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Dynamically-Orthogonal Parabolic Equations for Probabilistic Ocean Acoustics in the New England Seamounts

Robin, M.M.N., P.J. Haley, Jr., C. Mirabito, and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2024. Dynamically-Orthogonal Parabolic Equations for Probabilistic Ocean Acoustics in the New England Seamounts. In: OCEANS '24 IEEE/MTS Halifax, 23–26 September 2024, pp. 1–8. doi:10.1109/OCEANS55160.2024.10754458

Underwater sound propagation is sensitive to specific environmental features and specific operational configuration parameters. We illustrate the preliminary use of our deterministic and stochastic Dynamically-Orthogonal Wide-Angle Parabolic Equations (DO-WAPEs) to classify and quantify the effects of ocean uncertainties and source depth uncertainties on the acoustic fields. We showcase initial results for the New England Seamounts off the northeastern US coastline, emphasizing the effects of uncertain source depths and subsurface ocean inflows and acoustic ducts. The stochastic DO-WAPEs predict the probability distribution of the acoustic pressure and transmission loss fields. The mean and standard deviation of the TL field are described and linked to the ocean environment and seamount geometry. Mutual information is predicted to identify the TL locations most informative about the source depth.


Range-Dynamical Low-Rank Split-Step Fourier Method for the Parabolic Wave Equation

Charous, A. and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2024. Range-Dynamical Low-Rank Split-Step Fourier Method for the Parabolic Wave Equation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 156(4): 2903-2920. doi:10.1121/10.0032470

Numerical solutions to the parabolic wave equation are plagued by the curse of dimensionality coupled with the Nyquist criterion. As a remedy, a new range-dynamical low-rank split-step Fourier method is developed. The integration scheme scales sub-linearly with the number of classical degrees of freedom in the transverse directions. It is orders of magnitude faster than the classic full-rank split-step Fourier algorithm and saves copious amounts of storage space. This enables numerical solutions of the parabolic wave equation at higher frequencies and on larger domains, and simulations may be performed on laptops rather than high-performance computing clusters. Using a rank-adaptive scheme to optimize the low-rank equations further ensures the approximate solution is highly accurate and efficient. The methodology and algorithms are demonstrated on realistic high-resolution data-assimilative ocean fields in Massachusetts Bay for two three-dimensional acoustic configurations with different source locations and frequencies. The acoustic pressure, transmission loss, and phase solutions are analyzed in the two geometries with seamounts and canyons across and along Stellwagen Bank. The convergence with the rank of the subspace and the properties of the rank-adaptive scheme are demonstrated, and all results are successfully compared with those of the full-rank method when feasible.


Dynamically Orthogonal Narrow-Angle Parabolic Equations for Stochastic Underwater Sound Propagation. Part II: Applications

Ali, W.H., and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2024b. Dynamically Orthogonal Narrow-Angle Parabolic Equations for Stochastic Underwater Sound Propagation. Part II: Applications. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 155(1), 656-672. doi:10.1121/10.0024474

The stochastic dynamically orthogonal (DO) narrow-angle parabolic equations (NAPEs) are exemplified and their properties and capabilities are described using three new 2D stochastic range-independent and range-dependent test cases with uncertain sound speed field, bathymetry, and source location. We validate results against ground-truth deterministic analytical solutions and direct Monte Carlo predictions of acoustic pressure and transmission loss fields. We verify the stochastic convergence and computational advantages of the DO-NAPEs and discuss the differences with normal mode approaches. Results show that a single DO-NAPE simulation can accurately predict stochastic range-dependent acoustic fields and their non-Gaussian probability distributions, with computational savings of several orders of magnitude when compared to direct Monte Carlo methods. With their coupling properties and their adaptation in range to the dominant uncertainties, the DO-NAPEs are shown to predict accurate statistics, from mean and variance to multiple modes and full probability distributions, and to provide excellent reconstructed realizations, from amplitudes and phases to other specific properties of complex realization fields.


Dynamically Orthogonal Narrow-Angle Parabolic Equations for Stochastic Underwater Sound Propagation. Part I: Theory and Schemes

Ali, W.H., and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2024a. Dynamically Orthogonal Narrow-Angle Parabolic Equations for Stochastic Underwater Sound Propagation. Part I: Theory and Schemes. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 155(1), 640-655. doi:10.1121/10.0024466

Robust informative acoustic predictions require precise knowledge of ocean physics, bathymetry, seabed, and acoustic parameters. However, in realistic applications, this information is uncertain due to sparse and heterogeneous measurements and complex ocean physics. Efficient techniques are thus needed to quantify these uncertainties and predict the stochastic acoustic wave fields. In this work, we derive and implement new stochastic differential equations that predict the acoustic pressure fields and their probability distributions. We start from the stochastic acoustic parabolic equation (PE) and employ the instantaneously-optimal Dynamically Orthogonal (DO) equations theory. We derive stochastic DO-PEs that dynamically reduce and march the dominant multi-dimensional uncertainties respecting the nonlinear governing equations and non-Gaussian statistics. We develop the dynamical reduced-order DO-PEs theory for the Narrow-Angle PE (NAPE) and implement numerical schemes for discretizing and integrating the stochastic acoustic fields.


Stable Rank-adaptive Dynamically Orthogonal Runge-Kutta Schemes

Charous, A. and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2024. Stable Rank-adaptive Dynamically Orthogonal Runge-Kutta Schemes. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 46(1), A529-A560. doi:10.1137/22M1534948

We develop two new sets of stable, rank-adaptive Dynamically Orthogonal Runge-Kutta (DORK) schemes that capture the high-order curvature of the nonlinear low-rank manifold. The DORK schemes asymptotically approximate the truncated singular value decomposition at a greatly reduced cost while preserving mode continuity using newly derived retractions. We show that arbitrarily high-order optimal perturbative retractions can be obtained, and we prove that these new retractions are stable. In addition, we demonstrate that repeatedly applying retractions yields a gradient-descent algorithm on the low-rank manifold that converges geometrically when approximating a low-rank matrix. When approximating a higher-rank matrix, iterations converge linearly to the best low-rank approximation. We then develop a rank-adaptive retraction that is robust to overapproximation. Building off of these retractions, we derive two novel, rank-adaptive integration schemes that dynamically update the subspace upon which the system dynamics is projected within each time-step: the stable, optimal Dynamically Orthogonal Runge-Kutta (so-DORK) and gradient-descent Dynamically Orthogonal Runge-Kutta (gd-DORK) schemes. These integration schemes are numerically evaluated and compared on an ill-conditioned matrix differential equation, an advection-diffusion partial differential equation, and a nonlinear, stochastic reaction-diffusion partial differential equation. Results show a reduced error accumulation rate with the new stable, optimal and gradient-descent integrators. In addition, we find that rank adaptation allows for highly accurate solutions while preserving computational efficiency.


Gaussian Beam Migration for Wide-Area Deep Ocean Floor Mapping

Charous, A., W.H. Ali, P. Ryu, D. Brown, K. Arsenault, B. Cho, K. Rimpau, A. March, and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2023. Gaussian Beam Migration for Wide-Area Deep Ocean Floor Mapping. In: OCEANS '23 IEEE/MTS Gulf Coast, 25–28 September 2023. doi:10.23919/OCEANS52994.2023.10337362

Cost-effective seafloor mapping at high resolution is yet to be attained. A possible solution consists of using a mobile, wide-aperture, sparse array with subarrays distributed across multiple autonomous surface vessels. Such wide-area mapping with multiple dynamic sources and receivers require accurate modeling and processing systems for imaging the seabed. In this paper, we focus on computational schemes and challenges for such high-resolution acoustic imaging or migration. Starting from the imaging condition from the adjoint-state method, we derive a closed-form expression for Gaussian beam migration in stratified media. We employ this technique on simulated data and on real data collected with our novel acoustic array over shipwrecks in the Boston Harbor. We compare Gaussian beam migration with diffraction stack and Kirchhoff migration, and we find that Gaussian beam migration produces the clearest images with the fewest artifacts.


MSEAS-ParEq for Ocean-Acoustic Modeling around the Globe

Ali, W.H., A. Charous, C. Mirabito, P.J. Haley, Jr., and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2023. MSEAS-ParEq for Ocean-Acoustic Modeling around the Globe. In: OCEANS '23 IEEE/MTS Gulf Coast, 25–28 September 2023. doi:10.23919/OCEANS52994.2023.10337377

The multi-scale dynamics of oceanic processes and the complex propagation of acoustic waves are fundamental challenges in marine sciences and operations. Recent computing advances enable such multiresolution ocean and acoustic modeling, but a fully integrated system for sustained coupled predictions and Bayesian data assimilation remains needed. In this study, we integrate the MSEAS Primitive Equation (PE) ocean modeling system and the MSEAS acoustic Parabolic Equation (ParEq) solver, enabling real-time coupled ocean and acoustic predictions. Realistic applications in Massachusetts Bay, the Norwegian Sea, the western Mediterranean Sea, and the New York Bight are used to demonstrate capabilities and validate predictions in diverse shallow and deep-water environments. Results provide the foundation for an end-to-end system for coupled ocean-acoustic probabilistic modeling, Bayesian inversion, and learning.


Stochastic Acoustic Ray Tracing with Dynamically Orthogonal Differential Equations

Humara, M.J., W.H. Ali, A. Charous, M. Bhabra, and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2022. Stochastic Acoustic Ray Tracing with Dynamically Orthogonal Differential Equations. In: OCEANS '22 IEEE/MTS Hampton Roads, 17–20 October 2022, pp. 1–10. doi:10.1109/OCEANS47191.2022.9977252

Developing accurate and computationally efficient models for underwater sound propagation in the uncertain, dynamic ocean environment is inherently challenging. In this work, we evaluate the potential of dynamic reduced-order modeling for stochastic ray tracing. We obtain and implement the stochastic dynamically-orthogonal (DO) differential equations for Ray Tracing (DO-Ray). With stochastic DO-Ray, we can start from non-Gaussian environmental uncertainties and compute the stochastic acoustic ray fields in a dynamic reduced order fashion, all while preserving the dominant complex statistics of the ocean environment and the nonlinear relations with ray dynamics. We develop varied algorithms and discuss implementation challenges and solutions, using direct Monte Carlo for comparison. We showcase results in an uncertain deep-sound channel example and observe the ability to represent the stochastic ray trace fields in a dynamic reduced-order fashion.


Dynamically Orthogonal Differential Equations for Stochastic and Deterministic Reduced-Order Modeling of Ocean Acoustic Wave Propagation

Charous, A. and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2021. Dynamically Orthogonal Differential Equations for Stochastic and Deterministic Reduced-Order Modeling of Ocean Acoustic Wave Propagation. In: OCEANS '21 IEEE/MTS San Diego, 20-23 September 2021, pp. 1-7. doi:10.23919/OCEANS44145.2021.9705914

Accurate and computationally efficient acoustic models are needed for varied marine applications. In this paper, we focus our attention on forward models, which are essential to inverse problems such as imaging and mapping. First, we introduce new dynamically orthogonal (DO) equations for the acoustic wave equation in full generality, allowing for stochastic and spatially heterogeneous parameters. These equations may be spatially discretized and integrated in time numerically. Alternatively, the DO equations may be discretized themselves, admitting a non-intrusive reduced-order approach to solve the stochastic wave equation. We demonstrate the latter with a test case of an acoustic pulse traveling through the ocean with an uncertain sound speed. Second, we adapt the spatially discrete DO approach, typically used to reduce the stochastic dimension, to efficient reduced-order modeling of deterministic 3D acoustic propagation. We solve the 3D parabolic wave equation and show that low-rank solutions rapidly converge to the full-rank solution. Together, these approaches offer novel ways to solve stochastic and deterministic problems with strong or weak scattering at a reduced computational cost.


Real-time Probabilistic Coupled Ocean Physics-Acoustics Forecasting and Data Assimilation for Underwater GPS

Lermusiaux, P.F.J., C. Mirabito, P.J. Haley, Jr., W.H. Ali, A. Gupta, S. Jana, E. Dorfman, A. Laferriere, A. Kofford, G. Shepard, M. Goldsmith, K. Heaney, E. Coelho, J. Boyle, J. Murray, L. Freitag, and A. Morozov, 2020. Real-time Probabilistic Coupled Ocean Physics-Acoustics Forecasting and Data Assimilation for Underwater GPS. In: OCEANS '20 IEEE/MTS, 5-30 October 2020, pp. 1-9. doi:10.1109/IEEECONF38699.2020.9389003

The widely-used Global Positioning System (GPS) does not work underwater. This presents a severe limitation on the communication capabilities and deployment options for undersea assets such as AUVs and UUVs. To address this challenge, the Positioning System for Deep Ocean Navigation (POSYDON) program aims to develop an undersea system that provides omnipresent, robust positioning across ocean basins. To do so, it is critically important to accurately model sound waves and signals under diverse, and often uncertain, undersea environmental conditions. Probabilistic estimates of the four-dimensional variability of the fields of sound speed, salinity, temperature, and currents are thus needed. In this paper, we employ our MSEAS primitive-equation and error subspace data-assimilative ensemble ocean forecasting system during two real-time POSYDON sea exercises, one in winter 2017 and another in August 2018. We provide real-time high-resolution estimates of sound speed fields and their uncertainty, and describe the ocean conditions from submesoscales eddies and internal tides to warm core rings and larger-scale circulations. We verify our results against independent data of opportunity; in all cases, we show that our probabilistic forecasts demonstrate skill.


Multi-resolution Probabilistic Ocean Physics-Acoustic Modeling: Validation in the New Jersey Continental Shelf

Lermusiaux, P.F.J., P.J. Haley, Jr., C. Mirabito, W.H. Ali, M. Bhabra, P. Abbot, C.-S. Chiu, and C. Emerson, 2020. Multi-resolution Probabilistic Ocean Physics-Acoustic Modeling: Validation in the New Jersey Continental Shelf. In: OCEANS '20 IEEE/MTS, 5-30 October 2020, pp. 1-9. doi:10.1109/IEEECONF38699.2020.9389193

The reliability of sonar systems in the littoral environment is greatly affected by the variability of the surrounding nonlinear ocean dynamics. This variability occurs on multiple scales in space and time, and involves multiple interacting processes, from internal tides and waves to meandering fronts, eddies, boundary layers, and strong air-sea interactions. We utilize our high-resolution MSEAS-PE ocean modeling system to hindcast the ocean physical environment off the New Jersey continental shelf for the end of June 2009, and then utilize our new MSEAS probabilistic acoustic NAPE and WAPE solvers in a coupled ocean physics-acoustic modeling fashion to predict the transmission and integrated transmission losses, respectively. The coupled models are described, and their predictions verified against independent ocean physics observations and sound propagation measurements from acoustic sources and receivers in the region. Our high-resolution ocean simulations are shown to substantial reduce the RMSE and bias of the coarser simulations. Our acoustic simulations of deterministic and stochastic TL fields also show significant skill.


Stochastic Oceanographic-Acoustic Prediction and Bayesian Inversion for Wide Area Ocean Floor Mapping

Ali, W.H., M.S. Bhabra, P.F.J. Lermusiaux, A. March, J.R. Edwards, K. Rimpau, and P. Ryu, 2019. Stochastic Oceanographic-Acoustic Prediction and Bayesian Inversion for Wide Area Ocean Floor Mapping. In: OCEANS '19 MTS/IEEE Seattle, 27-31 October 2019, doi:10.23919/OCEANS40490.2019.8962870

Covering the vast majority of our planet, the ocean is still largely unmapped and unexplored. Various imaging techniques researched and developed over the past decades, ranging from echo-sounders on ships to LIDAR systems in the air, have only systematically mapped a small fraction of the seafloor at medium resolution. This, in turn, has spurred recent ambitious efforts to map the remaining ocean at high resolution. New approaches are needed since existing systems are neither cost nor time effective. One such approach consists of a sparse aperture mapping technique using autonomous surface vehicles to allow for efficient imaging of wide areas of the ocean floor. Central to the operation of this approach is the need for robust, accurate, and efficient inference methods that effectively provide reliable estimates of the seafloor profile from the measured data. In this work, we utilize such a stochastic prediction and Bayesian inversion and demonstrate results on benchmark problems. We first outline efficient schemes for deterministic and stochastic acoustic modeling using the parabolic wave equation and the optimally-reduced Dynamically Orthogonal equations and showcase results on stochastic test cases. We then present our Bayesian inversion schemes and its results for rigorous nonlinear assimilation and joint bathymetry-ocean physics-acoustics inversion.


Time-Evolving Acoustic Propagation Modeling in a Complex Ocean Environment

Colin, M.E.G.D., T.F. Duda, L.A. te Raa, T. van Zon, P.J. Haley, Jr., P.F.J. Lermusiaux, W.G. Leslie, C. Mirabito, F.P.A. Lam, A.E. Newhall, Y.-T. Lin, J.F. Lynch, 2013. Time-Evolving Acoustic Propagation Modeling in a Complex Ocean Environment, Proceedings of OCEANS - Bergen, 2013 MTS/IEEE , vol., no., pp.1,9, 10-14 June 2013, doi: 10.1109/OCEANS-Bergen.2013.6608051.

During naval operations, sonar performance estimates often need to be computed in-situ with limited environmental information. This calls for the use of fast acoustic propagation models. Many naval operations are carried out in challenging and dynamic environments. This makes acoustic propagation and sonar performance behavior particularly complex and variable, and complicates prediction. Using data from a field experiment, we have investigated the accuracy with which acoustic propagation loss (PL) can be predicted, using only limited modeling capabilities. Environmental input parameters came from various sources that may be available in a typical naval operation.

The outer continental shelf shallow-water experimental area featured internal tides, packets of nonlinear internal waves, and a meandering water mass front. For a moored source/receiver pair separated by 19.6 km, the acoustic propagation loss for 800 Hz pulses was computed using the peak amplitude. The variations in sound speed translated into considerable PL variability of order 15 dB. Acoustic loss modeling was carried out using a data-driven regional ocean model as well as measured sound speed profile data for comparison. The acoustic model used a two-dimensional parabolic approximation (vertical and radial outward wavenumbers only). The variance of modeled propagation loss was less than that measured. The effect of the internal tides and sub-tidal features was reasonably well modeled; these made use of measured sound speed data. The effects of nonlinear waves were not well modeled, consistent with their known three-dimensional effects but also with the lack of measurements to initialize and constrain them.


Computational Studies of 3D Ocean sound fields in areas of complex seafloor topography and active ocean dynamics

Duda, T.F., Y.-T. Lin, W.G. Zhang, B.D. Cornuelle, P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2011. Computational Studies of 3D Ocean sound fields in areas of complex seafloor topography and active ocean dynamics. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, NTU, Taiwan, 12pp.

Over the last four decades the use of numerical flow models in oceanography has vastly increased. Models are run operationally for regional locations, ocean basins, and the entire earth. In addition, specialized research models targeting specific processes and areas are routinely produced. These models are often coupled with biological and chemical models for research into biological-physical and biogeochemical-physical interactions. The role of some models is to create conditions close to reality, in a deterministic sense, whereas others have the role of imitating mean behavior or fluctuation behavior. The role of yet another family of models is to alter conditions from reality to study the ramifications, examples being interdisciplinary climate models [1-3]. All of these models provide full access to time- evolving three-dimensional fields (4-D fields) for process studies, or for predictive purposes. There is strong motivation for using these models for ocean acoustic studies. Suitably formulated models can include the important flow and water-mass features of the ocean, with the important features covering a wide dynamic range. Each feature has its own acoustic propagation or scattering signature, with some signatures having an interfering effect on underwater acoustic activities. The signature can be in the temporal domain, the spatial domain, or both. An important part of ocean acoustics research at this time is identifying which processes are dominant at specific times and places, and models are well suited to this. Significant acoustic effects of water-column and seafloor features occur in concert. However, they have traditionally been studied individually, sometimes in idealized or very simple form. Despite the isolation of the processes, many of these studies have been very successful. Examples are the analysis of the Pekeris waveguide [4], adiabatic mode propagation in a smoothly varying waveguide [5], and propagation through idealized internal waves [6-8]. The state of our knowledge now demands that the full complexity be analyzed, as can be done using the ocean models. Initial efforts that have coupled four-dimensional ocean fields with 2D acoustics modeling include data assimilation and uncertainty studies [9, 10], end-to-end computations [11], real-time at-sea predictions [12] and coupled adaptive sampling [13]. In the present work, a specific focus is on 3D acoustic effects coupled to 4D ocean predictions. We have thus motivated the use of oceanographic flow models as a straightforward approach for objective and comprehensive study of sound propagation in realistic environments, which we refer to as coupled ocean/acoustics modeling. The alternative of investigating the overall effects of simultaneously occurring feature types by constructing idealized process models with multiple features (straight line internal waves in two-layer fluid over a uniformly sloped bottom and one eddy, for example) is likely to lack objectivity or completeness. In fact, such feature models are mainly utilized to initialize ocean models or describe/assimilate specific features [14]. Coupled ocean/acoustics modeling can have high value, under the condition that the synthesized environments are sufficiently inclusive, representative, and accurate. This is a nontrivial condition; many challenges remain for flow models in terms of boundary conditions and data assimilation, resolution of near-boundary effects and mixing effects, and three-dimensional nonlinear gravity waves with hydrostatic pressure. Note that making acoustic propagation predictions, without analysis of the behavior or the mechanisms at work, is a byproduct of coupled ocean-acoustic modeling. Coupled ocean/acoustics modeling is becoming more common. Nevertheless, the approach is relatively recent and the best research path to take at this time deserves discussion. In this paper we discuss the potential of this method, and inform the discussion with some example computations from recent work in the Mid Atlantic Bight.

Merging Multiple Partial-Depth Data Time Series Using Objective Empirical Orthogonal Function Fitting

Lin, Y.-T., A.E. Newhall, T.F. Duda, P.F. J. Lermusiaux and P.J. Haley, Jr., 2010. Merging Multiple Partial-Depth Data Time Series Using Objective Empirical Orthogonal Function Fitting. IEEE Transactions, Journal of Oceanic Engineering. 35(4) 710-721. doi:10.1109/JOE.2010.2052875.

In this paper, a method for merging partial overlap- ping time series of ocean profiles into a single time series of profiles using empirical orthogonal function (EOF) decomposition with the objective analysis is presented. The method is used to handle internal waves passing two or more mooring locations from multiple directions, a situation where patterns of variability cannot be accounted for with a simple time lag. Data from one mooring are decomposed into linear combination of EOFs. Objective analysis using data from another mooring and these patterns is then used to build the necessary profile for merging the data, which is a linear combination of the EOFs. This method is applied to temperature data collected at a two vertical moorings in the 2006 New Jersey Shelf Shallow Water Experiment (SW06). Resulting profiles specify conditions for 35 days from sea surface to seafloor at a primary site and allow for reliable acoustic propagation modeling, mode decomposition, and beamforming.

Underwater acoustic sparse aperture system performance: Using transmitter channel state information for multipath & interference rejection

Puryear, A., L.J. Burton, P.F.J. Lermusiaux, and V.W.S. Chan, 2009. Underwater acoustic sparse aperture system performance: Using transmitter channel state information for multipath & interference rejection. OCEANS 2009-EUROPE, pp. 1-9, 11-14 May 2009, doi:10.1109/OCEANSE.2009.5278156.

Today’s situational awareness requirements in the undersea environment present severe challenges for acoustic communication systems. Acoustic propagation through the ocean environment severely limits the capacity of existing underwater communication systems. Specifically, the presence of internal waves coupled with the ocean sound channel creates a stochastic field that introduces deep fades and significant intersymbol interference (ISI) thereby limiting reliable communication to low data rates. In this paper we present a communication architecture that optimally predistorts the acoustic wave via spatial modulation and detects the acoustic wave with optimal spatial recombination to maximize reliable information throughput. This effectively allows the system to allocate its power to the most efficient propagation modes while mitigating ISI. Channel state information is available to the transmitter through low rate feedback. New results include the asymptotic distribution of singular values for a large number of apertures. Further, we present spatial modulation at the transmitter and spatial recombination at the receiver that asymptotically minimize bit error rate (BER). We show that, in many applications, the number of apertures can be made large enough so that asymptotic results approximate finite results well. Additionally, we show that the interference noise power is reduced proportional to the inverse of the number of receive apertures. Finally, we calculate the asymptotic BER for the sparse aperture acoustic system.

Acoustically Focused Adaptive Sampling and On-board Routing for Marine Rapid Environmental Assessment

Wang, D., P.F.J. Lermusiaux, P.J. Haley, D. Eickstedt, W.G. Leslie and H. Schmidt, 2009. Acoustically Focused Adaptive Sampling and On-board Routing for Marine Rapid Environmental Assessment. Special issue of Journal of Marine Systems on "Coastal processes: challenges for monitoring and prediction", Drs. J.W. Book, Prof. M. Orlic and Michel Rixen (Guest Eds), 78, S393-S407, doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2009.01.037.

Variabilities in the coastal ocean environment span a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. From an acoustic viewpoint, the limited oceanographic measurements and today’s ocean computational capabilities are not always able to provide oceanic-acoustic predictions in high-resolution and with enough accuracy. Adaptive Rapid Environmental Assessment (AREA) is an adaptive sampling concept being developed in connection with the emergence of Autonomous Ocean Sampling Networks and interdisciplinary ensemble predictions and adaptive sampling via Error Subspace Statistical Estimation (ESSE). By adaptively and optimally deploying in situ sampling resources and assimilating these data into coupled nested ocean and acoustic models, AREA can dramatically improve the estimation of ocean fields that matter for acoustic predictions. These concepts are outlined and a methodology is developed and illustrated based on the Focused Acoustic Forecasting-05 (FAF05) exercise in the northern Tyrrhenian sea. The methodology first couples the data-assimilative environmental and acoustic propagation ensemble modeling. An adaptive sampling plan is then predicted, using the uncertainty of the acoustic predictions as input to an optimization scheme which finds the parameter values of autonomous sampling behaviors that optimally reduce this forecast of the acoustic uncertainty. To compute this reduction, the expected statistics of unknown data to be sampled by different candidate sampling behaviors are assimilated. The predicted-optimal parameter values are then fed to the sampling vehicles. A second adaptation of these parameters is ultimately carried out in the water by the sampling vehicles using onboard routing, in response to the real ocean data that they acquire. The autonomy architecture and algorithms used to implement this methodology are also described. Results from a number of real-time AREA simulations using data collected during the Focused Acoustic Forecasting (FAF05) exercise are presented and discussed for the case of a single Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). For FAF05, the main AREA-ESSE application was the optimal tracking of the ocean thermocline based on ocean-acoustic ensemble prediction, adaptive sampling plans for vertical Yo-Yo behaviors and subsequent onboard Yo-Yo routing.

Prediction Systems with Data Assimilation for Coupled Ocean Science and Ocean Acoustics

Robinson, A.R. and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2004. Prediction Systems with Data Assimilation for Coupled Ocean Science and Ocean Acoustics, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics (A. Tolstoy, et al., editors), World Scientific Publishing, 325-342. Refereed invited Keynote Manuscript.

Ocean science and ocean acoustics today are engaged in coupled interdisciplinary research on both fundamental dynamics and applications. In this context interdisciplinary data assimilation, which melds observations and fundamental dynamical models for field and parameter estimation is emerging as a novel and powerful methodology, but computational demands present challenging constraints which need to be overcome. These ideas are developed within the concept of an interdisciplinary system for assessing sonar system performance. An end-to-end system, which couples meteorology-physical oceanography-geoacoustics-ocean acoustics-bottom-noise-target-sonar data and models, is used to estimate uncertainties and their transfers and feedbacks. The approach to interdisciplinary data assimilation for this system importantly involves a full, interdisciplinary state vector and error covariance matrix. An idealized end-to-end system example is presented based upon the Shelfbreak PRIMER experiment in the Middle Atlantic Bight. Uncertainties in the physics are transferred to the acoustics and to a passive sonar using fully coupled physical and acoustical data assimilation.

Modeling Uncertainties in the Prediction of the Acoustic Wavefield in a Shelfbreak Environment

Lermusiaux, P.F.J., C.-S. Chiu and A.R. Robinson, 2002. Modeling Uncertainties in the Prediction of the Acoustic Wavefield in a Shelfbreak Environment. Refereed invited Manuscript, Proceedings of the 5th International conference on theoretical and computational acoustics, May 21-25, 2001. (Eds: E.-C. Shang, Q. Li and T.F. Gao), World Scientific Publishing Co., 191-200.

The uncertainties in the predicted acoustic wavefield associated with the transmission of low- frequency sound from the continental slope, through the shelfbreak front, onto the continental shelf are examined. The locale and sensor geometry being investigated is that of the New England continental shelfbreak with a moored low-frequency sound source on the slope. Our method of investigation employs computational fluid mechanics coupled with computational acoustics. The coupled methodology for uncertainty estimation is that of Error Subspace Statistical Estimation. Specifically, based on observed oceanographic data during the 1996 Shelfbreak Primer Experiment, the Harvard University primitive-equation ocean model is initialized with many realizations of physical fields and then integrated to produce many realizations of a five-day regional forecast of the sound speed field. In doing so, the initial physical realizations are obtained by perturbing the physical initial conditions in statistical accord with a realistic error subspace. The different forecast realizations of the sound speed field are then fed into a Naval Postgraduate School coupled-mode sound propagation model to produce realizations of the predicted acoustic wavefield in a vertical plane across the shelfbreak frontal zone. The combined ocean and acoustic results from this Monte Carlo simulation study provide insights into the relations between the uncertainties in the ocean and acoustic estimates. The modeled uncertainties in the transmission loss estimate and their relations to the error statistics in the ocean estimate are discussed.

Four-dimensional data assimilation for coupled physical-acoustical fields

Lermusiaux, P.F.J. and C.-S. Chiu, 2002. Four-dimensional data assimilation for coupled physical-acoustical fields. In "Acoustic Variability, 2002". N.G. Pace and F.B. Jensen (Eds.), Saclantcen. Kluwer Academic Press, 417-424.

The estimation of oceanic environmental and acoustical fields is considered as a single coupled data assimilation problem. The four-dimensional data assimilation methodology employed is Error Subspace Statistical Estimation. Environmental fields and their dominant uncertainties are predicted by an ocean dynamical model and transferred to acoustical fields and uncertainties by an acoustic propagation model. The resulting coupled dominant uncertainties define the error subspace. The available physical and acoustical data are then assimilated into the predicted fields in accord with the error subspace and all data uncertainties. The criterion for data assimilation is presently to correct the predicted fields such that the total error variance in the error subspace is minimized. The approach is exemplified for the New England continental shelfbreak region, using data collected during the 1996 Shelfbreak Primer Experiment. The methodology is discussed, computational issues are outlined and the assimilation of model-simulated acoustical data is carried out. Results are encouraging and provide some insights into the dominant variability and uncertainty properties of acoustical fields.

Advanced interdisciplinary data assimilation: Filtering and smoothing via error subspace statistical estimation.

Lermusiaux, P.F.J., A.R. Robinson, P.J. Haley and W.G. Leslie, 2002. Advanced interdisciplinary data assimilation: Filtering and smoothing via error subspace statistical estimation. Proceedings of "The OCEANS 2002 MTS/IEEE" conference, Holland Publications, 795-802.

The efficient interdisciplinary 4D data assimilation with nonlinear models via Error Subspace Statistical Estimation (ESSE) is reviewed and exemplified. ESSE is based on evolving an error subspace, of variable size, that spans and tracks the scales and processes where the dominant errors occur. A specific focus here is the use of ESSE in interdisciplinary smoothing which allows the correction of past estimates based on future data, dynamics and model errors. ESSE is useful for a wide range of purposes which are illustrated by three investigations: (i) smoothing estimation of physical ocean fields in the Eastern Mediterranean, (ii) coupled physical-acoustical data assimilation in the Middle Atlantic Bight shelfbreak, and (iii) coupled physical-biological smoothing and dynamics in Massachusetts Bay.

Transfer of uncertainties through physical-acoustical-sonar end-to-end systems: A conceptual basis

Robinson, A.R., P. Abbot, P.F.J. Lermusiaux and L. Dillman, 2002. Transfer of uncertainties through physical-acoustical-sonar end-to-end systems: A conceptual basis. In "Acoustic Variability, 2002:. N.G. Pace and F.B. Jensen (Eds.), SACLANTCEN. Kluwer Academic Press, 603-610.

An interdisciplinary team of scientists is collaborating to enhance the understanding of the uncertainty in the ocean environment, including the sea bottom, and characterize its impact on tactical system performance. To accomplish these goals quantitatively an end-to-end system approach is necessary. The conceptual basis of this approach and the framework of the end-to-end system, including its components, is the subject of this presentation. Specifically, we present a generic approach to characterize variabilities and uncertainties arising from regional scales and processes, construct uncertainty models for a generic sonar system, and transfer uncertainties from the acoustic environment to the sonar and its signal processing. Illustrative examples are presented to highlight recent progress toward the development of the methodology and components of the system.