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Wael, Aaron, and Pierre Co-author Paper that Wins 2023 MIT Lincoln Laboratory Best Paper Award

Congratulations to Wael, Aaron, and Pierre for co-authoring a paper entitled “A Wide-Area Deep Ocean Floor Mapping System: Design and Sea Tests,” which appeared in Geomatics in 2023. The full paper is available from our publications website.

Read more about this award and previous MIT Lincoln Laboratories Best Paper & Best Invention Awards.


Manan and Manmeet’s CDC Conference Paper Accepted

Congratulations to Manan and Manmeet for having their paper “Hamilton–Jacobi Multi-Time Reachability” accepted to the IEEE CDC Conference! This paper will be presented at the 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, from Dec. 6-9, 2022, in Cancún, Mexico. More information about this paper, including the abstract, can be found here.


MSEAS Oceans 2021 Conference Papers Published

The IEEE Oceans 2021 papers submitted by Aaron, Corbin, and Tony have been published, and are available from our website and from https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/. Congratulations to Aaron, Corbin, Tony, and Jacob!


Abhinav’s Closure Model Figures Featured on Cover of Proceedings of the Royal Society

Several figures from Abhinav’s paper “Neural Closure Models for Dynamical Systems” have been featured on the cover of the August 2021 issue of the Proceedings of the Royal Society A. Congratulations to Abhinav!

The background is a spatio-temporal zooplankton field, simulated using a complex nonlinear 5-component 1-D physical-biogeochemical model. Seasonal variability is forced through the surface photosynthetically-available radiation and mixed layer depth, each of which vary in time. The 5-component model is one of the dynamical systems used to illustrate our novel neural closure modeling. Overlaid on the zooplankton field is the graphical representation of the time-discretized distributed neural delay differential equation (Distributed-nDDE). The blocks labeled DNN and the integral symbol represent any deep neural-network architecture and time-integration scheme.

MSEAS research featured on MIT front page

Recent results from the MSEAS group on the multiscale interactions of internal tides in the Middle Atlantic Bight and Shelfbreak front regions were featured on MIT front page on Sept 28, 2016. The article is entitled “Researchers find explanation for interacting giant, hidden ocean waves” and can be accessed here. The relevant papers “Internal-tide Interactions with the Gulf Stream and Middle Atlantic Bight Shelfbreak Front” published in JGR Oceans can be accessed here and the paper “A Coupled-mode Shallow Water model for tidal analysis: Internal-tide reflection and refraction by the Gulf Stream” published in JPO can be accessed here.

Global Analysis of Navier-Stokes and Boussinesq Stochastic Flows using Dynamical Orthogonality

Sapsis, T.P., M.P. Ueckermann and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2013. Global Analysis of Navier-Stokes and Boussinesq Stochastic Flows using Dynamical Orthogonality, J. Fluid Mech., 734, 83-113. doi:10.1017/jfm.2013.458

We provide a new framework for the study of fl‡uid ‡flows presenting complex uncertain behavior. Our approach is based on the stochastic reduction and analysis of the governing equations using the dynamically orthogonal field equations. By numerically solving these equations we evolve in a fully coupled way the mean fl‡ow and the statistical and spatial characteristics of the stochastic fl‡uctuations. This set of equations is formulated for the general case of stochastic boundary conditions and allows for the application of projection methods that reduce considerably the computational cost. We analyze the transformation of energy from stochastic modes to mean dynamics, and vice-versa, by deriving exact expressions that quantify the interaction among different components of the fl‡ow. The developed framework is illustrated through specifi…c fl‡ows in unstable regimes. In particular, we consider the ‡flow behind a disk and the Rayleigh–-Bénard convection, for which we construct bifurcation diagrams that describe the variation of the response as well as the energy transfers for different parameters associated with the considered ‡flows. We reveal the low-dimensionality of the underlying stochastic attractor.