
Chinmay Kulkarni, Ph.D candidate in MSEAS group has been awarded a 2019 Wunsch Foundation Silent Hoist and Crane Award for Outstanding Graduate Research. Congratulations Chinmay!
Congratulations to Corbin Foucart and Abhinav Gupta for successfully clearing the MIT Mechanical Engineering Ph.D Qualifying Exams. They now begin their journey towards outstanding Ph.D theses. All the best!
Deepak Subramani was inducted to the MIT Tata Center Society of Fellows for completing 2 years of Tata Fellowship. He works on the project Coastal Forecasting for Sustainable Fisheries Management in India. He also won an award for the best presentation in the final fellowship review presentations at the Tata Pro-Seminar. Congratulations Deepak!
Congratulations to Arkopal Dutt for successfully clearing the MIT Mechanical Engineering Ph.D Qualifying Exams. Arkopal now begins his journey towards an outstanding Ph.D thesis. All the best!
Arkopal Dutt secured the second place award for his project in the 18.335 Introduction to Numerical Methods course at MIT. His project was titled “Algorithms for Low Rank Approximations: Contest Between Deterministic and Randomized”. Congratulations Arkopal!
Deepak Subramani, a Ph.D candidate in the MSEAS group has won the first place in the de Florez Competition 2017. This year’s competition saw 30 entries, from among which Deepak was placed first under the Graduate Science category.
Deepak Subramani, Ph.D candidate in MSEAS group has been awarded the Wunsch Award for Outstanding Research 2017. He was presented with the award at the Mechanical Engineering Student Awards Lunch on 5/19/2017.
Jing Lin, a fifth year graduate student, has been selected to receive a travel award to attend the Workshop on Uncertainty Quantification and Data-Driven Modeling, to be held from March 23 to 24, 2017, at the University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA. Congratulations Jing!
Congratulations to Deepak Subramani, PhD Student, for winning the Esteemed Presenter award in the Best Live Demo Category and Florian Feppon, MS Student, for winning an Honorable Mention award at the Mechanical Engineering Research Exhibition (MERE) 2016 (Link). The exhibition had more than 80 presenters and 450 attendees.
Florian Feppon has received the Wunsch Foundation Silent Hoist and Crane Award for Outstanding Graduate Research. The honor was presented at the Mechanical Engineering Student Awards Luncheon on Friday, May 13, 2016. An honor well-deserved. Congratulations Florian!
Congratulations to LT Matthew Swezey for being awarded the First Prize for his poster on “Ocean Acoustic Uncertainty – For Submarine Applications” at the ASNE Day 2016 Student Poster Competition. ASNE Day is an annual meeting of the American Society of Naval Engineers, which features keynote speakers, panel presentations, technical papers presented by subject matter […]
Congratulations to Florian Feppon for being awarded the Médaille Louis-Édouard Rivot of the French Académie des Sciences. This is in recognition for the scientific research on “Design and optimization for Wear of Bi-Material Composite Surfaces” that he performed at Lehigh University (Bethlehem, PA) as a visiting research scholar, under the direction of Prof. Grégoire Allaire […]
Congratulations to Deepak Subramani, PhD Student, for winning the Esteemed Presenter award in the Best Theoretical or Computational Category at the Mechanical Engineering Research Exhibition (MERE) 2015 (Link). The exhibition had more than 80 presenters and 450 attendees.
MSEAS Team of Deepak Subramani and Tapovan Lolla presented their results on “Optimal Path-Planning in Dynamic Environments” at the 2015 de Florez Design competition and won the “Honorable Mention cash award” in the Graduate Science category. The competition website is here.
Deepak Subramani was awarded the best poster award for the poster titled A Stochastic Optimization Method for Energy-based Path Planning […]
Deepak Subramani was awarded the runners up position for the poster titled “A Stochastic Optimization Method for Energy-based Path Planning” at the Dynamic Data Driven Environmental System Sciences Conference 2014. Congratulations Deepak!
Jing Lin has received the Wunsch Foundation Silent Hoist and Crane Award for Academic Excellence. The honor was presented […]
Tapovan Lolla has received the Wunsch Foundation Silent Hoist and Crane Award for Excellence in Research. The honor was presented […]
Tapovan Lolla has received the Wunsch Foundation Silent Hoist and Crane Award for Academic Excellence. The honor was presented […]
Mattheus Ueckermann has been awarded a competitive National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada PostGraduate Scholarship […]
Prof. Lermusiaux receives teaching award […]
If you are interested by our group and its research, check with us from time to time as opportunities often arise. Contact us if you are interested […]