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UGOS 2024 Annual Meeting

The UGOS 2024 Annual Meeting took place at Texas A&M University in College Station, TX, from September 30 to October 2, 2024. On behalf of MSEAS, Pierre presented MSEAS’ contributions on MASTR Modeling Guidance and Prediction. Afterward, he joined the full UGOS team for a picture (top), and then joined the MASTR team with the glider Stommel that was deployed in the Yucatan Channel during the experiment (bottom):


MSEAS Dominates at USNCCM Albuquerque

MSEAS is well represented at USNCCM in Albuquerque. Congratulations to Aditya, Anantha, and Pierre!!


Manan Presents Research at CDC Meeting

Graduate student Manan Doshi presented some of the recent results from our MSEAS group at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) in Cancun, Mexico, from December 6-9. His presentation was entitled “Hamilton–Jacobi Multi-Time Reachability.”

Congratulations to Manan!


Wael, Aaron, Tony, and Pierre Present Research at ASA Meeting

Graduate students Wael Hajj Ali, Aaron Charous, and Tony Ryu, as well as Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux all presented some of the recent results from our MSEAS group at the 183rd ASA meeting in Nashville, Tennessee from December 5-9, 2022. Wael and Aaron also organized the largest session of the ASA meeting this year. Aaron won the early career presenter award in computational acoustics!

Congrats to Aaron, Wael, Tony, and Pierre!


NAS Machine Learning February Workshop Report and Proceedings Now Available

A new report from the National Academies’ February workshop on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to Advance Earth System Science: Opportunities and Challenges has been completed. The proceedings summarizing the workshop discussions have also been published.


Clara and Manan Win Research Prizes at MERE 2021

Congratulations to Clara and Manan for their MERE 2021 performance! Clara presented her research on “Time Optimal Path Planning and Ocean Monitoring in the Portugal-Azores-Madeira Ocean Region,” and won the Best First-Time Presenter prize! Meanwhile, Manan presented his research on “Autonomous Path Planning to Optimally Harvest Dynamic Fields,” and received a Runner-up prize! Congratulations again to Clara and Manan!

Click the link for more information about the MERE 2021 Presentation Awards.


Ben and Yoland Present Research at MERE 2020

Congratulations to Ben and Yoland for their MERE performance! Ben presented his research on “Optimal Harvesting With Autonomous Tow
Vessels For Offshore Macroalgae Farming”, and received a runner-up prize in the graduate student category. Meanwhile, Yoland presented his research on “3DSeaVizKit: Interactive 3D Visualization Toolkit For Oceanographic Data”, and received a special “MSEAS heart” price from us! Congratulations again to Ben and Yoland!


Chinmay and Pierre Present Recent Research at SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems

Graduate student Chinmay Kulkarni and Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux presented some of the recent results from our MSEAS group on Lagrangian Coherent Structures at the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems at Snowbird, Utah between May 21 and 25, 2017.

Jing wins travel award to attend UQ workshop at UT Austin

Jing Lin, a fifth year graduate student, has been selected to receive a travel award to attend the Workshop on Uncertainty Quantification and Data-Driven Modeling, to be held from March 23 to 24, 2017, at the University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA. Congratulations Jing!

Group members meet Indian environment minister

PhD Candidates Deepak Subramani and Tapovan Lolla and Prof Pierre Lermusiaux attended an environment focussed meeting with Honorable Prakash Javadekar, the Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change in the Govt. of India at the MIT Tata Center on 4/16/15. The group’s research efforts with a focus on India specific goals and the new Tata Project (2015-17) were discussed during the meeting.

International workshop on “Probabilistic Approaches to Data Assimilation for Earth Systems”

Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux was an invited lecturer at the International Workshop on “Probabilistic Approaches to Data Assimilation for Earth Systems” which took place in Banff, Canada from 17-22 February, 2013 […]

Stochastic Assimilation for the Next Generation Ocean Model Applications (SANGOMA)

Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux is an invited international external adviser to the European project Stochastic Assimilation for the Next Generation Ocean Model Applications (SANGOMA), which will be providing new developments in data assimilation for future operational forecasting and monitoring systems. He is giving a talk on Bayesian Data Assimilation and Learning of Stochastic Dynamical Models: State, Parameters, also Model Structures at their first annual meeting.

MSEAS Presents Research at the Coastal Ocean Modeling Gordon Research Conference

Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux was one of the presenters at the Coastal Ocean Modeling Gordon Research Conference, held at Mount Holyoke College from June 26 to July 1, 2011. His presentation was titled “PDEs for Ocean Uncertainty Prediction, Nonlinear Data Assimilation and Adaptive Sampling Swarms.”


Working with Uncertainty Workshop

Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux is an invited Panelist and Lecturer at the “Working with Uncertainty Workshop: Representation, Quantification, Propagation, Visualization, and Communication of Uncertainty”, as part of IEEE VisWeek 2011. This workshop will take place October 24, 2011 in Providence, RI.

ESPC-DA workshop at the University of Maryland

Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux was one of the co-organizers of a workshop on Ocean Integration in Earth System Prediction Capability Data Assimilation. This took place 27-29 September 2011 at the University of Maryland.


Members of the group will be attending IMUM 2011 – The 10th InternationalbWorkshop on Multiscale (Un-)structured Mesh Numerical Modelling for coastal, shelf and global ocean dynamics. Prof. Lermusiaux is a member of the Organizing Committee.

NSF Pioneer Array Science Workshop

Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux was the MIT representative, NSF Pioneer Array Science Workshop, February 22-24, 2011.

MREA Workshop at NATO Undersea Research Centre

Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux co-chaired the workshop on Maritime Rapid Environmental Assessment Conference: Quantifying, Predicting, Exploiting Uncertainties in Marine Environments at the NATO Undersea Research Center in Lerici, Italy


The International workshop on Multiscale (Un)-structured mesh numerical ocean Modeling (IMUM2010), Cambridge, MA, 17-20 August 2010 was organized and hosted by the MSEAS group