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IN-BDA Supported Publications
Charous, A. and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2024. Range-Dynamical Low-Rank Split-Step Fourier Method for the Parabolic Wave Equation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 156(4): 2903-2920. doi:10.1121/10.0032470
Ali, W.H., and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2024b. Dynamically Orthogonal Narrow-Angle Parabolic Equations for Stochastic
Underwater Sound Propagation. Part II: Applications. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 155(1), 656-672. doi:10.1121/10.0024474
Ali, W.H., and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2024a. Dynamically Orthogonal Narrow-Angle Parabolic Equations for Stochastic Underwater Sound Propagation. Part I: Theory and Schemes. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 155(1), 640-655. doi:10.1121/10.0024466
Charous, A. and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2024. Stable Rank-adaptive Dynamically Orthogonal Runge-Kutta Schemes. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 46(1), A529-A560. doi:10.1137/22M1534948
Humara, M.J., W.H. Ali, A. Charous, M. Bhabra, and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2022. Stochastic Acoustic Ray Tracing with Dynamically Orthogonal Differential Equations. In: OCEANS '22 IEEE/MTS Hampton Roads, 17–20 October 2022, pp. 1–10. doi:10.1109/OCEANS47191.2022.9977252
Ali, W.H., Y. Gao, C. Foucart, M. Doshi, C. Mirabito, P.J. Haley, and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2022. High-Performance Visualization for Ocean Modeling. In: OCEANS '22 IEEE/MTS Hampton Roads, 17–20 October 2022, pp. 1–10. doi:10.1109/OCEANS47191.2022.9977075
Jana, S., A. Gangopadhyay, P.J. Haley, Jr., and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2022. Sound Speed Variability over Bay of Bengal from Argo Observations (2011-2020). In: OCEANS 2022 Chennai, February 21-24, 2022, pp. 1-8. doi:10.1109/OCEANSChennai45887.2022.9775509
Charous, A. and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2021. Dynamically Orthogonal Differential Equations for Stochastic and Deterministic Reduced-Order Modeling of Ocean Acoustic Wave Propagation. In: OCEANS '21 IEEE/MTS San Diego, 20-23 September 2021, pp. 1-7. doi:10.23919/OCEANS44145.2021.9705914
Lu, P., and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2021. Bayesian Learning of Stochastic Dynamical Models. Physica D 427: 133003. doi:10.1016/j.physd.2021.133003
Pan, Y., P.J. Haley, Jr., and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2021. Interactions of Internal Tides with a Heterogeneous and Rotational Ocean. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 920, A18. doi:10.1017/jfm.2021.423
Kulkarni, C.S., A. Gupta, and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2020. Sparse Regression and Adaptive Feature Generation for the Discovery of Dynamical Systems. In: Darema, F., E. Blasch, S. Ravela, and A. Aved (eds.), Dynamic Data Driven Application Systems. DDDAS 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12312, 208–216. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-61725-7_25
Gupta, A., P.J. Haley, D.N. Subramani, and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2019. Fish Modeling and Bayesian Learning for the Lakshadweep Islands. In: OCEANS '19 MTS/IEEE Seattle, 27-31 October 2019, doi: 10.23919/OCEANS40490.2019.8962892
Lermusiaux, P.F.J., M. Doshi, C.S. Kulkarni, A. Gupta, P.J. Haley, Jr., C. Mirabito, F. Trotta, S.J. Levang, G.R. Flierl, J. Marshall, T. Peacock, and C. Noble, 2019. Plastic Pollution in the Coastal Oceans: Characterization and Modeling. In: OCEANS '19 MTS/IEEE Seattle, 27-31 October 2019, doi: 10.23919/OCEANS40490.2019.8962786
Doshi, M.M., C.S. Kulkarni, W.H. Ali, A. Gupta, P.F.J. Lermusiaux, P. Zhan, I. Hoteit, and O.M. Knio, 2019. Flowmaps and Coherent Sets for Characterizing Residence Times and Connectivity in Lagoons and Coral Reefs: The Case of the Red Sea. In: OCEANS '19 MTS/IEEE Seattle, 27-31 October 2019, doi:10.23919/OCEANS40490.2019.8962643
Ali, W.H., M.S. Bhabra, P.F.J. Lermusiaux, A. March, J.R. Edwards, K. Rimpau, and P. Ryu, 2019. Stochastic Oceanographic-Acoustic Prediction and Bayesian Inversion for Wide Area Ocean Floor Mapping. In: OCEANS '19 MTS/IEEE Seattle, 27-31 October 2019, doi:10.23919/OCEANS40490.2019.8962870
Ali, W.H., M.H. Mirhi, A. Gupta, C.S. Kulkarni, C. Foucart, M.M. Doshi, D.N. Subramani, C. Mirabito, P.J. Haley, Jr., and P.F.J. Lermusiaux, 2019. SeaVizKit: Interactive Maps for Ocean Visualization. In: OCEANS '19 MTS/IEEE Seattle, 27-31 October 2019, doi:10.23919/OCEANS40490.2019.8962794
Doshi, M., 2024. High-Dimensional Optimal Path Planning and Multi-Timescale Lagrangian Data Assimilation in Stochastic Dynamical Ocean Environments. Ph.D. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, May 2024.
Suresh Babu, A.N., 2023. Stochastic Sea Ice Modeling with the Dynamically Orthogonal Equations. SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, September 2023.
Ali, W.H., 2023. Stochastic Dynamically Orthogonal Modeling and Bayesian Learning for Underwater Acoustic Propagation. Ph.D. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Center for Computational Science and Engineering, September 2023.
Saravanakumar, A.K., 2023. Towards Coupled Nonhydrostatic-Hydrostatic Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin Method. SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Computational Science and Engineering, June 2023.
Charous, A., 2023. Dynamical Reduced-Order Models for High-Dimensional Systems. Ph.D. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Center for Computational Science and Engineering, June 2023.
Gupta, A., 2022. Scientific Machine Learning for Dynamical Systems: Theory and Applications to Fluid Flow and Ocean Ecosystem Modeling. Ph.D. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, September 2022.
Bhabra, M.S., 2021. Harvest-Time Optimal Path Planning in Dynamic Flows. SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engineering and Computational Science & Engineering, September 2021.
Gkirgkis, K.A., 2021. Stochastic Ocean Forecasting with the Dynamically Orthogonal Primitive Equations. SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, June 2021.
Charous, A., 2021. High-Order Retractions for Reduced-Order Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification. SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Computational Science and Engineering, February 2021.
Kulkarni, C.S., 2021. Prediction, Analysis, and Learning of Advective Transport in Dynamic Fluid Flows. PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Center for Computational Science and Engineering, February 2021.
Lin, J., 2020. Bayesian Learning for High-Dimensional Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: Methodologies, Numerics and Applications to Fluid Flows. PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, September 2020.
Humara, M.J., 2020. Stochastic Acoustic Ray Tracing with Dynamically Orthogonal Equations. SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Joint Program in Applied Ocean Science and Engineering, May 2020.