Real-time Sea Exercises for Autonomous Path Planning (AforSSIE-16)
P.F.J. Lermusiaux, P.J. Haley, Jr., C. Mirabito,
D. Subramani, S. Jana
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Center for Ocean Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Cambridge, Massachusetts
AforSSIE Sea Exercises Page
AforSSIE Project Main Page
WHOI Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory (MVCO), MSEAS-processed information
Location of the MVCO offshore 12 m sea node (black dot) where the data in the following plots are measured |
20-minute burst-averaged sea temperature (°C) at 10.6 m and 12.7 m depths from October 5, 2016 0000Z to December 12, 2016 2231Z as measured by ADCP (blue) and CTD (red) sensors at the MVCO offshore 12 m sea node, respectively |
20-minute burst-averaged salinity (psu) from October 5, 2016 0000Z to December 12, 2016 2231Z as measured by CTD sensors at the MVCO offshore 12 m sea node |
20-minute burst-averaged zonal velocity (cm/s) versus depth (m) from October 5, 2016 0000Z to December 12, 2016 2231Z as measured by ADCP sensors at the MVCO offshore 12 m sea node |
20-minute burst-averaged meridional velocity (cm/s) versus depth (m) from October 5, 2016 0000Z to December 12, 2016 2231Z as measured by ADCP sensors at the MVCO offshore 12 m sea node |